The Gantt Chart portion of the template is a graph that depicts both the planned days and actual days spent on each activity. This chart is used to monitor the implementation of the activities. The Gantt Chart will automatically populate when you enter planned or actual days spent on each activity. The Gantt Chart will automatically select the colours in the graph to show the planned days for an activity, actual days spent on an activity (within the planned timeframe) and actual days spent on an activity (outside of the planned timeframe). Step 1: Determine all required activities to complete the professional development task. Assess each activity's priority and determine a logical order for the completion of each activity. When determining the priority and order of activities, ensure that you consider if any activities cannot be started until a previous activity has been completed. Enter each activity in the order that you plan to undertake the tasks into the Work Plan column titled "1. Describe the activity". Step 2: Identify what day you plan to start the activity. The days are numbered 1 - 30, representing 30 consecutive calendar days. You must identify what day you will be commencing each activity. For example, if an activity is to be completed on the fifth day of the project, you would write the number 5 as the day you are planning to start the activity. Write this number in the 2. What day are you planning to start the activity?' column. Once you have done this, the Gantt Chart will update to show a shaded area for the day that the activity is scheduled to start. Step 3: Identify how many days you plan to spend on the activity and enter this into the '3. How many days have you planned to spend on the activity?' column For example, enter the number 'S' in this column if the activity takes three days to complete. The Gantt Chart portion of the template will automatically update to show how many days you have scheduled to complete each activity