View Auregui, Jason vel Layout References Mailings Review Help EW Be careful files from the Internet can contain viruses. Unless you need to edit as saletto stay in Protected View. Assignment Challenge: Enable Editing Lawrence Media in Nashville, Tennessee, specializes in promotional products for businesses, such as corporate apparel, executive gifts, and product giveaways. As an assistant to Ken Lawrence, the founder of the company, you participate in many meetings and projects. During a recent meeting with Ken and his project managers, he said Lawrence Media had a major problem retaining good sales people, Ken asked you, the other assistants, and the project managers to help him solve the problem. Ken said the following: "The turnover is terrible. Good salespeople sign up, work hard, seem to enjoy their stay, and then leave for our biggest competitors and start working against us." Here are some facts to help you solve the problem 1. Average annual attrition among salespeople is 43% 2. When salespeople quit, the company loses the equivalent of two to four times the amount of their annual salary in lost opportunities and expenses in training new personnel I Note: This assignment is testing your critical thinking. There's no right or wrong answer, I'm looking for your ideas on how one solves this problem for Mr. Lawernce. Use what you've learned in other business courses This assignment is worth 10 points. Brod 203 words ADA 73 92 0 E RE Type here to search o View Auregui, Jason vel Layout References Mailings Review Help EW Be careful files from the Internet can contain viruses. Unless you need to edit as saletto stay in Protected View. Assignment Challenge: Enable Editing Lawrence Media in Nashville, Tennessee, specializes in promotional products for businesses, such as corporate apparel, executive gifts, and product giveaways. As an assistant to Ken Lawrence, the founder of the company, you participate in many meetings and projects. During a recent meeting with Ken and his project managers, he said Lawrence Media had a major problem retaining good sales people, Ken asked you, the other assistants, and the project managers to help him solve the problem. Ken said the following: "The turnover is terrible. Good salespeople sign up, work hard, seem to enjoy their stay, and then leave for our biggest competitors and start working against us." Here are some facts to help you solve the problem 1. Average annual attrition among salespeople is 43% 2. When salespeople quit, the company loses the equivalent of two to four times the amount of their annual salary in lost opportunities and expenses in training new personnel I Note: This assignment is testing your critical thinking. There's no right or wrong answer, I'm looking for your ideas on how one solves this problem for Mr. Lawernce. Use what you've learned in other business courses This assignment is worth 10 points. Brod 203 words ADA 73 92 0 E RE Type here to search o