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Marketing An Introduction(4th Edition)


Gary Armstrong , Philip Kotler

Free marketing an introduction 4th edition gary armstrong ,  philip kotler 0135192129, 9781292200309
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ISBN: 0135192129, 9781292200309

Book publisher: Pearson

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Book Summary: Front Cover Half Title Page Title Page Copyright Page Brief Contens Contens Preface About the authors Case matrix Acknowledgements Publisher’s acknowledgements PART ONE DEFINING MARKETING AND THE MARKETING PROCESS Is marketing for everyone? 1 MARKETING: MANAGING PROFITABLE CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Marketing European football What is marketing? Marketing defined The marketing process Understanding the marketplace and customer needs Customer needs, wants and demands Market offerings – products, services and experiences Customer value and satisfaction Exchanges and relationships Markets Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy Selecting customers to serve Choosing a value proposition Marketing management orientations MARKETING AT WORK 1.1 Facebook: real-time marketing all the time Preparing a marketing plan and programme MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Building customer relationships Managing marketing relationships The changing nature of customer relationships Partner relationship management Capturing value from customers Creating customer loyalty and retention Growing share of customer Building customer equity MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts The new marketing landscape The new digital age Rapid globalisation The call for more ethics and social responsibility The growth of not-for-profit sector marketing MARKETING AT WORK 1.2 Metaphors in marketing So, what is marketing? Pulling it all together THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references 2 COMPANY AND MARKETING STRATEGY: PARTNERING TO BUILD CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY BT: strategy in turbulent times Company-wide strategic planning: defining marketing’s role Defining a market-oriented mission Setting company objectives and goals MARKETING AT WORK 2.1 Maersk Line Designing the business portfolio Planning marketing: partnering to build customer relationships Partnering with other company departments Partnering with others in the marketing system MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Marketing strategy and the marketing mix Customer-centred marketing strategy Developing the marketing mix Managing the marketing effort Marketing analysis Marketing planning Marketing implementation MARKETING AT WORK 2.2 Chill’d Coconut Water: marketing planning for a new product line Marketing department organisation Marketing control Measuring and managing return on marketing THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references PART TWO UNDERSTANDING THE MARKETPLACE AND CONSUMERS Making an effort to understand your customers 3 THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENT Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY The boycott of Arla Foods in the Middle East The company’s microenvironment The company Suppliers Marketing intermediaries Customers Competitors Publics The company’s macroenvironment Demographic environment MARKETING AT WORK 3.1 Environmental turmoil in the German car industry MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Economic environment Natural environment Technological environment MARKETING AT WORK 3.2 The two-edged sword of social media Political environment Cultural environment MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Responding to the marketing environment THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references 4 MANAGING MARKETING INFORMATION Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Netflix streams success with big data and marketing analytics Assessing marketing information needs Developing marketing information Internal data MARKETING AT WORK 4.1 Air France–KLM: flying high with CRM Marketing intelligence Marketing research Defining the problem and research objectives Developing the research plan Gathering secondary data EXHIBIT 4.1 Selected information sources Primary data collection EXHIBIT 4.2 Implementing the research plan Interpreting and reporting the findings MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Analysing marketing information Customer relationship management Distributing and using marketing information MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Other marketing information considerations Marketing research in small businesses and non-profit organisations International marketing research Public policy and ethics in marketing research MARKETING AT WORK 4.2 Doubleplusgood market research THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references 5 CONSUMER AND BUSINESS BUYER BEHAVIOUR Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Airbus A380 Consumer markets and consumer buyer behaviour Model of consumer behaviour Characteristics affecting consumer behaviour The buyer decision process MARKETING AT WORK 5.1 Understanding what older consumers want The buyer decision process for new products Consumer behaviour across international borders MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Business markets and business buyer behaviour Business markets MARKETING AT WORK 5.2 GE: building B2B customer partnerships Business buyer behaviour THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references PART THREE DESIGNING A CUSTOMER-DRIVEN MAR-KETING STRATEGY AND MARKETING MIX Putting marketing into action 6 SEGMENTATION, TARGETING AND POSITIONING: BUILDING THE RIGHT RELA-TIONSHIPS WITH THE RIGHT CUSTOMERS Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Baltika: segmenting the beer market in Russia and the West Market segmentation Segmenting consumer markets MARKETING AT WORK 6.1 Sebiro – segmentation in men’s clothing Segmenting business markets Segmenting international markets Requirements for effective segmentation MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Target marketing Evaluating market segments Selecting target market segments Socially responsible target marketing MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Positioning for competitive advantage Positioning maps Choosing a positioning strategy MARKETING AT WORK 6.2 Ryanair’s value proposition: less for much less Communicating and delivering the chosen position THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references 7 PRODUCT, SERVICES AND BRANDING STRATEGY Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Alfred Dunhill Ltd: reconciling tradition and innovation in product and brand management What is a product? Products, services and experiences Levels of product and services Product and service classifications Product and service decisions Individual product and service decisions Product line decisions Product mix decisions Branding strategy: building strong brands Brand equity Building strong brands MARKETING AT WORK 7.1 Naming brands: just how much does a name matter? Managing brands MARKETING AT WORK 7.2 Potterheads, Twihards and Tributes Services marketing Nature and characteristics of a service Marketing strategies for service firms Additional product considerations Product decisions and social responsibility International product and services marketing THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references 8 DEVELOPING NEW PRODUCTS AND MANAGING THE PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Kickstarting new-product development New-product development strategy Idea generation Idea screening Concept development and testing EXHIBIT 8.1 Marketing strategy development Business analysis Product development Test marketing Commercialisation Organising for new-product development MARKETING AT WORK 8.1 Electrolux: cleaning up with customer-centred, team-based new-product development MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Product life-cycle strategies Introduction stage Growth stage Maturity stage Decline stage MARKETING AT WORK 8.2 VW and Alfa Romeo: German engineering with Italian chic? THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references 9 PRICING: UNDERSTANDING AND CAPTURING CUSTOMER VALUE Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Primark – The high cost of low prices? What is a price? Factors to consider when setting prices Customer perceptions of value Company and product costs Other internal and external considerations affecting price decisions MARKETING AT WORK 9.1 Rolex: much more than just a watch MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts New-product pricing strategies Market-skimming pricing Market-penetration pricing Product mix pricing strategies Product line pricing Optional-product pricing Captive-product pricing By-product pricing Product bundle pricing Price adjustment strategies Discount and allowance pricing Segmented pricing Psychological pricing Promotional pricing MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Geographical pricing Dynamic pricing MARKETING AT WORK 9.2 Dynamic pricing at easyJet and Ryanair: climbing the skies with low prices International pricing Price changes Initiating price changes Responding to price changes Public policy and pricing THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references 10 MARKETING CHANNELS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Pinturas Fierro: slow but safe growth Supply chains and the value-delivery network The nature and importance of marketing channels How channel members add value Number of channel levels Channel behaviour and organisation Channel behaviour Vertical marketing systems Horizontal marketing systems Multichannel distribution systems Changing channel organisation MARKETING AT WORK 10.1 Steam-powered marketing: disintermediation in the computer game industry Channel design decisions Analysing consumer needs Setting channel objectives Identifying major alternatives Evaluating the major alternatives Designing international distribution channels Channel management decisions Selecting channel members Managing and motivating channel members Evaluating channel members Public policy and distribution decisions Marketing logistics and supply chain management Nature and importance of marketing logistics Goals of the logistics system Major logistics functions Integrated logistics management MARKETING AT WORK 10.2 Zara: fast fashions – really fast THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references 11 RETAILING AND WHOLESALING Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Aldi: don’t discount them Retailing Types of retailers EXHIBIT 11.1 Major store retailer types MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Retailer marketing decisions The future of retailing MARKETING AT WORK 11.1 Movers and shakers: leaders in European retailing MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Wholesaling MARKETING AT WORK 11.2 The Greenery: a fresh