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Will rate helpful! thanks! EXERCISE 9.9.2. Borden et al. {tit-24] performed experiments on cadaveric knees to test the effectiveness of several meniscal repair techniques. Specimens

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EXERCISE 9.9.2. Borden et al. {tit-24] performed experiments on cadaveric knees to test the effectiveness of several meniscal repair techniques. Specimens were loaded into a servo hvdraulic device and tension-loaded to failure. The biomechanical testing was performed bv using a slow leading rate to simulate the stresses that the medial meniscus might be subjected to during earlv rehabilitation exercises and activities of dailijr living. |Cine of the measures is the amount of displacement that occurs. Of the '12 specimens receiving the vertical mattress suture and the FasTFIX method, the displacement values measured in millimeters are 19.9, 29.2, 291,153, 139,119,199, 19.5, 9.2, 19.9, 22.9, 115. Construct a 99 percent condence interval for the variance of the displacement in millimeters for a population of subjects receiving these repair techniques. EXERCISE 9.19.2. The objective of a studv bv Horesh et al. (92?) was to explore the hvpothesis that some forms of suicidal behavior among adolescents are related to anger and impulsivitv. The sample consisted of 95 adolescents admitted to a university-afliated adolescent psvchiatric unit. The researchers used the Impulsiveness-Control Scale (ICE, {Eli28:: where higher numbers indicate higher degrees of impulsiveness and scores can range from 9 to 45. The 33 subjects classied as suicidal had an ICS score standard deviation of 9.4 while the 32 nonsuicidal subjects had a standard deviation of 9.9. Assume that these two groups constitute independent simple random samples from two populations of similar subjects. assume also that the ICE scores in these two populations are non'nallv distributed. Find the 99 percent confidence interval for the ratio of the two population variances of scores on the IDS

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