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The file P 0 2 _ 0 3 . xlax contsins date from a sunvey of 3 9 9 people regerding a govemment environmentsl policy.
The file P xlax contsins date from a sunvey of people regerding a govemment environmentsl policy. Which of the verisble: in this dats set are categorical? Which of
these are nominst; which are ordinal? For each categorical varibble, creste a column chart of counts. Recode the data into a new date set, making four transfometions:
chenge Gender to list "Male" or Femsle"; chenge Children to list No children" or At lesst one child"; chenge Selary to be categorical with categories "Less then SK
Between $K and $K "Between $K and $K and "Greater than $Kwhere you can treat the bresipoints however you like; and change Opinion to be a
numeric code from to for Strongly Diagree to Strongly Agree. Then create a column chart of count: for the new Selsry verisble Person Age Gender State Children Selsry
Opinion Young Califomis Agres Young Texes S Neutral Young lllinois Strongly dissgree Young Califomis S Strongly
dissgres Young Virginis S Strongly disegree Young Calfomis $ Strongly dissgres Young Arizone $ Strongly diasgree Young Virginis
$ Neutrel Young New York $ Dissgree Young Arizone $ Diasgree Young Virginis $ Strongly sgree Young Arizona $
Agree Bo Young Floride SB Agree B Young Ohio S Neutral Young Virginis SB Strongly sgree Young Celifornis S Strongly diaggree
Young Chio $ Neutral Young Arizone $ Strongly agree Young New York $ Neutral Young Virginia $ Disegree
Young Ohio $ Agree Young Floride $ Disegree Young Colfomia $ Neutrel Young Florids $ Strongly dissgree Young
Floride $ Agree Young Ohio $ Neutral Young Texs: $ Strongly agree Young Ohio $ Neutral Young Michigen $
Agree Young Ohio $ Disegree Young Virginis St Agree Young Californis $ BB Strongly diasgree Young New York S
Neutral Young Minnesote $ Neutral Young Calfomia $ Strongly disagree Young Arizone $ Strongly sree Young Floride $
Agres Young Arizons $ Strongly sgree Young Miehigsn $ Strongly dissgree Young lllinois S Strongly disegree Young
Michigen $ S Strongly disegres Young Ohio $ Strongly agree Young New York $ Strongly sgree Young Michigen $B S Strongly
sgres Young Floride $ Strongly disegree Young Virginie $ Strongly disegree Young Californis $ Strongly egree Young
California $ Strongly sgree Young New York $ Strongly sgres Young Arizons SB Strongly sgree Young Mikhigsn S Agree
Young Virginia $ Dissgres Young Arizons $ Agree Young Texes $ Disegree Young Arizone $ B Disegree Young Virginis
Agree Young New York $ Strongly dasgree Young Ohio $ Agree Young Virginis $ Strongly sgree Young Texs: $
Dissgres Young Arizons S Dissgree Young Arizons S Agres Young Virginis $ Neutral Young Florids S Disagree
Young Minnesots $ Strongly sgres Young Florids $ Strongly diasgree Young Arizone $ Strongly diasgree Middle eged Texs: $
Strongly diasgree Midale sged llincis S
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