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Modern Applied Statistics With S-PLUS(2nd Edition)


W. N. Venables, B. D. Ripley

Free modern applied statistics with s-plus 2nd edition w. n. venables, b. d. ripley 1475727194, 9781475727197
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ISBN: 1475727194, 9781475727197

Book publisher: Springer

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Book Summary: 'The style is clear and lively. The treatment ... is remarkably accurate. In short, it is a good book." — Scientific MonthlyTo understand the laws behind chance and probability, you don't need a degree or other formal training in mathematics; all you need is this book! In simple, nontechnical language, it will introduce you to the fundamentals governing chance. Then you'll find a host of practical statistical applications for your new knowledge, including everyday pursuits ranging from sports and government to business and other fields.The first part explains the theory of probability, with particular reference to superstitions and fallacies, betting odds, and the law of mathematical expectation, and with specific applications to poker, roulette, lotteries, dice games, bridge, and other games involving chance. The second part illustrates: how to apply the principles behind probability theory to statistics, with discussions of normal frequency distributions and the dangers of misusing statistics. A survey of statistical applications takes in a remarkable variety of fields, including strategic warfare, social problems, stock speculation, advertising, and operations research.Written in a highly readable style, with frequent touches of humor, this volume will enliven any course in probability and statistics. It will appeal to both teachers and students of probability and statistics as well as to nonmathematicians.