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UMUC Haircuts Appointment Process Individual Needs Appointment for Hair Styling Calls UMUC Haircuts and requests appointment Drives to UMUC Haircuts 1 Employee greets customer and

UMUC Haircuts Appointment Process Individual Needs Appointment for Hair Styling Calls UMUC Haircuts and requests appointment Drives to UMUC Haircuts 1 Employee greets customer and asks customer last name or phone number Customers 2 Previous Customer? NO Employee asks for and enters customer information YES Employee welcomes customer back and reminds of last appointment and services provided Employee asks customer what services are needed 8 3 Service, Time, Cost Employee tells customer cost and time needed for service Does customer want the same stylist as last time? Process: Enter Time Needed and Cost for Services NO Stylist selected YES Employee asks customer when the service is desired Schedule 4 Employee checks stylist availability and times and advises customer Employee Scheduling Process Is one of the dates/times acceptable? NO Employee gets alternate date/time and/or alternate stylist from customer YES 5 Employee Schedules Appointment Is appointment today ? Appointments NO Customer completes call or leaves UMUC Haircuts YES Customer receives service; employee documents services completed and time on paper receipt Customer takes paper receipt to cashier 6 Cashier enters info from paper receipt to system and advises customer of total charges Financial Data 9 Customer pays bill Will customer provide feedback? YES Process: Accept Payment from Customer 7 Employee asks customer feedback questions and enters responses into the system NO Does customer want to schedule next appointment? YES NO Customer leaves UMUC Haircuts Questions/ Customer Responses UMUC Haircuts Employee Scheduling Process Employee decides to update work schedule Myra reviews and approves schedule 1 Employee logs into the System Security database Myra logs into the System 2 Employee reviews customer appointments Appointments 3 Employee enter dates/times available for work Schedule Myra reviews appointments and schedule Does schedule need to change? YES Employee logs out Myra makes changes to schedule and informs employee Myra logs out NO ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage 2: Business Process Analysis and Functional Requirements Before you begin this assignment, be sure you: 1. Have completed all previously assigned readings, particularly those assigned in Week 2. 2. Re-read the \"UMUC Haircuts Case Study" and the Stage 1 assignment, and review the \"Walmart Example,\" beginning with "Background for Stage 2" on page 3. 3. Review Instructor feedback from the Stage 1assignment. 4. Carefully review the Example shown following the Assignment instructions below. Purpose of this Assignment This assignment demonstrates how business processes are analyzed to develop information systems functional (business) requirements. This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcome to enable you to: analyze internal and external business processes to identify information systems requirements Overview of Business Process Analysis and Functional Requirements for UMUC Haircuts For your Case Study Stage 1 assignment, you performed a Five Forces Analysis and justified Myra's chosenstrategy for competitive advantage and the business process that she would like to improve through the application of technology. In the Stage 2 assignment, you will identifythe inputs, processing, and outputs of Myra's selected businessprocess. Those inputs, processing, and outputs form the functional (business) requirements for an IT system to improve the process. The first step in identifying the functional or business requirements for an information system is to develop the high level requirements that establish the scope of the system. Myra has selected the Customer and Employee Scheduling Process for improvement using an IT solution, and together you have identified the following high level requirements. The system must: Allow employees to enter their availability and desired days/times to work Allow Myra to review the employee requests and develop a schedule Make the schedule available to employees to review their final work schedule Make the employee schedule available for staff to enter customer appointments Allow Myra and the staff to enter customer appointments Keep track of customer appointments, including stylist and service performed Accommodate changes in the employee schedules and customer appointments, and update the schedule accordingly Accommodate changes in the customer information stored in the system Provide management reports to Myra showing employee workload, customers served, customer contact information, busy times/days, etc. For this assignment, you will focus on the customer appointment portion of the overall process. The high level requirements are not detailed enough to be used as the functional or business requirements. More detailed requirements are developed using a variety of tools and methods. One such tool is a process model. The process model shows the steps in the customer appointment process. In a process model, rectangles are used to illustrate process steps and diamonds are used where decisions, or choices, are made. You need to be aware that there are other aspects of the 11/18/15 process to be considered, as shown in the high level requirements above. The points at which these additional steps intersect with the customer appointment process are shown in the process model with a circle. Customer Appointment Process Model:The Customer Appointment Process model is separately provided as an Excel file, labeled "Stage 2 Customer Appointment Process Model." Assignment: UMUC Haircuts Stage 2: Using the Customer Appointment Process Model, create a document that includes: I. Introduction At the top of your paper, show the strategy for competitive advantage that Myra selected and the