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Textbook Book Store Amazon Access 200 52.22 57.34 HTML 4.0 C 52.74 44.47 Designing 39.04 41.48 Service Ma 101.28 73.72 Fundamenta 37.45 42.04 Investment 113.41

Textbook Book Store Amazon Access 200 52.22 57.34 HTML 4.0 C 52.74 44.47 Designing 39.04 41.48 Service Ma 101.28 73.72 Fundamenta 37.45 42.04 Investment 113.41 95.38 Intermedia 109.72 119.8 Real Estate 101.28 62.48 The Automo 29.49 32.43 Geographic 70.07 74.43 Geosystems 83.87 83.81 Understand 23.21 26.48 Early Chil 72.8 73.48 System of 17.41 20.98 Principles 37.72 40.43 Year 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Average salary Median salary Minimum Salary 24.9 10 29.3 12 31.5 12.8 34.1 13.5 36.6 15 40.8 15 44.7 16 52.3 19 74.0 19 97.8 21 121.9 21 146.5 30 196.5 32.5 245.0 33.5 289.0 207.5 35 325.9 229.8 40 369.0 265.8 60 410.5 275 60 402.6 235 62.5 430.7 235 62.5 489.5 280 68 589.5 350.5 100 845.4 412 100 1012.4 392.5 109 1062.8 371.5 109 1154.5 450 109 1094.4 275 109 1101.5 300 122.7 1314.4 400 150 1384.5 427.5 170 1572.3 500 200 1789.6 700 200 1895.6 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COO Practice administrator Managed-care director Clinic manager IT Data Center management IT Internet/Intranet management IT application development General IT management IT Training IT Networking Male 75,592 60,840 44,115 257,000 119,000 95,000 58,000 56,000 63,000 56,300 81,000 105,800 61,500 42,500 32,200 26,650 37,250 34,650 91,186 65,152 58,941 49,015 41,486 36,198 41,800 43,000 40,800 30,150 80,800 83,300 56,400 64,450 52,300 75,133 160,000 135,000 125,000 103,000 93,850 57,000 77,393 50,522 55,173 100,000 75,237 76,636 55,751 93,250 102,500 104,500 101,000 78,000 81,500 Female 68,040 47,013 36,263 188,000 85,000 74,000 53,000 52,000 47,000 40,150 76,250 70,500 57,000 47,250 27,800 26,850 22,250 18,400 82,827 61,993 54,638 45,437 37,503 34,875 37,050 35,050 33,500 22,750 80,500 77,400 55,300 53,000 43,900 67,000 91,000 115,000 130,000 74,500 80,000 52,000 66,591 47,140 45,310 72,032 60,000 55,607 40,175 98,200 97,000 94,000 92,000 70,500 70,000 All IT staff positions Lawyer, private practice Judge Library Science Director Library Science Head, law Library Science Head, medical Library Science Head, reference Reference Librarian Magazine Publishing Editorial Direc Magazine Publishing Editor/executi Magazine Publishing Circulation dir Magazne Publishing Senior Editor Magazine Publishing Managing Edi Magazine Publishing Circulation m Warehouse manager Logistics manager Marketing meeting planner Trade show exhibitor Radiologist Ob/gyn Anesthesiologist Allergist/immunologist Ophthalmologist Dermatologist Emergency MD Internist Pediatrician Family practitioner Nonprofit Org. CEO, executive dire Nonprofit Org. Top administrative p Nonprofit Org.Top finance position Nonprofit Org. Top legal position Nonprofit Org. Top program positio Nonprofit Org. Top technology posit Nurse practitioner Registered nurse Physical therapist Occupational therepist General Office supervisor Secretary Receptionist Chain pharmacist Hospital pharmacist Independent pharmacist