The Sowa Wolves is scheduled to play against the Maine Red Claws in an upcoming garae in the Nabional Baskethall Associabon (NEA) G League, Because a player in the N League is still developing his sloils, the number of points he scores in a game can vary substantially. Assume that each player's point production can be represented as ant integer uniform random variable with the ranges provided in the following table. (i) Develiop a mocel that tirnulates the points icared by each tearn and the walference in their paint totals. JowaWolvesTotalPoints=ofPointsScceedbyEachPlayerManefiedclawsTotalPoints=:ofpointsScoredbyEachPlayerPointDiffertintial=IowaWolvesTetalPointsMaineRedClarwsTotalfoints. (b) What are the averape and standard devation of points scored by the fowa Wolves? (Use at least.1,000) trials, Round your answers to two decimal places.) arverage point? standard deviabon peints What is the shape of the ifistnbution of points scored by the Ioiva Wolves? skewed heavily to the right thewed heavey to the lett roughly aymmettic (c) What are the average and standard deyistion of points scored by the Maine Rind Claws? \{Round your answern to two decimal placest) Werage ttandard thtiation What withe shaps of the dietrivition ch points scored by the Maine Red Claws? thiswerd he wily to the right whened heavily fo the let resighy symmetric (d) What is the average petit differential betheen the Jowa Wolves and Maine Red Clawa? (found vour answer to two decimal places.) polinta Whet is the standard devation of the point diferential? (Round your answas to two decintal plices.) (i) The coach of the fowa Wolves feels that they are the underdeg and is consideting a riskier game strategy. The elfect of this strategy is that the range of each Wolves player's point production increases symmetrically to that the new raige is (0, original upper bound + original fower bound ). For oxample, Wolves player 1 's range with the cipcy strategy is [0,25]. Kaw does the new strategy alfect the averoge and standard deviation of the Wolves point total? (Use at least 1,000 triali. Found Your antwers to two decimal places.) werage gicints staridard deviation points Hon does that alfect the probability of the lowa Wolves scoring more points than the Maine Red Claws? (Round your answer to three decimal places.)