business process she has chosen to improve, using the following format (no additional explanation is required): Generic Strategy for Competitive Advantage: xxxxxxx (just name the strategy) Business Process to Be Improved: xxxxxxxxx (just name the process) II. Table of Functional (Business) Requirements Copy the table below into your paper. Using the Customer Appointment Process Model provided complete the table of requirements for an IT system,for each of the numbered process steps,that includes: the inputs to the process - include specific items of information or data elements (for example, customer name)entered into the system as part of the process step processing or actions that the system takes (for example, check calendar to let person know if UMUC Haircuts is open at the specified time) outputs of the process - include specific items of information or data elements (for example, appointment date) that the system will display or print out for the user to see Note: This is not about what the employee or customer is doing but specifically about data into the system (input), the system does something with that data (process) to deliver the end result (output) There are 7numbered steps in the Appointment Process itself. In addition, there are two other processes that are needed (numbered 8 and9), but are beyond the scope of the appointment process: a process for entering the time needed and costs for the various styling services - here you're building a database or table for reference in future transactions; and the payment process that collects customer payments and updates the database accordingly. For these two processes, you should also identify the input needed for the system, what the system is to do with that input (process) and what output the system will need to create or display either immediately or later. The responses that you enter into the table for each requirement must be aligned to the specific business process to be improved and the data it uses, and it must be appropriate to the UMUC Haircuts business. Note: Processes are actions that the system will take and should include action verbs. Inputs and outputs are not actions, but are data or information. If you need to use action words (verbs) to describe the input or output, they should be kept to a minimum and put in parentheses. 3/27/15- for Summer 2015 ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage2 2|P a g e Table of Functional (Business) Requirements Steps in the Appointment Process Proces s Step Step from Customer Appointment Process Model Input Process Output Information/data item(s) entered into the system as part of this step Processing or action the system must perform for this step Information/data item(s)/record created, or displayed, or printed out for the user in this step (insert information from numbered step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EXAMPLE Using the Employee Scheduling Process The example below demonstrates what is required for the assignment, using the Employee Scheduling Process, which is shown in a circle in the Customer Appointment Process Model. The process model for this example is separately provided as an Excel file named "Stage 2 Example Scheduling Process Model." The entries in the table correspond with the numbered process steps in the model. Table of Functional (Business) Requirements Steps in the Employee Scheduling Process 3/27/15- for Summer 2015 ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage2 3|P a g e Proces s Step Step from Customer Appointment Process Model (insert information from numbered step Input Process Output Information/data item(s) entered into the system as part of this step Processing or action the system must perform for this step Information/dat a item(s)/record created, or displayed, or printed out for the user in this step 1 Employee logs into the System User ID and password Verify user id and password against security database "Welcome" screen or "Invalid User ID and Password" message 2 Employee reviews customer appointments Employee name, dates Locate and present appointment dates for the employee Appointment dates for employee 3 Employee enter dates/times available for work Dates and times available for work (employee name entered in step 2) Record dates and times employee is available for work Confirmation that dates and times have been saved Formatting: For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, and our. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the \"self,\" out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed. Submit a document that includes the Table of Functional Requirements. Table entries should be single spaced. Use APA formatted citations and references for any external sources used. Include a title page, and a reference page if references are included. Compare your final work to the rubric to be sure you have met content and quality criteria. Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that can be read in Word. Your submission should include your last name first in the filename: Lastname_firstname_Stage _2 3/27/15- for Summer 2015 ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage2 4|P a g e GRADING RUBRIC: The "right" and "wrong" answers have to do with whether or not you correctly incorporated the course vocabulary and concepts to support your choices, and that you address all parts of the assignment. Be sure to review the grading rubric below before submitting your assignment: ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage 2 Rubric: FunctionalRequirements 90-100% Inputs 70-79% 60-69% < 60% Far Above Standards Above Standards Meets Standards Below Standards Well Below Standards Possibl e Points 27-30 Points Criteria 80-89% 24-26 Points 18-20 Points 0-17 Points 30 All inputs listed demonstrate a strong understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process. Avoids the use of action words. Most inputs listed demonstrate an understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process. Limited use of action words. 