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(Unordered Sets) As explained in this chapter, a set is a collection of distinct elements of the same type. Design the class unorderedSetType, derived from

(Unordered Sets) As explained in this chapter, a set is a collection of distinct elements of the same type. Design the class unorderedSetType, derived from the class unorderedArrayListType, to manipulate sets. Note that you need to redefine only the functions insertAt, insertEnd, and replaceAt. If the item to be inserted is already in the list, the functions insertAt and insertEnd output an appropriate message. Similarly, if the item to be replaced is already in the list, the function replaceAt outputs an appropriate message. Also, write a program to test your class.

Here is UnorderedArrayListType.cpp


#include "unorderedArrayListType.h"

using namespace std;

void unorderedArrayListType::insertAt(int location,

int insertItem) {

if (location < 0 || location >= maxSize)

cout << "The position of the item to be inserted "

<< "is out of range." << endl;

else if (length >= maxSize) //list is full

cout << "Cannot insert in a full list" << endl;

else {

for (int i = length; i > location; i--)

list[i] = list[i - 1]; //move the elements down

list[location] = insertItem; //insert the item at

//the specified position

length++; //increment the length


} //end insertAt

void unorderedArrayListType::insertEnd(int insertItem) {

if (length >= maxSize) //the list is full

cout << "Cannot insert in a full list." << endl;

else {

list[length] = insertItem; //insert the item at the end

length++; //increment the length


} //end insertEnd

int unorderedArrayListType::seqSearch(int searchItem) const {

int loc;

bool found = false;

loc = 0;

while (loc < length && !found)

if (list[loc] == searchItem)

found = true;



if (found)

return loc;


return -1;

} //end seqSearch

void unorderedArrayListType::remove(int removeItem) {

int loc;

if (length == 0)

cout << "Cannot delete from an empty list." << endl;

else {

loc = seqSearch(removeItem);

if (loc != -1)



cout << "The item to be deleted is not in the list."

<< endl;


} //end remove

void unorderedArrayListType::removeAll(int removeItem) {

int loc;

if (length == 0)

cout << "Cannot delete from an empty list." << endl;


// Find and remove the first occurrence of removeItem (if there is one)

loc = seqSearch(removeItem);

if (loc != -1)



cout << "The item to be deleted is not in the list." << endl;


// Set up a loop to find other occurrences and delete them as well

while (loc != -1)


loc = seqSearch(removeItem);

if (loc != -1)




void unorderedArrayListType::replaceAt(int location, int repItem) {

if (location < 0 || location >= length)

cout << "The location of the item to be "

<< "replaced is out of range." << endl;


list[location] = repItem;

} //end replaceAt

unorderedArrayListType::unorderedArrayListType(int size)

: arrayListType(size) {

} //end constructor

Here is UnorderedArrayListType.h



#include "arrayListType.h"

class unorderedArrayListType : public arrayListType {


void insertAt(int location, int insertItem);

// Function to insert an item at a particular location

// Postcondition: The item has been added to the list and the length has

// been increased by 1.

void insertEnd(int insertItem);

// Function to insert an item at the end of the list

// Postcondition: The item has been added at the end of the list and the

// length has been increased by 1.

void replaceAt(int location, int repItem);

// Function to replace an item in the list.

// Postcondition: repItem overrwrites the item at the specified location

// in the list. The length of the list is unchanged.

int seqSearch(int searchItem) const;

// Function to search the list for searchItem. Note that this is an

// abstract function.

//Postcondition: If the item is found, returns the location in the array

// where the item is found; otherwise, returns -1.

void remove(int removeItem);

// Function to remove an item from the list

// Postcondition: If the item is found in the list, it is removed and the

// length of the list is decreased by 1; if the item is not in the list

// an appropriate message is displayed.

void removeAll(int removeItem);

// Function to remove all occurrences of an item from the list

// Postcondition: If the item is found in the the list, all occurrences are

// removed and the length of the list is decreased accordingly. If the

// item is not in the list an appropriate message is displayed.

unorderedArrayListType(int size = 100);




Here is ArrayListType.cpp


#include "arrayListType.h"

using namespace std;

bool arrayListType::isEmpty() const {

return (length == 0);

} //end isEmpty

bool arrayListType::isFull() const {

return (length == maxSize);

} //end isFull

int arrayListType::listSize() const {

return length;

