You are the executive director of a social services nonprofit and have just bee notified that you are losing your funding for the Seniors Program. You serv lunch to more than one hundred seniors five days a week, in addition to p viding them with a program before the lunch is served. The program is exercise three days a week, and on the other days it is dancing. You decide to approach a foundation to replace the funding you will be losing. Create a proposed bud- get to attach to your grant proposal to the foundation, using the following information: ASSIGNMENT 2.2 SERVING SENIORS a Revenue: Contributions, $122,200; in-kind services, $10,000; foundation, $130,000; and senior contributions, $1,250. Expenses: 3 percent of the executive director's time @ $150,000; 5 percent of the program coordinator's time @ $100,000; one senior program director@ $50,000; and one senior program staff member @ $35,000. Fringe benefits are 20 percent of the PS 250 days of the year at $5 one hour a day for five days each week for fifty weeks a services are the kitchen for $10,000. Supplies an is 10 percent. . NPS consists of one hundred seniors budgeted for per meal. The exercise and music staff come in for t @ $25. The in-kind $10,000. The indirect cost You are the executive director of a social services nonprofit and have just bee notified that you are losing your funding for the Seniors Program. You serv lunch to more than one hundred seniors five days a week, in addition to p viding them with a program before the lunch is served. The program is exercise three days a week, and on the other days it is dancing. You decide to approach a foundation to replace the funding you will be losing. Create a proposed bud- get to attach to your grant proposal to the foundation, using the following information: ASSIGNMENT 2.2 SERVING SENIORS a Revenue: Contributions, $122,200; in-kind services, $10,000; foundation, $130,000; and senior contributions, $1,250. Expenses: 3 percent of the executive director's time @ $150,000; 5 percent of the program coordinator's time @ $100,000; one senior program director@ $50,000; and one senior program staff member @ $35,000. Fringe benefits are 20 percent of the PS 250 days of the year at $5 one hour a day for five days each week for fifty weeks a services are the kitchen for $10,000. Supplies an is 10 percent. . NPS consists of one hundred seniors budgeted for per meal. The exercise and music staff come in for t @ $25. The in-kind $10,000. The indirect cost