21-23 Points Inputs are provided but selection may be lacking in demonstration of understanding of course concepts or analysis. May overuse action words. Few, if any inputs are provided or inputs are not appropriate for the process step and/or the case study. 3/27/15- for Summer 2015 Inputs listed are designated and demonstrate a basic understandi ng of course concepts or analysis. May include some action words. ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage2 5|P a g e Processing 24-26 Points All processing listed demonstrates a strong understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process. 27-30 Points Outputs 27-30 Points Most processing listed demonstrates an understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process. All outputs listed demonstrate a strong understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process. Avoids the use of action words. Most outputs listed demonstrate an understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process. Limited use of action words. 3/27/15- for Summer 2015 24-26 Points 21-23 Points 18-20 Points 0-17 Points Processing is listed and demonstrate s a basic understandi ng of course concepts or analysis. Processing is provided but may be lacking in demonstration of understanding of course concepts or analysis. Processing shown is not appropriate for the process step and/or the case study. 21-23 Points 18-20 Points 0-17 Points Outputs listed are designated and demonstrate a basic understandin g of course concepts or analysis. May include some action words. Outputs are provided but selection may be lacking in demonstratio n of understandin g of course concepts or analysis. May overuse action words. Few, if any outputs are provided or outputs are not appropriate for the process step and/or the case study. ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage2 6|P a g e 30 30 9-10 Points Table Format 8 Points 7 Points 6 Points 0-5 Points Information is professionally presented, clear and easily understood; is written in third person and uses course vocabulary, correct sentence structure, grammar, and spelling. Any references used are listed and cited using APA style. Information is presented well; is clear, and uses correct sentence structure; written in third person, and has few grammar and spelling errors. Any references used are listed and cited using APA style. Information is presented with some grammar and/or spelling errors. Any references used are listed and cited using APA style. Information is not professionally presented, may not be clearly written, and/or contains several grammar and/or spelling errors, or errors in use of APA style for references/ citations. Information is extremely poorly written; has many grammar and/or spelling errors; and/or does not convey the information adequately. TOTAL Points Possible 3/27/15- for Summer 2015 ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage2 7|P a g e 10 100 IFSM 300 Stage 2 Strategy for Competitive Advantage: Operational Overhaul Business Process to Improve: Customer and Employee Scheduling Business Process Explanation: Currently Myra is having a hard time with employee and customer scheduling for her salon business. The current way of doing business is giving her customer a bad feel for the dependability of her company. Myra also has numerous competitors that are more of an upscale salon with higher prices, but they do not have the issues that Myra's business is facing. In an attempt to save her business, Myra needs a solution for the customer and employee scheduling process. She is requesting assistance with IT services to alleviate the current issues of her company. The chosen name of this strategy to fix UMUC Haircuts is called Operational Overhaul. The key components of her company (scheduling, advertising, and payment processing) need to attention so Myra can free up her time with current issues and focus on adding components such as nail salon services to her establishment. Proposed Technology Solution: UMUC's Haircut would have a great operational effectiveness if they considered a customer and employee scheduling book and software. Utilizing software such as salonbooker powered by Booker Company would enhance the scheduling. This particular software provides flexibility such as allowing taking bookings online, on social media sites, and on mobile web access. The staff scheduling could be sync via the cloud allowing redundancy if local computer fails. Also, local computers could be replaced by tablet systems such as Apple iPads, Samsung Galaxy Tablet, and many more options. It also manages POS, credit card processing, and eCommerce. It also tracks and generates reports on the data of your business. This software solution would resolve the concerns with Myra's business and allow for ease of expansion, whether the expansion consist of another type of business (nail salon) or other locations. Analyzing Myra's current situation, she is working very hard to bring in business for the UMUC Haircuts. She is focusing on recruiting new stylist along with the future expansion of nail salon services. She needs her shop in order before taking her business to the next level. Once the new system is in place, she won't have to focus on basic functions of the business and have her schedule free to expand UMUC Haircuts business. Table of Functional (Business) Requirements: Table of Functional (Business) Requirements Steps in the Appointment Process Process Step Input Process Output Information/data item(s) entered into the system as part of this step Processing or action the system must perform for this step Information/data item(s)/record created, or displayed, or printed out for the user in this step 1 Customer enters the shop Stylist welcomes client and checks to see if the customer had an appointment in the appointment database Customer verified in the database or No appointment record found 2 Stylist assist client with making a new appointment Stylist uses appointment software to enter the new record New customer information entered/appointment created 3 Client checks email of appointment Logins to personal email account Appointment reminder exists or does not exist 4 Client arrives to the shop for appointment Stylist verifies client appointment via database Appointment verified 5 Client request type of hair Stylist performs the duty Request completed style 6 Stylist request feedback from customer Customer gives feedback Satisfied with services or not 7 Stylist asks if any other services would be needed Customer gives answer If no, customer pays for services. If yes, stylist ensures those duties are accomplished without conflicting with other appointments or may have to schedule another appointment for additional services. 