There was a massive upsurge in persons working from home as the global pandemic surged throughout 2020 and 2021. In the latter part of 2022 , the global pandemic is now waning and reports indicate fatalities are at an all time low. Consequently, many activities which were on hold such as entertainment and tourism have resumed full swing and many persons are now back at work in a face-to-face environment. Xenon Corporation, however, is wary of a similar pandemic recurring and has experienced massive savings in overhead costs with employees working from home. The company has come up with a plan to subsidize and provide loan arrangements for some key employees to construct a small home office to facilitate work from home in an environment that minimizes disruptions and maximizes the concentration of employees. As one of these key employees you have been advised that to qualify for this subsidy you must take on the planning of this project to construct a home office and meet some key deliverables Guidelines This proposal is a summary document that contains essential information to communicate project objectives, team structure and stakeholders, tasks, deliverables, timing, and management/communication procedures. This document should, at a minimum include the following items and topics: 1. Table of content 2. Project Definition i. Name of project ii. A description of the project (should define the major aspects of the project; why the project is undertaken). ii. Project stakeholders, teams, and project organization (identify and state the role of stakeholder organizations and teams) w Summary of project objectives (these should be smart), tasks, and deliverables . Major milestones - key achievements that will be used to monitor progress and celebrate successes throughout the life of the project 3. Project Planning und implementation , Outline the project scope . Prepare a project budges (a summary of main budget items witl be okay) i. Prepure a Gantt chat - List at least TEN (10) major activities to be undertaken over the life of the peojoct. Break down the activities into work packages. Use the information to create the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the projoct. Create your own eategory name as. requirsd. - Develop a responsibility matrix that should be linked to the WBS. It should cleatly show the assignment of each task. vi List activities to be completed along with optimistic, pessimistic, and most probable times. *i. Determine predecesor relationelip between activities sin Consaruct a PERT/CPM diagram showing carly and late times and expected project completion time. The diagram should inclade both consecutive and conctirnet activities. - Identify major risks that will be associated with the project. Each risk shoald be linked to the project activities. Prionitise the risks using a Probability Impact Risk Assessment Matrix and develop a comprehensive risk mitigation plan. Addicianal lefiormation . This is a group assignment, Groups ML SI consist of a minimum of three (3) students and a naximum of five (5) sudents. whete a group member has NOI contributed to the project hisher name sbould VOT be included on the cover shoct. i. A projeet managemsnt report MIIST be submitted with the project which mast CLEARLY indicate dates, duration, members present and places of AL.L. group meetings. It mest also indicate specific tasks assigned to group members and wlat was contributed by each member. w This assignment MUST be typed, Using Times New Roman fout with a foni size of 12 . . It is strongly suggested that the document be organised with numbered beadings and subheadings as applicable u. Fighres used sbould be reasonable and realistic. w. The total word count should be in the 4500 to 7000 range. As is the case for all written assignments, the word count is a target to give you an idea about the level of detail expected. As a general rule, it is best to keep it concise and as brief as possble while still covering the necescary topies. No points will be dedacted for sabmittals if they exceed the maximum word count by a small amouist. This assignment is worth 60 points and represents 20%6 of your final grade. The grading appeoach is explained in the rubric table