} //end listSize

int arrayListType::maxListSize() const {

return maxSize;

} //end maxListSize

void arrayListType::print() const {

for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

cout << list[i] << " ";

cout << endl;

} //end print

bool arrayListType::isItemAtEqual(int location, int item) const {

if (location < 0 || location >= length) {

cout << "The location of the item to be removed "

<< "is out of range." << endl;

return false;

} else

return (list[location] == item);

} //end isItemAtEqual

void arrayListType::removeAt(int location) {

if (location < 0 || location >= length)

cout << "The location of the item to be removed "

<< "is out of range." << endl;

else {

for (int i = location; i < length - 1; i++)

list[i] = list[i + 1];



} //end removeAt

void arrayListType::retrieveAt(int location, int& retItem) const {

if (location < 0 || location >= length)

cout << "The location of the item to be retrieved is "

<< "out of range" << endl;


retItem = list[location];

} //end retrieveAt

void arrayListType::clearList() {

length = 0;

} //end clearList

arrayListType::arrayListType(int size) {

if (size <= 0) {

cout << "The array size must be positive. Creating "

<< "an array of the size 100." << endl;

maxSize = 100;

} else

maxSize = size;

length = 0;

list = new int[maxSize];

} //end constructor

arrayListType::~arrayListType() {

delete [] list;

} //end destructor

arrayListType::arrayListType(const arrayListType& otherList) {

maxSize = otherList.maxSize;

length = otherList.length;

list = new int[maxSize]; //create the array

for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) //copy otherList

list[j] = otherList.list[j];

}//end copy constructor

Here is ArrayListType.h



class arrayListType {


bool isEmpty() const;

//Function to determine whether the list is empty

//Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty;

// otherwise, returns false.

bool isFull() const;

//Function to determine whether the list is full

//Postcondition: Returns true if the list is full;

// otherwise, returns false.

int listSize() const;

//Function to determine the number of elements in

//the list.

//Postcondition: Returns the value of length.

int maxListSize() const;

//Function to determine the maximum size of the list

//Postcondition: Returns the value of maxSize.

void print() const;

//Function to output the elements of the list

//Postcondition: Elements of the list are output on the

// standard output device.

bool isItemAtEqual(int location, int item) const;

//Function to determine whether item is the same as

//the item in the list at the position specified

//by location.

//Postcondition: Returns true if the list[location]

// is the same as item; otherwise,

// returns false.

// If location is out of range, an

// appropriate message is displayed.

virtual void insertAt(int location, int insertItem) = 0;

//Function to insert insertItem in the list at the

//position specified by location.

//Note that this is an abstract function.

//Postcondition: Starting at location, the elements of

// the list are shifted down,

// list[location] = insertItem; length++;

// If the list is full or location is out of

// range, an appropriate message is displayed.

virtual void insertEnd(int insertItem) = 0;

//Function to insert insertItem at the end of

//the list. Note that this is an abstract function.

//Postcondition: list[length] = insertItem; and length++;

// If the list is full, an appropriate

// message is displayed.

void removeAt(int location);

//Function to remove the item from the list at the

//position specified by location

//Postcondition: The list element at list[location] is

// removed and length is decremented by 1.

// If location is out of range, an

// appropriate message is displayed.

void retrieveAt(int location, int& retItem) const;

//Function to retrieve the element from the list at the

//position specified by location

//Postcondition: retItem = list[location]

// If location is out of range, an

// appropriate message is displayed.

virtual void replaceAt(int location, int repItem) = 0;

//Function to replace repItem the element in the list

//at the position specified by location.

//Note that this is an abstract function.

//Postcondition: list[location] = repItem

// If location is out of range, an

// appropriate message is displayed.

void clearList();

//Function to remove all the elements from the list

//After this operation, the size of the list is zero.

//Postcondition: length = 0;

virtual int seqSearch(int searchItem) const = 0;

//Function to search the list for searchItem.

//Note that this is an abstract function.

//Postcondition: If the item is found, returns the

// location in the array where the item is

// found; otherwise, returns -1.

virtual void remove(int removeItem) = 0;

//Function to remove removeItem from the list.

//Note that this is an abstract function.

//Postcondition: If removeItem is found in the list,

// it is removed from the list and length

// is decremented by one.

virtual void removeAll(int removeItem) = 0;

// Function to remove all instances of removeItem from the list.