8 Stylist inputs services provided in database Stylist ensures services provided are charged to the client Client pays for services 9 Stylist request if future appointments would be needed Client gives answer Stylist books future appointment. If the answer is no then no future appointment needed. Stylist thanks the customer for their business. Table of Functional (Business) Requirements Steps in the Employee Scheduling Process Process Step Input Process Output Information/data item(s) Processing or action the Information/data entered into the system as part of this step system must perform for this step item(s)/record created, or displayed, or printed out for the user in this step 1 Employee Logs into the System Employee uses a username and password Employee is successfully logged in or Username/password is invalid 2 Employee reviews customer appointments Clicks on Appointments link Appointment dates for employee are shown 3 Employee enters dates/times available for work Clicks on the Schedule link Employee confirms the current work schedule Table of Functional (Business) Requirements Steps in the Employee Scheduling Process Process Step Input Process Output Information/data item(s) entered into the system as part of this step Processing or action the system must perform for this step Information/data item(s)/record created, or displayed, or printed out for the user in this step 1 Employee Logs into the System Employee uses a username and password Employee is successfully logged in or Username/password is invalid 2 Employee reviews Clicks on Appointments link Appointment dates for customer appointments employee are shown 3 Employee enters dates/times available for work Clicks on the Schedule link Employee confirms the current work schedule 4 Employee logs out Clicks on the logout link Successfully logs out of the database 5 Myra Logs into the System Myra uses her user credentials Myra is successfully logged in or Username/password is invalid 6 Myra reviews appointments and schedule Myra clicks on the appointments link for review, then clicks on the schedule link after If schedule requires change, then Myra makes the changes and informs employee. If no changes are needed then Myra logs out of the system. 1 Insert Name Insert Date 2 CASE STUDY Business Strategy for Competitive Advantage for UMUC - differentiation - on operational process As a result of increased competition within the market, UMUC must develop competitive strategies that will ensure that it remains competitive within its market. UMUC can use any of the following porter's generic strategies for competitive advantages of lower cost, differentiation or focus. These generic approaches are applicable to products or services in all industries and to different sizes of organizations. Porter's generic strategies are methods of gaining competitive advantage or developing competitive edge that enables the company to increase sales (Ehmke, 2008). The Cost Leadership strategy will be applied if UMUC is able to increase profits by reducing costs while at the same time charge the industry average price. This will help increase the market share due to offering lower prices while at the same making reasonable profits. The use of focus strategy is where the company concentrates on a selected niche market. This is by understanding its dynamics and unique needs of the customers and developing products or services that exceeds expectations. This will create an aspect of customer loyalty and will lead to increased sales and profits. Differentiation strategy refers to the strategies manufacturers, retailers and service industries use to distinguish their products or services from competitors within the market. Product differentiation may enable small businesses to have a competitive advantage in a market, which has larger companies. This is because the small business will build a name on the attributes of its product or service, which will create customer loyalty thus create a trend of repetitive buying. For UMUC Haircuts, the recommendation would be to focus on the 3 application of differentiation strategy of its product and services through its quality and features (Ehmke, 2008). UMUC Haircuts will differentiate its operational business process, which is the core process of the business and includes haircuts, hair care services and products. This operational business process will be developed to be unique as per the customers' specification (Koteshwar, 2013). Product differentiation through quality is where the useful features and components of the product are structured in the best unique manner so that the product exceeds the customers' expectations on top of meeting the basic needs that other similar products are able to meet. It is imperative that UMUC Haircuts ensures that its products and services are more superior and appealing to customers compared to that of the competitors. This will create consumer loyalty and therefore, retain customers. UMUC Haircuts should differentiate its services and products from other salons to ensure that its services are superior in comparison to others to create a top edge preference based on its quality. The performance, features, reliability, conformance, serviceability and the beauty of its services and products should stand out and be recognizable among all other shops in the area. Product differentiation by quality is applicable for state of the art products and services and as such the elite people in the society consume them. In addition, differentiation by quality is a very important precipitator for continuous innovation and improvements. In order for the company to become very competitive it needs to combine the quality differentiation with customer service differentiation. Differentiation based on the customer service is where UMUC Haircuts should offer exceptionally and superior services at all times. This entails offering timely and quality services to customers at all times (Koteshwar, 2013). 