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This assessment task requires you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required tolead the process for addressing complex workplaceissueup to the point of implementation. During

This assessment task requires you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required tolead the process for addressing complex workplaceissueup to the point of implementation.

During the above, the candidate must:

Identify task objectives and risks involved with pursuing the identified problem

Research legislative frameworks and applicable frameworks for the identified problem

Calculatetheresources required for the solution development process

Facilitate others in idea generation for possible solutions

Presenttheproposed solution to key stakeholders

Use feedback to revise solution to achieve stakeholder approval

Seek necessary approvals for the implementation of the solution.

To do so, you are required to complete the following activities:

Activity 1:Scope problem-solving process

Activity 2:Lead solution development process

Activity 3:Refine solution for implementation

During the completion of these activities, you are required to demonstrate the following skills:

Skills toevaluateown performance to identify opportunities for improvement

Skills tomake a range of critical and non-criticaldecisionin relatively complex situations, taking a range of constraints into account

Skills tointerpret,analyzeand present numeric and financial information to identify patterns and trends

Skills toidentifyand articulate ideas and requirements clearly and persuasively using techniques appropriate totheaudience and environment

Skills toparticipate in a verbal exchange of ideas and elicit the views and opinions of others by listening and questioning

Skills togather, interpret andanalyzetextual information when developing the proposal and monitoring operational performance

Skills tocommunicaterelationships between ideas and information, matching style of writing to purpose and audience

Skills tosystematicallygather andanalyzeall relevant information andevaluatesoptions in order to monitor performance and identify opportunities for improvement

Skills touse themain features and functions of digital tools to complete work tasks and access information

The roles and their responsibilities: Relationships with stakeholders such as team members and Manager

The assessment task requires you to communicate witha number oforganizationalstakeholders. The main roles applicable to the assessment taskincludes:

Role number 1: Manager:The Manager is the individual who supervises oris in charge oftheorganization. They belong to a higher rank or status. Their job role and responsibilities are:

Assign a team to you to complete the project.

Assist you in understanding the task requirements.

Provide you with information about job roles and responsibilities.

Supervise you in completing the assessment task and requirements.

Review and assess student/candidate performance and provide them with constructive feedback, as necessary.

Role number 2: Team members (HSC committee):The Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) are student's co-workeror workfellow. They are associates thatthe candidate works with. Their job role and responsibilities are:

Participate in ideation session and provide suggestions regarding solutions to the complex problem.

Participate in a healthy and open discussion.

Communicate and collaborate with you fortherequired assessment activity.


The trainer/assessor will take on the role of Manager.

The trainer/assessor will assign Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) to the student for each activity.

Each student will be assessed individually for all assessment activities.

Timeframe to complete the project:

Two weeks (You have two weeks to complete the project)

Task requirements

You will be assessed on your technical knowledge and skills to complete this project.

You will be assessed on working in a team environment and meeting your job role and responsibilities.

You must follow the instructions provided by the Manager.

All individuals must complete their role and assigned responsibilities and meet the specified deadlines.

The task must be completedinthe specified timeframe.

Activity 1: Scope problem-solving process

This activity requires you to scope the problem-solving process for the complex workplace issues given in the case study.

You must document the scope problem-solving process using'Template 1'provided.

To do so, you are required to:

Identify complexissuefor resolution within the scope of the job role.

Identify and documenttask objectives and risks involved in pursuingtheidentified issue.

Researchand documentlegislative frameworks andorganizationalpolicy or procedures applicable totheidentified issue.

Calculate resources required forthesolution development processbased on the issue identified, constraints given in the case study and legislative requirements.

Complete 'Template 1: Problem-solving process'.

E-mail and present the scope problem-solving process (Template 1) to theHealth and Safety Representatives (HSRs). Follow the e-mail guidelines provided below.

  1. Ensure the text written in the e-mail is grammatically correct and free of errors.
  2. Use business style writing.
  3. Write an appropriate subject line.
  4. The text must provide a summary of the attachment.
  5. Attach'Template 1: Problem-solving process'to the e-mail.

Activity 2: Lead solution development process

This activity requires you to lead the solution development process.

