What function do you use in excel that you find pooled standard deviationAnd reproducibility and measurement
"Grand Mean = average of I's; standard deviation of I's => in Excel, use STDEV.S .Pooled Standard Deviation = SORT(average of s") = repeatability reproducibleity * 5 -* Spooled where m is #of measurements (5) and s is the variance of the grand mean (not the pooled standard deviation). Figure 1: Equations used to calculate grand mean, pooled standard deviation, repeatability error, and reproduciblety error in part one of the lab. *Grand Mean = average of 's; standard deviation of 's => in Excel, use STDEV.S *Pooled Standard Deviation = SQRT(average of s") = 0 measurement process S3 - m* Spooled where m is #of measurements (3) and s is the variance of the grand mean (not the pooled standard deviation). Figure 2: Equations used to calculate grand mean, pooled standard deviation, measurement variability and process variability in part two of the lab. Part: Aluminum Tool: Caliper Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Measurement 1 0.606 0.607 0.614 0.608 Measurement 2 0.609 0.605 0.611 0.603 Measurement 3 0.609 0.607 0.607 0.607 Measurement 4 0.607 0.605 0.607 0.604 Measurement 5 0.608 0.605 0.607 0.604 Standard Deviation 0.60780 0.60580 0.60520 Grand Mean= Mean: 0.60920 0.60700 of Mean = 0.00184 Pooled Standard Standard Deviation (s): 0.00130 0.00110 0.00319 0.00217 Deviation = 0.00211 Orepeatability 0.00211 reproduciblety = 0.00158 measurement= 0.00369 Table 3: Part one data.TABLE 1: MEASUREMENT VARIABILITY ( REPEATABILITY AND REPRODUCIBLETY) Part (circle one): Aluminum / Plastic Tool (circle one): Caliper & Micrometer Part # 9 Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Measurement 1 0.4635 0 . 640 -667 0.653 Measurement 2 D. 650 0. 643 - 642 0 1 655 Measurement 3 U. 650 0 . 65 643 0.655 Measurement 4 U. 644 0. 653 6 41 10.6 47 Measurement 5 0. 644 . 690 6 43 0.644 Grand Mean* X.= Mean (X) X 1 = X4 = Standard Deviation * Repeatability Standard Deviation Pooled Standard 57 = SA= (5) 51 = Deviation * * Sp *Grand Mean = average of a's; standard deviation of T's => in Excel, use STDEV.S * *Pooled Standard Deviation = SORT(average of s?) = repeatability reproduciblety ~ 5 -*52 Spooled where m is #of measurements (5) and s, is the variance of the grand mean (not the pooled standard devia m repeatability = reproducibleity = measurement =