4 How technology will improve the process In addition, UMUC Haircuts can maximize technological forces stand out in the market and attract new customers. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram could be used to advertise and promote the business. With this, UMUC Haircuts will always stay ahead of its competitors; it should rely on the competitors' trends in order to remain competitive in such a competitive market. As previously mentioned another business process that needs to be upgraded is the inventory replenishment and supplies ordering process. Myra needs a management system, which will link the inventory evaluation and supplies ordering. The management system will ensure that the business does not stall at any given time. Additionally, the system will save Myra the task of having to recall all of the items in short supply (Porter, 2008). . Modeling the process 5 UMUC Haircuts - AS-IS Customer Visit barber shop Customer is welcomed and welcomed and explains the explains the product or service product or service one is looking for one is looking for If no such products // If no such products services, customer is services, customer is referred accordingly. referred accordingly. Customer is served and thanked for selecting UMUC Haircuts 6 UMUC Haircuts - TO-BE Customer Visit barber shop / or search products / services online Customer is calmly welcomed inside the shop A customer uses selfexplanation system to select the product one needs. If no such products // If no such products services, customer is services, customer is referred accordingly. referred accordingly. Customer's details are captured by online systems for future use. Customer is served and thanked for selecting UMUC Haircuts 7 In conclusion, UMUC Haircuts should select the differentiation strategy for all its products and services. This will lead to customers' loyalty and hence returning customers, which will ensure that UMUC Haircuts has competitive advantages in comparison to its competitors. This strategy is most affective when customers are engaged on an emotional and intellectual level. A customer must cherish a product or service in order to gain loyalty. 8 References Ehmke C. (2008). Strategies for Competitive Advantage. Retrieved from Koteshwar, C., (2013). Managing Knowledge for Product-Service System Innovation: The Role of Web 2.0 Technologies. Research-Technology Management, Vol. 56, No. 2. March/April 2013. Porter, E., M. (eds) (2008). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New York: Simon and Schuster. STAGE 2 UMUC Haircuts Business Analysis Andres Naranjo /2014 I. Introduction: STRATEGY FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: Differentiation Strategy. PROCESS TO BE IMPROVED: Management fast and reliable scheduling process. II. Business Process Explanation: First, let's explain what a business process is. A business process is a combination of duties performed by employees and systems to achieve a common goal. Sometimes businesses need to have a business process improved. Currently, UMUC Haircuts tries to make appointments by phone and accepts walkin customers. The owner does not have a system to keep track of employees' schedule. Staff decides what day they will like to work. Therefore, UMUC Haircuts is losing a lot of customers to their competitors. UMUC Haircuts needs software that will allow the owner to have a better control of the business. For example the way of, schedule appointments, track employees' schedule, and keep real data on the days that the owner will need more employees to cover for shifts. III. Proposed Technology Solution: The next step is to identify and explain in detail a specific technology solution to improve the management of a fast and reliable scheduling process. As discussed before, UMUC Haircuts lacks software that will allow the owner to keep track of her employees' schedule and customer appointments. Because of this reason the best IT solution for UMUC Haircuts is Business Process Management (BPM) software. BPM software links process design by computer or a person. \"The software includes built-in templates showing workflows and rules for various functions, such as rules for credit ,\" (\"Information Technology for Management: Advancing Sustainable, Profitable Business Growth, 9th Edition Books24x7,\" n.d.) BPM software lets the owner of the business to have total control of the business and lets IT focus on a driving innovation. BPM software will work with UMUC Haircuts because it will fit in their daily operations. IV. Solution Components: Information Technology Component or Business Resource Descriptions of Needs to implement the new IT solution Hardware - devices that perform the input, storage, processing, and output functions. UMUC Haircuts will need newer and faster computers. Hardware, Software, BPM Software Telecommunications & Facilities Telecommunications - identifywhat kind of telecommunications will be needed for the solution, including local connectivity and internet access, if appropriate, and whether it will be used for data, voice and/or video. Facilities - what facilities will be needed to house