Worksheet 1 If your code To build an assembler project, VS assumes the entry point will be named links to C++, or, the entry point will be named _ if it is stand-alone. Converting MASM source code to an object file requires the use of the What should a single-line comment tell the reader? Converting an object file to an executable file requires the use of the What is the sizeof a 10 element array of type word? Converting C++ source code to an object file requires the use of the Operation codes, opcodes, and instructions are also known as If you need to "hard code" lots of hex numbers in your code, how can you avoid putting the 'h' suffix on all of them? Are MASM variable names case-sensitive? What does "dword ptr" do? What is the lengthof a 10 element array of type word? What are the MSVS C++ x64 Build Tools for? Most opcodes require one or more Worksheet 1 If your code To build an assembler project, VS assumes the entry point will be named links to C++, or, the entry point will be named _ if it is stand-alone. Converting MASM source code to an object file requires the use of the What should a single-line comment tell the reader? Converting an object file to an executable file requires the use of the What is the sizeof a 10 element array of type word? Converting C++ source code to an object file requires the use of the Operation codes, opcodes, and instructions are also known as If you need to "hard code" lots of hex numbers in your code, how can you avoid putting the 'h' suffix on all of them? Are MASM variable names case-sensitive? What does "dword ptr" do? What is the lengthof a 10 element array of type word? What are the MSVS C++ x64 Build Tools for? Most opcodes require one or more