To do so, you are required to complete the following two (2) parts:

Part A: Lead ideation session with theHealth and Safety Representatives (HSRs)

Part B: Prepare a brief onproposesolution

Part A: Lead ideation session with the Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs)

This part of the activity requires you to lead an ideation session with the five (5)Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs).

Note:The trainer/assessor will allocate the five (5)Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs)to the student. TheHealth and Safety Representatives (HSRs)can be staff members or students.

Roles and responsibilities during the ideation session:

During the ideation session, you will be required to use the following creative thinking techniques to generate and formulate solutions:


Six Thinking Hats

For the ideation session, there will be six (6) participants, including you.

You will wear a "Green Hat". Youwill put forward proposals, suggestions or ideasto resolve the complex workplace issue identified.

Each team member will put on a differentcolorhat and discuss ideas or put forward questions.

The trainer/assessor will allocate differentcoloredhats to theHealth and Safety Representatives (HSRs).

The trainer/assessor must ensure that theHealth and Safety Representatives (HSRs)are clear about their roles before the discussion.

Followingare the differentcoloredhats and their roles:

White hat: Facts

Looking at the situation objectively

The white hatwill focus on current information and discussfurther informationrequirements.

Green Hat: Creativity

Looking at the situation creatively

The green hatwillrepresent creative thinking and the generation of new ideas.The Green Hat will put forwardproposals, suggestionsor ideas.

Yellow Hat: Benefits

Looking at the situation positively

The yellow hatwilllook for benefits andencouragesa positive way of thinking even for people who are always critical.

Black Hat: Risks

Looking at the situation negatively

The black hat relates to caution and is used for critical judgement.The black hat will focus onpreventingmistakes.

Blue Hat: ProcessThisbluehatwillask for summaries, conclusions and decisions.The blue hat will managethe thinking process, allowing for better synergy between theother thinking hats' thought patterns and habits.

Red Hat: Feelings

Looking at the situation emotionally

The red hatwill look at the situationwith feeling, intuition and emotion. Itwillallow people to put forward feelings without justification or prejudice.

During the ideation session, you are required to demonstrate skills to:

Facilitate ideation session

Identifies and articulates ideas and requirements clearly and persuasively using techniques appropriate totheaudience and environment

Participates in a verbal exchange of ideas and elicits the views and opinions of others by listening and questioning

Evaluate formulated solutions for advantages and limitations using critical thinking techniques

Apply decision-making processes to selectthemost viable solution

To conduct the ideation session, you are required to:

Discuss and consult with theHealth and Safety Representatives (HSRs)on the complex workplace issue.

Put forward proposals, suggestions or ideas to resolve the complex workplace issue.

Brainstorm ideas with theHealth and Safety Representatives (HSRs).Facilitatethemin idea generation for possible solutions.

Evaluateformulated solutions for advantages and limitations using critical thinking techniques(Six Thinking Hats).

Apply decision-making processes to selectthemost viable solution

After the ideation session, you are required to document the following using 'Template 2':

Ideas or solutions discussed to resolve the complex workplace issue.

Advantages and limitationsof formulated solutions or ideas.

Most viable solutionand basis for selection.

What decision-making processes were used to select the most viable solution?

How did youensuredthat youarticulate ideas and requirements clearly and persuasively using techniques appropriate totheaudience and environment?

What questioning and listening skills did youappliedtoelicit the views and opinions of others?

Part B: Prepare a brief onproposesolution


As per theorganizationalpolicy, a brief on the proposed solution is to be prepared using the pre-existingorganizationaltemplate and should be sent via e-mail to the Manager and Supervisor.


This part of the activity is a continuation of part A.

This part of the activity requires you to prepare abrief ontheproposed solutionusing 'Template 3'according toorganizationalpolicy and presentittothe Manager andHealth and Safety Representatives (HSRs).

Note:The trainer/assessor willbe the Manager and provide his e-mail address. The trainer/assessor will further provide the student with the e-mail addresses of theHealth and Safety Representatives (HSRs).

The brief of the proposed solution must be 300-400 words in length and include the following:

Purpose- A statement of the problem or issue in one or two lines, explaining clearly the purpose of the briefing.