the equipment and support staff; state whether the hardware be housed at UMUC Haircuts or at another facility. IT Skills & Services UMUC Haircuts staff needs to have technical knowledge needed to implement the solution including application knowledge, social media skills, technology background. Business/Managerial Includes vendor and outsourcer relationship skills, market Resources responsiveness, IS-business partnerships, IS planning, and management skills. The solution components that apply to the chosen IT solution are hardware, BPM software, IT Skills and Services. V. How the Technology Solution will Improve the Process: As mentioned, the business solution to improve the management and scheduling process for UMUC Haircuts is BMP software. BPM software will help the owner of UMUC Haircuts to manage and have total control of customers' appointments and employees' schedule. Moreover, BPM software will eliminate scheduling processes that are time-consuming and costly. Second, it will monitor employees' performance. It will measure staff productiveness on the busy and slow days. Finally, BPM software will train employees to reduce supply and maintenance cost. VI. Support for strategy for Competitive Advantage: BPM software will support the differentiation strategy for competitive advantage by doing the following. First, it will monitor and control business power and supply power. UMUC Haircuts will be able to attract more customers to their shop than the Spa and the other barber shops around. Second, it will be able to have a better inventory management by providing more variety in their inventory supply. Third, it will balance, profits, growth, and control operations by tackling threat of new entrants and the threat of substitute products or services. Finally, UMUC Haircuts will be able to reward and discipline employees. Consequently, it will affect the rivalry among its competition since its employees will like to perform better, and customer will feel more appreciate at UMUC Haircuts. (\"Business Performance Measurement,\" n.d.) VII. Model the Processes: UMUC Haircuts AS IS Scheduling Process Customer Calls UMUC to get an Appointment Staff picks up the phone and asks what the customer needs No Spots Appointment Staff hangs up the phone. Yes Spots Staff gets the appointment on the appointments book Staff hangs up the phone. UMUC Haircuts To-Be Scheduling Appointments Process Receptionist ask for future appt and puts down a reminder on the BPM Software. Customer calls UMUC Haircuts Receptionist greets customer and checks the reason of the call Customer buys the products Customer checks out and receipt is email to the customer If yes No Appt Appointment Yes Appt If No Ask for an email to send promotions Special Request If yes Receptionists says bye and thanks for calling UMUC Haircuts. Receptionists offer new products and promotions If No Check Employee outlook to see availability Check Employee outlook to make sure availability Make an employee recommendation depending on what the customer is looking for. Put down the appt on employee schedule Type a reminder on the BPM Software so the computer can send an automatic remainder to the customer and employee about their upcoming appt. Send the appt to employee and customer UMUC Haircuts To-Be Employees Scheduling Process BPM Software will generate an employee ID UMUC owner will enter all employee information the first day the BPM software gets installed on all the Salary Increase If yes Owner will start by creating weekly schedules. Start from Sunday to Saturday from 10am-7pm. More than 5 customers' excellent reviews 3% salary increment The software will copy this info and will do the rest for the following months. Each Employee will be assigned to work 10 hrs 4 days a week and 3 days off. All VIII. References: employees have to work weekends If No Less than 2 reviews salary will be cut by 1% Employees will have 2 weeks of vacation 1 week of leave after a year of employment Each employee will have a back up for sick and leave days. Employees have to clock in and clock out using BPM BPM will generate inventory spread At Information Technologythe end of employees shifts.Advancing Sustainable, sheets to keepBusiness Growth, 9th for Management: They will Profitable supplies and inventory have to enter the amount of supplies that is needed. up to date. Edition - Books24x7. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2014, from bkid=51172&destid=1628#1628 Business Performance Measurement. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2014, from Running head: IMPLEMENTATION 1 Implementation Name Here IFSM-300 Due Date Professor's Name IMPLEMENTATION 2 Implementation Introduction It is imperative for management of a business to understand the competition surrounding the business and come up with ways to counter the competition so as to have a competitive edge. There is the need to have various strategies which will help the business to overcome the competitors. For UMUC Haircuts, various strategies can be applied by the owner of the business, Myra Morningstar, in order to improve the competitive advantage of the business over the other businesses. Various strategies can be used including cost leadership, operational effectiveness, customer orientation and time observation just to name a few. For a business to attract customers, one of the most important things to consider is cost. The cost of the products and services needs to be very reasonable when compared to the competitors. The prices should be reasonably low while also considering the fact that the business needs to make profits. The price should not be ridiculously low because if they are lower than normal then the customers will value the services according to the price. The only thing which the management should ensure is that the prices are attractive to the customers. Another very important thing is observing time. Keeping time is a very important strategy in which scheduling will make