approach Types of wholesalers Wholesaler marketing decisions Trends in wholesaling THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references 12 COMMUNICATING CUSTOMER VALUE: ADVERTISING, SALES PROMOTION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Renault: how a sausage, a sushi roll, a crispbread and a baguette have affected car sales in Europe The promotion mix Integrated marketing communications The new marketing communications landscape The shifting marketing communications model The need for integrated marketing communications Shaping the overall promotion mix The nature of each promotion tool Promotion mix strategies MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Advertising Setting advertising objectives Setting the advertising budget Developing advertising strategy MARKETING AT WORK 12.1 Narrowcasting – Savile Row and science fiction MARKETING AT WORK 12.2 Advertising in computer games Evaluating advertising effectiveness and return on advertising investment Other advertising considerations MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Sales promotion Rapid growth of sales promotion Sales promotion objectives Major sales promotion tools Developing the sales promotion programme Public relations The role and impact of public relations Major public relations tools THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references 13 COMMUNICATING CUSTOMER VALUE: PERSONAL SELLING AND DIRECT MARKETING Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Innovating in business relationships: how Philips works with international retailers Personal selling The nature of personal selling The role of the sales force Managing the sales force Designing sales force strategy and structure Recruiting and selecting salespeople Training salespeople Compensating salespeople Supervising and motivating salespeople Evaluating salespeople and sales force performance MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts The personal selling process Steps in the selling process Personal selling and customer relationship management Direct marketing The new direct marketing model MARKETING AT WORK 13.1 Groupon: making life less boring through direct marketing on the Web Benefits and growth of direct marketing Customer databases and direct marketing Forms of direct marketing MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Integrated direct marketing MARKETING AT WORK 13.2 Direct marketing success stories Public policy and ethical issues in direct marketing THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references PART FOUR EXTENDING MARKETING Can Marketing Save the World? 14 MARKETING IN THE DIGITAL AGE Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Printing the future The digital age The wonderful world of internet statistics Marketing strategy in the digital age E-business, e-commerce and e-marketing in the digital age Benefits to buyers Benefits to sellers E-marketing domains B2C (business to consumer) B2B (business to business) C2C (consumer to consumer) C2B (consumer to business) Marketing on the Web Click-only versus click-and-mortar e-marketers MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Setting up an online marketing presence MARKETING AT WORK 14.1 Marketing applications: from Angry Birds to happy marketers The promises and challenges of the digital age New intermediaries and the pushback against Facebook Society and culture Mass customisation and new markets MARKETING AT WORK 14.2 Digital disruption in home entertainment – Blockbuster, Lovefilm and HBO The Web’s darker side – legal and ethical issues THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references 15 THE GLOBAL MARKETPLACE Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Spotify – fulfilling a global niche Global marketing in the twenty-first century Looking at the global marketing environment The international trade system Economic environment Political–legal environment Cultural environment MARKETING AT WORK 15.1 McDonald’s: serving customers around the world Deciding whether to go international Deciding which markets to enter Deciding how to enter the market Exporting Joint venturing Direct investment MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Deciding on the global marketing programme MARKETING AT WORK 15.2 Doing business with China: culture matters Product Promotion Price Distribution channels Deciding on the global marketing organisation THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references 16 ETHICS, SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY Chapter objectives THE WAY AHEAD Previewing the concepts CASE STUDY Help – for a life without tobacco Social criticisms of marketing Marketing’s impact on individual consumers MARKETING AT WORK 16.1 The international obesity debate: who’s to blame? MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Marketing’s impact on society as a whole Marketing’s impact on other businesses Citizen and public actions to regulate marketing Consumerism Sustainability MARKETING AT WORK 16.2 The VW emissions scandal Public actions to regulate marketing Business actions towards socially responsible marketing Sustainable marketing MAKING CONNECTIONS Linking the concepts Marketing ethics EXHIBIT 16.1 Some morally difficult situations in marketing EXHIBIT 16.2 American Marketing Association: Ethical norms and values for marketers THE JOURNEY YOU’VE TAKEN Reviewing the concepts Navigating the key terms Notes and references Appendix 1 Marketing metrics Appendix 2 Careers in marketing Glossary Index