Main body-Information on theproposed solution and reason for selection of the solution. The information given should be concise, factual, clear, substantiated and unbiased.

Conclusion/Recommendations- Thissummarieswhat you've already said, and no new details should be included. The conclusionshould leave aclear message to the readerandwhere applicable, guidance about how to proceed.

After preparing the brief of the proposed solution using 'Template 3', you must e-mail the proposed solution to the Manager and Supervisor.

Follow the guidelines provided below when writing e-mails.

Ensure the text written in the e-mail is grammatically correct and free of errors.

Use business style writing.

Write an appropriate subject line.

The text must provide a summary of the attachmentand a request for feedback.

Attach 'Template3: Brief ontheproposed solution'to the e-mail.

Activity 3: Refine solution for implementation

This activity is a continuation of Activity 2.

This activity requires you to gather feedback regarding the proposed solution and refine solutions for implementation.

To do so, you are required to complete the following three (3) parts:

Part A: Develop a feedback register

Part B: Refine proposal based on the analysis of feedback received.

Part C:Seekthenecessary approvals to implementthesolution.

Part A: Develop a feedback register

This part of the activity requires you to develop a feedback register to systematically record the feedback.

The feedback register must be developed using MS-Word and must follow theorganizationalrequirements.

As per theorganizationalrequirements, the feedback register must include the following details:

Issue no.

Description (what is the feedback, concern, opinion or advice provided)

Raised by (name of person or group)

Actionsprogress notes (e.g.arrange a meeting to discuss, no action required, feedback accepted and implemented)

Status (pending / complete)

Date resolved

Part B: Refine proposal based on the analysis of feedback received.

This part of the activity requires you to gather and refine the proposal based on the analysis of feedback received.

To do so, you are required to:

Confirm with the trainer/assessor the feedback received in the e-mail (Activity 2 - Part B)

Record the feedback using 'Feedback Register' developed in part A of this activity.

Refine proposal prepared inActivity 2 - Part B.

Part C: Seekthenecessary approvals to implementthesolution.

This part of the activity is a continuation of Part B of this activity.

This part of the activity requires you to seek thenecessary approvals to implementthesolution.

To do so, you are required to:

E-mail the proposal refined in part B of this Activity to the Manager (Trainer/assessor) andrequest fornecessary approvals for the implementation of the solution.

Follow the guidelines provided below when writing e-mails.

Ensure the text written in the e-mail is grammatically correct and free of errors.

Use business style writing.

Write an appropriate subject line.

The text must provide a summary ofchanges made to the proposal and request for implementation of theproposesolution.

Attach 'Refined proposal'to the e-mail.

Activity 1

Template 1: Scope problem-solving process

Scope problem-solving process (600 words)
Complex issue for resolution (100 word)

Task objectives and risks involved in pursuing the identified issue (150word)

Legislative frameworks andorganizationalpolicy or procedures applicable to the identified issue (200word)

Resources required for the solution development process (150word)

Activity 2

Template 2: Outcomes of the ideation session

Outcomes of the ideation session
Ideas or solutions discussed to resolve the complex workplace issue (Any three)

Advantages and limitations of formulated solutions or ideas (100 words for each of the three formulated solutions or ideas)

Most viable solution and basis for selection (150 words)

What decision-making processes were used to selectthemost viable solution?

How did youensuredthat you articulate ideas and requirements clearly and persuasively using techniques appropriate totheaudience and environment?

What questioning and listening skills did youappliedto elicit the views and opinions of others?

Activity 3

Template 3: Brief ontheproposed solution

Brief ontheproposed solution(400 words)
Purpose- A statement of the problem or issue in one or two lines, explaining clearly the purpose of the briefing

Main body-Information on theproposed solution and reason for selection of the solution. The information given should be concise, factual, clear, substantiated and unbiased.

