The goal for Lab8a is to use the provided Student class and create an array of Student objects that is stored in a School object. This program uses a Student class that is provided and shown below. The class is placed in its own separate file and should not be altered. file 6 1 // 2 // Used by the Lab8a and Lab8b Assignments. 3 4 public class Student 5 private String name; 7 private int age; 8 private double gpa; 9 10 public Student (String n, int a, double g) 11 12 name = n; 13 age - a; 14 gpa = 8; 15 > 16 17 public String getName() { return name; } 18 public int getAge() { return age; } 19 public double getGPA() { return gpa; } 20 21 public String toString() 22 { 23 String temp = name + + age + + gpa + " "; 24 return temp; 25 > 26 ) Student Starting File The file is shown below. You will not see the Student class here. There is evidence that the Student class is used, as you see in line 17, but the class is separate in its own file, which is better Object Oriented Design. This program takes data that you need to place in the addData method in three separate initializer lists called: names, ages and gpas. The data shows in the output 3 *); 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Student Starting File 1 // 2 // This is the student starting file of Lab8a. 4 public class Lab8avst 5 { public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println("Lab8avies by int size = 10; School bhs = new School(size); System.out.println(bhs); } 13} 14 15 class School 16 { 17 private Student[] students; 18 private int size; public School (int s) { /* To Be Completed / ) public void addData() { /* To Be Completed */ } 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ) public String toString() { /* To Be Completed / } 100 Point Version Specifics and Output There is only a 100-Point version. This program will continue with the Lab8b program that performs some data processing on the Student records. For Lab8a 10 Student objects need to be constructed and placed in a students array, which is stored in a School object. The actual data used in the Student objects can be seen by the output below. This program requires the completion of the School constructor. It also requires the completion of the addData method. This method does a lot. First you need to create three initializer lists for names, ages and gpas. These arrays are only used to create the students array, which is not an array of three arrays, but a students array of Student objects. Finally, you need to complete the toString method so that it will display the contents of the students array, as it is shown below in the program output example. Lab8 100 Point Output ---GRASP exec: java Lab8av100 Tom 21 1.685 Ann 34 3.875 Bob 18 2.5 Jan 45 4.0 Joe 27 2.975 Sue 19 3.225 Jay 30 3.65 Meg 38 2.0 Art 40 3.999 Deb 35 2.125