Section A - Executive Summary 1. Maximum one page. One paragraph for each of sections B, C, and D that highlights and summarizes the key information of each section. Include your major findings and conclusion in this summary. Section B - Firm, Industry and Environment 1. Description of the company and its business activities: -Size of company (this could be in term of total assets, market capitalization, total employees - your approach depends on your company and the related industry) -The businesses that the company operates in -Where its main operations are located -Any significant operations outside of Canada/US -Structure of management organization -Major products You may have to adapt the description above based on what is important/relevant for your company. 2. Discussion of competitive environment: From newspaper reports, company press releases, etc., give some background on the challenges of the industry. What is expected in the future? How dominant is the company? What portion of the market does it hold? How are they positioned relative to the competition? 3. Economic climate and outlook: What are the challenges of the company and the industry in the future? Section A - Executive Summary 1. Maximum one page. One paragraph for each of sections B, C, and D that highlights and summarizes the key information of each section. Include your major findings and conclusion in this summary. Section B - Firm, Industry and Environment 1. Description of the company and its business activities: -Size of company (this could be in term of total assets, market capitalization, total employees - your approach depends on your company and the related industry) -The businesses that the company operates in -Where its main operations are located -Any significant operations outside of Canada/US -Structure of management organization -Major products You may have to adapt the description above based on what is important/relevant for your company. 2. Discussion of competitive environment: From newspaper reports, company press releases, etc., give some background on the challenges of the industry. What is expected in the future? How dominant is the company? What portion of the market does it hold? How are they positioned relative to the competition? 3. Economic climate and outlook: What are the challenges of the company and the industry in the future