The HTML form tag calls the create.php code to the right, can anyone see a reason the php to the right might fail. The values of include are not shown but are defined correctly, I've double checked and my m8 has double checked. Can you see anything in the php code to the right that might cause an error 500? Using myphpAdmin for my database, and I have checked the file premissions.
button right:0: font-ueight:100; letter-spaci rst 2; font-size: 20px 16 colort HO0ODOD paddirg 15px 32px text-align; center: text-decoration: none: displayt inline-block font-sizet 15p nergan: 4px 2P cursor: pointer: float: center; position: relative 19 istylex 32 px Klabel for:'sUsernaneUsernane:/label> input type-''text. nane-..sUsernare.. 1de,sUsernare'> 8 Ustyle 30 head 32?php label fors sFirstNave First Nave:input type="text. nane-"aFiretlane' 1de'sFirstNane"> 42 /P 43 p> include connectver sEECS,php'/7 User credentials
type="text, nane-..aLastNare" id="sLastNane"> 34 35 36 37 46 P 47 P F(conn) die("Could not mysql_error()): label for'sEnailEnail:/label input type-,'text. nane-"stnal. de'sErail connect: 39 / Escape is used for irput security 50 P> ssOSU-ID : rysqli-real-escape-string(sconn, ,POST["sOSU-101): slUserNene ysqli real escape string(Sconn. POSTE'slUserNone'1): Sslane sqlreal escape_string(Sconn, 1POSTC'sNane']): sPassuord vysqli real_escape string(Sconn, FOSTL sPaesuord']) label fors'sPassuord Passuord:label> input type "passuord nanes"sPassword" id- "sPassuord 54 55 43 5 Tries to insert the query label Fors'sge"Age:/label> Ssalt rand( 10000,90000:/Crestes a randon salt ssPsuord ,- (string) isalt echo " saltPassuord; 18 49 9 query INSERT INTO Project Users (OSU.ID, Usernane, Student Nane, Passord, salt) VALUES Kirput types 'subnit" value-"Back> 63 Pfor E4 div clase- restrlction font-fanily:apple-systen> 65 PUsernane can be no longer than 20V 6 div> (nyeqli query sconn, squery)H echoUser Created. elsei bod echo ERROR: nysql1 error(tconn) 68 create.php" 63L. 1694c 'signUp.php.. 63L, 1654C uritten button right:0: font-ueight:100; letter-spaci rst 2; font-size: 20px 16 colort HO0ODOD paddirg 15px 32px text-align; center: text-decoration: none: displayt inline-block font-sizet 15p nergan: 4px 2P cursor: pointer: float: center; position: relative 19 istylex 32 px Klabel for:'sUsernaneUsernane:/label> input type-''text. nane-..sUsernare.. 1de,sUsernare'> 8 Ustyle 30 head 32?php label fors sFirstNave First Nave:input type="text. nane-"aFiretlane' 1de'sFirstNane"> 42 /P 43 p> include connectver sEECS,php'/7 User credentials type="text, nane-..aLastNare" id="sLastNane"> 34 35 36 37 46 P 47 P F(conn) die("Could not mysql_error()): label for'sEnailEnail:/label input type-,'text. nane-"stnal. de'sErail connect: 39 / Escape is used for irput security 50 P> ssOSU-ID : rysqli-real-escape-string(sconn, ,POST["sOSU-101): slUserNene ysqli real escape string(Sconn. POSTE'slUserNone'1): Sslane sqlreal escape_string(Sconn, 1POSTC'sNane']): sPassuord vysqli real_escape string(Sconn, FOSTL sPaesuord']) label fors'sPassuord Passuord:label> input type "passuord nanes"sPassword" id- "sPassuord 54 55 43 5 Tries to insert the query label Fors'sge"Age:/label> Ssalt rand( 10000,90000:/Crestes a randon salt ssPsuord ,- (string) isalt echo " saltPassuord; 18 49 9 query INSERT INTO Project Users (OSU.ID, Usernane, Student Nane, Passord, salt) VALUES Kirput types 'subnit" value-"Back> 63 Pfor E4 div clase- restrlction font-fanily:apple-systen> 65 PUsernane can be no longer than 20V 6 div> (nyeqli query sconn, squery)H echoUser Created. elsei bod echo ERROR: nysql1 error(tconn) 68 create.php" 63L. 1694c 'signUp.php.. 63L, 1654C uritten