write a c code,,, calculate northsouthuniversity cgpa
#include void cgpa(){ read course info file here and calculate cgpa.then write in a text file with user information. The Equation to calculate CGPA is: CGPA= (Course Credit * Course Grade point)/Total Credit Hours Use nsu grading policy to calculate grade point. Show all info in the console as well. } void courseinfo(){ printf("Enter How many course:?"); Take course number Then take all courses name,credit,marks.Write all info in a text file. All input done.Do you want to check cgpa Yes or No? If yes call cgpa and show cgpa. } void login(){ printf("Enter username: "); printf("Enter password: "); Read user text file here and check information matched or not If login success go to courseinfo otherwise show a error message. } void registration(){ printf("Enter Name: "); printf("Enter ID: "); printf("Enter password: "); password length must be minimum 6 and maximum 10 printf("Enter username: "); Minimum length 5 maximum 10 .otherwise show invalid Take from user input and Write all info in a text file. } void main(){ printf("\t\t\t*****NSU CGPA CALCULATOR***** "); printf("Choose a option: "); printf("1.Login "); printf("2.Registration "); printf(" Enter your choice: "); }