The Federal Reserve's Regulation Q set maximum interest rates banks could charge on loans. set maximum interest rates banks could pay on deposits. set minimum interest rates banks could pay on deposits. discouraged disintermediation. With the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. member banks of the Federat Reserve System were required to purchase FDiC insurance for their depositors, while nonunember commercial banks could choose to buy deposit insurance. both member and nonmember banks of the Federal Reserve System could choose, but were not required, to purchase FDIC insurance for their depositors. both member and nonmember banks of the Federal Reserve System were required to purchase FDIC insurance for their depositors. member banks of the Federal Reserve System were given the option to purchase FDic insurance for their depositors, while nonmember commercial banks were required to buy deposit insurance. The Federal Reserve's Regulation Q set maximum interest rates banks could charge on loans. set maximum interest rates banks could pay on deposits. set minimum interest rates banks could pay on deposits. discouraged disintermediation. With the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. member banks of the Federat Reserve System were required to purchase FDiC insurance for their depositors, while nonunember commercial banks could choose to buy deposit insurance. both member and nonmember banks of the Federal Reserve System could choose, but were not required, to purchase FDIC insurance for their depositors. both member and nonmember banks of the Federal Reserve System were required to purchase FDIC insurance for their depositors. member banks of the Federal Reserve System were given the option to purchase FDic insurance for their depositors, while nonmember commercial banks were required to buy deposit insurance