Conclusion/Recommendations- Thissummarizeswhat you've already said, and no new details should be included. The conclusionshould leave aclear message to the reader and,where applicable, guidance about how to proceed

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Reason: Although sitting requires less muscular effort than standing, it still causes physical fatigue (tiredness), and you need to hold parts of your body steady for long periods of time. This reduces the circulation of blood to your muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments, sometimes leading to stiffness and pain. If a workstation is not set up properly, these steady positions can put even greater stress on your muscles and joints. -y ruse injuries of . r arr Pain, swelling, stiffness of the joints, weakness and numbness due to overuse of computers and long working hours. This is known as 'overuse injury' and typically occurs in the elbow, wrist or hand of computer users. Evestrain from computer use Focusing your eyes at the same distance point for long periods of time caused fatigue. The human eye structurally prefers to look at objects more than six metres away, so any work performed close up puts extra demands on your eye muscles. The illuminated computer screen also caused eye fatigue. The workers have blurred vision, temporary inability to focus on faraway objects and headaches. Feet posture Some employees were observed sitting with their legs not touching the floor or crossed beneath the chair. This position can place a high amount of stress on the popliteal arch that runs through the thigh and knee underside and can result in serious discomfort and injury. There should also be room under the desk to extend the legs and feet comfortably. Many workstations used the space beneath the desk for storage of files, printer paper and other office supplies. This has caused the employees to tuck their legs and feet under the chair, which could eventually lead to the problems mentioned above. Keyboard and Mouse Arrangement The keyboards at many of the workstations were at the incorrect height for the user. The result was ulnar deviation and flexion of the wrists. The hands and wrists' use in these deviated postures places a large amount of stress on the hands and wrists' tendons and nerves. Unit Code: BSBCRT611 Page 28 0f 62 Improper keyboard position can lead to such cumulative trauma disorders as tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. These disorders are caused by injury to the tendons and the median nerve at the point where they pass through the carpal tunnel of the wrist. In all of the workstations, the mouse was placed too far to the right of the user. This caused a large amount of stress on the arm, shoulder and neck. As the user reached to the side to grasp the mouse, the arm became abducted, placing significant strain on the shoulders and neck. Desk Height Incorrect desk height was a problem found at many of the workstations. Desk height refers to the desk that the computer is on as well as any desk used for writing and other activities. The desk should be at the correct height to allow the user to position his hands, wrists and arms in a neutral position. Improper desk height can cause arm abduction and flexion or extension of the wrists. It is also important that all work surfaces used by the employee are the same height. This will allow the chair to be adjusted at a height that will promote proper sitting posture at both desks. Screen Glare Screen glare was a significant problem for many of the users in this facility. This glare can cause eyestrain and headaches. To reduce glare, the monitor should be placed so that the screen is flat (ot tilted) and directly in front of the user. Tilting the screen up or down can increase the glare on the screen and can also contribute to improper head and neck posture. Reason for the complex issue The management has identified that most of the injuries were due to a lack of knowledge of desktop ergonomics. They have requested the Health and Safety Committee (HSC) to look into the issue and come up with a viable solution. The following are the task objectives: To consult with the Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) to identify viable solutions to the problem. Assess the advantages and limitations in the development of formulated solutions and select the most viable solution based on the evaluation conducted. Ensure the developed solutions meet the constraints specified. Constrs ts + The management has allocated a budget of $5,000 to resolve the issues. Timeframe for the implementation of the solution is three months. Unit Code: BSBCRT611 Page 29.0f 62 Your team members and your role You are working as a Work Health and Safety Officer in the Health and Safety Committee (HSC). You have five (5) Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) in the Health and Safety Committee (HSC). As part of your job role, you have the following job responsi es: Identify complex issue for resolution within the scope of job role and in consultation with relevant stakeholders Document task objectives and risks involved in pursuing the identified issue Research legislative frameworks and organisational policy or procedures applicable to the identified issue Calculate the resources required for the solution development process Facilitate ideation session with relevant stakeholders and facilitate others in idea generation for possible solutions Evaluate formulated solutions for advantages and limitations using c apply decision-making processes to select the most viable solution ical t ing techniques and Prepare a brief on the proposed solution according to organisational policy and present to key stakeholders and present the proposed solution to key stakeholders Develop a feedback register and systematically record feedback according to organisational requirements, Refine proposal based on analysis of feedback and seek necessary approvals to implement the solution SBCRT611 Page 300f 62

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