"Tm interested" Bill said. "Tell you what. Put your finance staff on it ower the weekend and tave them work up the proposal formally. Get the legat and accounting people to help you too. In the meantime, Stary tip off the news meda that we will have an announcement of cur own shortly and dratt up a public notice for A-1's shares at $17 each. Don't release it yet, but be ready to on Monday. Oh, and be sure to inchude in it that 1 said the deal will not cause any dilution of National's EPS. One last thingt Doris, draft an cpen letter to our shareholders for my signature, explaining whats happening and reassuring them that we will keep their compary intact and prospercus," "Ary questions? If not, let's get on it, Mr, OBrien is about to get a surprise!' QUESTION: If A-1 raises the money by issuing new shares of its stock, what will A-1's EPS be after the purchase is complete and the earnings are combined? "Tm interested" Bill said. "Tell you what. Put your finance staff on it ower the weekend and tave them work up the proposal formally. Get the legat and accounting people to help you too. In the meantime, Stary tip off the news meda that we will have an announcement of cur own shortly and dratt up a public notice for A-1's shares at $17 each. Don't release it yet, but be ready to on Monday. Oh, and be sure to inchude in it that 1 said the deal will not cause any dilution of National's EPS. One last thingt Doris, draft an cpen letter to our shareholders for my signature, explaining whats happening and reassuring them that we will keep their compary intact and prospercus," "Ary questions? If not, let's get on it, Mr, OBrien is about to get a surprise!' QUESTION: If A-1 raises the money by issuing new shares of its stock, what will A-1's EPS be after the purchase is complete and the earnings are combined