The Students data fileat showsresponsesofa class of60socialsciencegraduatestudentsattheUniversityofFloridatoaquestionnaire that askedabout gender (1 = female, 0 = male),


The Students data fileat showsresponsesofa class of60socialsciencegraduatestudentsattheUniversityofFloridatoaquestionnaire that askedabout gender (1 = female, 0 = male), age, hsgpa = high schoolGPA(ona four-pointscale), cogpa = college GPA, dhome = distance (inmiles)ofthecampusfrom yourhometown, dres = distance (inmiles)oftheclassroomfromyourcurrentresidence, tv = averagenumberofhoursperweekthatyouwatchTV, sport = averagenumberof hours perweekthatyouparticipateinsportsorhaveotherphysicalexercise, news =

numberoftimesaweekyoureadanewspaper, aids = numberofpeopleyouknowwho havediedfromAIDSorwhoareHIV+, veg = whether youareavegetarian(1 = yes, 0 = no), affil = politicalaffiliation(1 = Democrat,2 = Republican, 3 = independent), ideol = politicalideology(1 = veryliberal,2 = liberal,3 = slightlyliberal,4 = moderate, 5 = slightlyconservative,6 = conservative,7 = veryconservative), relig = howoften youattendreligiousservices(0 = never,1 = occasionally,2 = most weeks,3 = every week), abor = opinion aboutwhetherabortionshouldbelegalinthefirstthreemonths of pregnancy(1 = yes,0 = no), affirm = supportaffirmativeaction(1 = yes,0 = no), and life = beliefinlifeafterdeath(1 = yes,2 = no, 3 = undecided). Youwillusethisdata file forsomeexercisesinthisbook.

(a) Practiceaccessingadatafileforstatisticalanalysiswithyoursoftwarebygoingto the book’swebsiteandcopyingandthendisplayingthisdatafile.

(b) Usingresponseson abor, stateaquestionthatcouldbeaddressedwith(i)descrip-


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