Tahleau DA 113 (Static): Mini-Case, Comparing dhldends on noncumulative and cumulative preferred stock LO C2 following Table ind Doshboted ls provided. 1a. Assume that prelerred stock is nonciunulotive and cakculate total dividends poid out to each class of shareholders for each of Yeors t, 2,3 , and 4 and the yeart combined 16. Assume that preferred stock is cumulative and calculate total dividends paid out to each class of sharaholders for sach of Years 1 . 2,3 , and 4 and the years combined. ic. Would potential irvestors favor noncumuletive of cimulstive preferred stock assuming they were priced the same? 2. Why might Adtt want to tatue prelerted stock instead of commion stock? W. Why might an imvestor prefer Adita's preferred stock over its common stock? Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Aswume that preterred stock is cumulative and calculate totat dividends poid out to elach class of shareholders for each of Years 1,2,3, and 4 and the years combined: Ia. Assume thet preferred stock is noncumutotive and cakculate tolal dividends poid out to each class of shareholders for esch of Year 2, 3, and 4 and the yesir combined 16. Assume that preferred stocic is cumulative and calculate total dividends poid out to each class of shareholders for each of Years 1 , 2,3, and 4 and the years combined. le. Would potential irvestors favor noncumulotive or cumulative preferred stock mssuming they were priced the same? 2. Why might Adtit want to itsue preferred stock instead of common stock? W. Why might an imvestor prefer Adiea's prelerred stock over its common stock? Complete this question br antering your answers in the tabs below. Aspume that preferred stock is noncumuladve and calcul total dividends pald out to each dass of shareholders for each of Vears 1,2,3, and 4 and the years combined