Instructions - For this assignment you will be implementing a program that converts temperature and distance to and from Metric to English (kilometers to miles, miles to kilometers AND Fahrenheit to Celsius, Celsius to Fahrenheit) The program will welcome the user with a friendly message Ask the user to enter their first initial (assume the user will enter the initial) Get the initial from the user You will pass the initial to all the calculation functions and practice interacting with the initial See the sample output below You will need to use double variables for all the values and formulas to make the conversions Present the output to 2 decimal places, see the sample output below Use the following FIVE programmer defined functions. DO NOT modify the Functions: 1/greets the user 1/asks, get, and returns the first initial char Greeting(); //input: the users initial //asks and gets kilometers, converts to miles //prints the results void KmsToMiles(char initial); //input: the users initial //asks and gets miles, converts to kilometers //prints the results void Milestokms (char initial); //input: the users initial //asks and gets the temperature in celcius 1/converts to farenheit //prints the results void Celcius ToFahrenheit(char Initial); //input: the users initial //asks and gets the temperature in farenheit //converts to celcius //prints the results void Fahrenheittocelcius (char initial); Sample output: Please enter your first initial:T T., Welcome to the temperature and distance calculator! You will enter kilometers and it will be converted to miles You will enter miles and it will be converted to kilometers You will enter the temperature in Fahrenheit and it will be converted to Celsius You will enter the temperature in Celsius and it will be converted to Fahrenheit T., Enter distance in kilometers> 15.7 T., 15.70 kilometers equals 9.76 miles T., Enter distance in miles> 13.1 T., 13.10 miles equals 21.08 kilometers T., Enter temp in Celsius: 26.4 T., 26.40 in Celsius is 79.52 in Fahrenheit T., Enter temp in Fahrenheit: 12.7 T., 12.70 in Fahrenheit is -10.72 in Celsius T., Have a Great Day