Write a C++ code and answer number 1 please
Lab Ch. 7 - Larger than n 20 points In a program, create at least two different sized integer arrays of at least twenty-five (25) random number elements. Write a function that accepts three arguments:an array, the size of the array, and a number n. The function should display all of the numbers in the array that are greater than the number n. Pass each array to the function. The C++ library has a function, rand0, that you can use to generate random numbers. The number returned from the function is an int. Here is an example of its usage: int y randO The variable y will contain a pseudorandom number. Repeated calls to this function will produce the same series of seemingly unrelated numbers in the range of 0 and RAND_MAX. In order to randomize the results of rand0, the srand function must be used. srand0 accepts an argument of type unsigned int, which acts as a seed value for the random number series generated by randO A common practice for getting unique seed values is to call the time function, which returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight, January 1, 1970. timeO requires the
header file, and you pass NULL as an argument. See Random Numbers, pages 128-31; Programs 3-25 and 3-26 Please submit the following: 1. Your analysis of the problem a. What are the inputs to this program and/or what data does it use? b. What are the outputs from and results of this program? 2. The project folder containing your entire project 3. The program output Points will be given based on the following requirements: . Program Specifications/Correctness Readability Documentation . Code Efficiency Assignment Specifications See CIS-2541 Assignment Grading Guidelines for details C15-2541 C++ Language Programming