// Note that this is an abstract function.

// Postcondition: If there are any instances of removeItem in the list,

// they are all removed and the length of the list is decremented

// accordingly

arrayListType(int size = 100);


//Creates an array of the size specified by the

//parameter size. The default array size is 100.

//Postcondition: The list points to the array, length = 0,

// and maxSize = size;

arrayListType(const arrayListType& otherList);

//Copy constructor

virtual ~arrayListType();


//Deallocate the memory occupied by the array.


int *list; //array to hold the list elements

int length; //variable to store the length of the list

int maxSize; //variable to store the maximum

//size of the list


#endif /* ARRAYLISTTYPE_H */


Anonymous answered this 13 hours later

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443 answers


/* * File: unorderedSetTest.cpp * */ #include  #include "unorderedSetType.h" using namespace std; int main(){ int retr; unorderedSetType set(100); // Show that insertAt() is working correctly cout << "Starting insertAt test..." << endl; for (int i = 0; i <= (set.maxListSize() / 2); i++){ set.insertAt(i, (i * 2)); } for (int i = 0; i <= (set.maxListSize() / 2); i++){ set.retrieveAt(i, retr); cout << retr << endl; } set.insertAt(1, 2); //none of these work set.insertAt(10, 4); set.insertAt(89, 66); set.insertAt(100, 34); set.insertAt(54, 88); set.insertAt(76, 24); set.removeAt(1); set.insertAt(1, 3); //this one does because it is not a duplicate set.retrieveAt(1, retr); cout << "Since 3 was not a duplicate, I inserted it at index 1. See: " << retr << endl; // Show that insertAtEnd() is working correctly cout << "Starting insertAtEnd test..." << endl; set.insertEnd(101); set.insertEnd(34); //causes duplicate error set.retrieveAt(51, retr); cout << "The number 101 should be appended here: " << retr << endl; // Show that replaceAt() is working correctly set.replaceAt(51, 900); set.retrieveAt(51, retr); cout << "Replacement should be 900: " << retr << endl; set.replaceAt(51, 4); //fails because duplicate // Union Test cout << "Starting setUnion test..." << endl; unorderedSetType set2(100); set2.insertEnd(1); set2.insertEnd(2); set2.insertEnd(3); set2.insertEnd(4); unorderedSetType set3(100); set3.insertEnd(1); set3.insertEnd(2); set3.insertEnd(3); set3.insertEnd(4); set3.insertEnd(5); set3.insertEnd(9); set3.insertEnd(3); set3.insertEnd(20); unorderedSetType set4 = set2.setUnion(set3); set4.print(); // Intersect Test cout << "Starting setIntersect test..." << endl; unorderedSetType set5(100); set5.insertEnd(1); set5.insertEnd(2); set5.insertEnd(3); set5.insertEnd(4); unorderedSetType set6(100); set6.insertEnd(1); set6.insertEnd(2); set6.insertEnd(3); set6.insertEnd(4); set6.insertEnd(5); set6.insertEnd(9); set6.insertEnd(20); unorderedSetType set7 = set5.setIntersect(set6); set7.print(); system("pause"); return 0; } //header files 
/* * File: unorderedSetType.h * */ #ifndef UNORDEREDSETTYPE_H #define UNORDEREDSETTYPE_H #include "unorderedArrayListType.h" class unorderedSetType : public unorderedArrayListType{ public: void insertAt(int location, int insertItem); // Function to insert an item at a particular location // Postcondition: The item has been added to the list and the length has // been increased by 1. void insertEnd(int insertItem); // Function to insert an item at the end of the list // Postcondition: The item has been added at the end of the list and the // length has been increased by 1. void replaceAt(int location, int repItem); // Function to replace an item in the list. // Postcondition: repItem overrwrites the item at the specified location // in the list. The length of the list is unchanged. unorderedSetType setUnion(unorderedSetType set); //returns a new set containing members of caller and parameter unorderedSetType setIntersect(unorderedSetType set); //returns a new set containing only members parameter and caller share. unorderedSetType(int size = 100); //constructor }; #endif /* UNORDEREDSETTYPE_H */ 


The person who answered this question forgot to post their unOrderedSetType.cpp implementation file that houses the componets for his header file. Can someone, complete his implementation file or answer the question from scratch?

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