Write a Python program that prints a square of size depending on an entered value. The program first reads the size of the square and then prints the square with a pattern according to the examples below. The figure shows two different executions of the program. Submit your solution in q1a.py. [8 marks] Write a Python program that prints a square of size depending on an entered value. The program first reads the size of the square and then prints the square with a pattern according to the examples below. The figure shows two different executions of the program. Submit your solution in q1b.py. [ 10 marks] (c) A stationery shop gives a discount to the univeriaty accordang to the GPA of the stadents. The price list of a pencil case from Super Starionery is given belony. Write a program that reads in the GPA. and then prints the grice. In addition, the program should valudate the input. The following table shows the error message that should be printed for each type of inpat error. The user should be asked to re-enter in case nf an error The following shows an example execution of the program. Submait your solution in qle.py: [10 marks] (d) You are helpang the Mathematics Department to work on statistic research. In the games using two 6-face dice, one of them is purposely replaced with faces of 1,1,2. 3. 4, 5 se that 6 wul never compe out. Assame that you know a normal 6-face die has faces 1,2,3,4,5,6. For curiosity. you wish to know how the ouncoese. which is the sam of throwing the 2 dice (with one of them is a special die). will be. Write a program that rolls two duce of which one of the dice with the above defect. calculate the outcome. collect the statistics and find out the probabilaty of rolling each possible outcomie. Roll 1000 times and then prant out the frequency (mumber of times having each of the outcome values) and also print the correspondang araph. Submit your solution in qld.py. [10 marks] The program should require no inpur. The outpar should look like the example below: Note that due to randomness the exact fregaencies will change. The bar chart should be scaled appropriately for anallysis