it easier to allocate jobs to the employees well and make it easier for the management to come up with a job schedule. Implementation of operation effectiveness strategy would be very important in making the business conducive to both the employees and the customers too. In many cases, businesses have to ensure that operations are effective before the customers could trust the business. If a person goes into a shop to buy anything and the service is slow, many customers become impatient. Improving operations effectiveness is very important. This is because it will improvethe working process and streamline the way duties are carried out. It is more satisfying to work in such a business and also customers feel more comfortable visiting such a business. IMPLEMENTATION 3 Valuing customers is very important for the growth of a business. UMUC Haircuts will work on the customer orientated business approach. This always will make the business to be very attractive to the customers as they will feel loved and valued. For any business, the customers are the most important people. Business Process Explanation This involves all the activities which are carried out in a business organization for its daily running. UMUC is a business which carries out services such as haircuts, hairstyling for both men and women among other things. With the growth in the number of customers, the daily running of the business has become challenging. There is the need to change the strategies of working in order to take care of all the customers. For effectiveness and efficiency in customer service, scheduling tools should be used. Scheduling tools will be useful for the allocation of the required number of employees during the different days of the week. This will reduce waste of time and improve customer service. Also, customers should be given appointments based on the vacant slots daily. Also, confusion is reduced in allocating duties. Keeping well maintained inventories is going to help the salon in maintaining the best value in the market. Also, incorporation of computers in the premises will help the owner in researching on the least expensive suppliers. The salon should offer the lowest possible prices while at the same time maintaining high levels of quality, atmosphere. Through this, UMUC Haircuts will be able to become market leaders in this region. Knowing what needs to be bought at any moment is good for the business. IMPLEMENTATION 4 Proposed Technology Solution Currently, there is a problem in customer and employee scheduling, inventory management, supply ordering, keeping a database of the regular customers and other customers for marketing purposes. All these functionalities can be found in single Enterprise Resource Planning software. I recommend Sage ERP 100 for UMUC Haircuts because it is a good software package that has all functionalities and it is good for small businesses. This software package be useful in keeping customers' data, scheduling of both the customers and the employees, and management of inventories among other functionalities. Solution Components There are some components which are required for the implementation of the business solution package. These include computers, internet connection, and some software to improve on the way the salon functions. There is the need of infrastructure which will help in ordering, customer and employee scheduling, and keeping database. All this can only be done on a computer. For the implementation of this technology in the salon, there are some skills in Information Technology which will be useful for the business. Some of them include networking skills, Information security skill among others. Business and managerial resources such as the Enterprise Resource Management software package will be useful in making the business more efficient and ensuring that all that needs to be done is done in good time. How the Technology will improve the Process IMPLEMENTATION 5 Sage is a very useful software package which is going to improve the customer service through better scheduling, improvement of revenue and profit margins which will be as a result of better time management and also better decision making. Sage 100 ERP will help in creation of loyal customers, improvement of sales targets and help in maintaining confidence in work. Sage 100 ERP is useful in accounting and finance, sales and customer management, inventory management and warehousing, purchasing and supply management and business intelligence and reporting. Support for Strategy and Competitive Advantage Through streamlining the accounting and finance, sales and customer management, inventory management and warehousing, purchasing and supply management and business intelligence and reporting, the business processes will be improved and this will be useful in ensuring customer satisfaction, maintenance of loyal customers and improvement of sales. Researching on the suppliers and the different costs will be very useful to get the cheapest prices in the market. This will improve the profit margin for UMUC Haircuts while maintaining low prices for their customers. Processes Model and Technology Solution IMPLEMENTATION 6 AS -IS Walk-in customer Vacancy in the schedule Yes Customer is attended to. TO - BE Process Diagram No Customer walks out IMPLEMENTATION 7 Walk-in customer An attendant welcomes the customer Haircut Customer shown somewhere to sit Haircut, hairstyling or other services? Other services Customer shown somewhere to sit Hairstyling Customer shown somewhere to sit No Attendant available Customer waits shortly Yes Customer attended to Customer is checked out IMPLEMENTATION 8 References Olson, D. L., & Staley, J. (2012). Case study of open-source enterprise resource planning implementation in a small business. Enterprise Information Systems, 6(1), 79-94. Monk, E., & Wagner, B. (2012). Concepts in enterprise resource planning. Cengage Learning

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