You are required to produce a simple lot case study which can be based on a fictitious scenario which may benefit from an Internet of Things (IoT) solution using the Raspberry Pi and associated sensors such as the BME680. The scenario for example could be used within your own home; or to help protect the elderly; or to help protect people within a public space to help monitor good air quality. The design case study should include the following aspects: A short introduction to discuss your proposed IoT solution and the benefits it will bring to your chosen scenario. A list of recommended IoT hardware/sensors along with URL links. This may include for example: Raspberry Pi 4/Zero's; Z Wave Dongle; BME680 sensors; smoke detectors, water leak sensors; air quality sensors etc. A visual layout or schematic diagram to show the floor layout where these loT sensors will be placed. For this you can make use of a free planning tool on the web (or alternatively within Microsoft Word) and then overlay some images, or icons to represent the IoT hardware again using Word or a free graphics package. Include a simple mock-up screenshot for a smartphone/device of a suitable lot User Interface such as the ones presented during the lot lecture Topic which shows how the IoT hardware/sensors etc will be monitored and controlled. E.g. OpenHab UI or Cayenne IoT UI. Again, this can be created using a suitable graphics package or within Word. Assume the transmission of data between the IoT devices will be done via MQTT. In which case produce a simple hierarchical flowchart diagram showing how these sensors/devices will be linked via suitable Topics. E.g. If there is a temperature and humidity sensor located within the first floor of a care home within Alfred's room, this could take the name of an MQTT Topic to include within the flowchart such as: "Carehome/Floor1/Alfred/Temp Hum Sensor