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A Pamphlet Of Mathematical Formulas Mathematics Formulas For High Schools And Colleges(1st Edition)


Kingsley Augustine

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ISBN: B0BD7W8P1J, 979-8351795157

Book publisher: Independently published

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Book Summary: This is a pocket book that serves as a quick reminder of mathematics formulas, including differentiation and integration formulas. It is small and handy and can be carried anywhere. Hence, its portability helps you to check for mathematics formulas at any point in time. It also contains the major SI units in mathematics and their conversion to other larger or lowers units. This book will serve as a useful tool to any student offering mathematics in high schools, colleges or universities.The formulas contained in this book include:Mensuration FormulasRegular Polygon of n sidesQuadratic EquationSequence and SeriesArithmetic ProgressionGeometric Progression.IndicesLogarithmThe Binomial theorem.Trigonometric FormulasRight-angled trianglesAngles between 0 and 360.Special anglesFundamental IdentitiesAddition FormulasHalf anglesDouble angle formulasTriple Angle FormulasProduct Formulas.MechanicsCoordinate Geometry.Equation of a straight line.Equation of a circleEquation of a ParabolaEquation of an EllipseEquation of a hyperbolaDifferentiation FormulasIntegration FormulasTrapezoidal RuleMatrix TransformationStatisticsMean.VarianceStandard DeviationCorrelation CoefficientsProbabilityAnd many more ....This book can quickly help students memorize and remember formulas, hence it is a valuable tool for students to excel in math.