The purpose of this lab is to help reinforce container class concepts in C++. Specifically, the lab is to implement the sequence class from chapter 3. You should use the author's header file sequencel.h and the author's test program (sequence_exam.cpp) You are provided with a partially implemented file sequence1.cpp. Please implement the following the header file for this class. void advance0 void attach const value_type& entry) void remove currentO Move all files to the cloudland server and compile them using the following command g+ sequence_exam.cpp sequencel.cpp -o sequencel The purpose of this lab is to help reinforce container class concepts in C++. Specifically, you will be repeating the lab from last week except you will be using a dynamic array for the sequence class. Note that there is no upper bound on the sequence exam2.cpp. This Lab assignment requires you to implement all functions for this sequence class. Refer to bag2.h, bag2.cxx and sequencel.cpp (implemented in your previous lab) to get an idea of how to work on this lab. Move all files to the cloudland server and compile them using the following command: ngt span um2.cpp squomec.sqp sqpoc The purpose of this lab is to help reinforce container class concepts in C++. Specifically, the lab is to implement the sequence class from chapter 3. You should use the author's header file sequencel.h and the author's test program (sequence_exam.cpp) You are provided with a partially implemented file sequence1.cpp. Please implement the following the header file for this class. void advance0 void attach const value_type& entry) void remove currentO Move all files to the cloudland server and compile them using the following command g+ sequence_exam.cpp sequencel.cpp -o sequencel The purpose of this lab is to help reinforce container class concepts in C++. Specifically, you will be repeating the lab from last week except you will be using a dynamic array for the sequence class. Note that there is no upper bound on the sequence exam2.cpp. This Lab assignment requires you to implement all functions for this sequence class. Refer to bag2.h, bag2.cxx and sequencel.cpp (implemented in your previous lab) to get an idea of how to work on this lab. Move all files to the cloudland server and compile them using the following command: ngt span um2.cpp squomec.sqp sqpoc