Psychologist Public Relations Purchasing Real estate sales Retail store supervisor and propriet Physicist Biologist Chemist - Non PhD Chemist - PhD Social Work CEO 72,000 125,000 78,900 135,495 124,969 105,847 56,981 44,976 107,038 74,795 85,877 69,062 64,212 53,793 66,150 71,100 65,470 55,503 365,783 234,235 248,709 208,047 229,094 227,192 191,170 150,856 150,876 145,779 320,263 167,262 183,160 192,941 158,783 142,935 62,680 44,500 47,150 42,300 35,300 32,400 21,150 73,820 74,106 65,042 67,800 73,000 67,600 44,500 34,750 65,450 43,700 50,650 83,656 90,000 64,367 99,400 53,900 136,422 111,825 97,472 58,463 44,181 105,192 75,714 70,856 60,312 59,773 43,159 58,693 51,300 52,270 46,249 240,982 198,443 195,991 184,000 180,719 176,622 164,055 130,000 126,891 124,610 217,175 135,187 150,292 167,878 136,816 141,293 58,120 39,100 42,600 40,300 26,660 22,500 19,400 74,857 69,907 65,487 63,900 53,000 47,200 29,250 24,250 71,300 34,800 39,700 80,306 80,000 Child protective service worker Other direct service practitioners Television news director Radio news director Travel agent executive Travel agent manager Travel agent frontliner 35,000 34,462 66,000 32,000 40,400 37,100 29,300 28,500 30,987 65,000 29,000 34,200 32,000 28,200 Sales Age Growth 1695713 33.1574 0.8299 3403862 32.6667 0.6619 2710353 35.6553 0.9688 529215.5 33.0728 0.0821 663686.7 35.7585 0.4646 2546324 33.8132 2.1796 2787046 30.9797 1.8048 612696.1 30.7843 -0.0569 891822 32.3164 -0.1577 1124968 32.5312 0.3664 909501 31.44 2.2256 2631167 33.1613 1.5158 882972.7 31.8736 0.1413 1078573 33.4072 -1.04 844320.2 34.047 1.6836 1849119 28.8879 2.3596 3860007 36.1056 0.784 826573.9 32.8083 0.1164 604682.9 33.0538 1.1498 1903612 33.4996 0.0606 2356808 32.6809 1.6338 2788572 28.5166 1.1256 634878.3 32.8945 1.4884 2371627 30.5024 4.7937 2627838 30.2922 1.8922 1868116 31.2911 1.8667 2236797 33.0498 1.7896 1318876 32.9348 0.2707 1868098 31.8381 3.0129 1695219 31.0794 23.463 2700194 32.1807 0.7041 1156050 31.6944 -0.1569 643858.4 34.0263 0.7084 2188687 34.7315 0.1353 830351.9 30.5613 0.3848 1226906 33.5183 0.7417 566903.6 32.3952 0.6693 826518.4 29.9108 0.1111 Income HS College 26748.51 73.5949 17.835 53063.79 88.4557 31.9439 36090.14 73.5362 18.6198 32058.07 79.178 20.6284 47843.42 84.1838 35.2032 50180.97 93.4996 41.7057 30710.08 78.0234 28.025 29141.7 70.2949 15.0882 25980.15 70.6674 10.9829 18730.88 63.7395 13.2458 31109.23 76.9059 19.55 35614.12 82.9452 20.8135 23038.43 65.2127 16.9796 34531.72 73.4944 32.992 30350.36 80.2201 22.3185 38964.94 87.5973 24.567 49392.77 85.3041 30.879 25595.69 65.5884 17.4545 29622.61 80.6176 18.6356 31586.1 80.379 38.3249 39674.56 79.8526 23.778 28878.98 81.2371 16.93 24287.08 70.2244 19.1429 46711.24 87.1046 30.8843 33449.81 80.2057 26.557 31694.45 75.2914 28.36 25459.22 77.6162 19.249 47047.34 85.1753 35.4994 26433.24 74.1792 18.6375 33396.66 81.6991 41.113 26179.36 73.414 17.8566 33454.64 73.7161 26.5426 42271.5 78.6493 29.8734 46514.75 80.9503 24.5374 27030.81 66.8057 14.139 42910.08 77.8905 20.834 40561.4 79.3622 19.0309 22325.96 58.361 10.6729

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