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Modern Physics The Quantum Physics Of Atoms Solids And Nuclei(3rd Edition)
Robert L. Sproull ,W. Andrew Phillips
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ISBN: 048678326X, 978-0486783260
Book publisher: Dover Publications
Get your hands on the best-selling book Modern Physics The Quantum Physics Of Atoms Solids And Nuclei 3rd Edition for free. Feed your curiosity and let your imagination soar with the best stories coming out to you without hefty price tags. Browse SolutionInn to discover a treasure trove of fiction and non-fiction books where every page leads the reader to an undiscovered world. Start your literary adventure right away and also enjoy free shipping of these complimentary books to your door.
Book Summary: This introduction to the concepts and methods of quantum mechanics employs the analysis of one-dimensional problems to offer students a quantitative understanding of atomic, molecular, solid-state, and nuclear physics. Applications of these concepts and methods help answer the most intriguing questions of modern physics: What holds matter together? Holds it apart? How does the variety of chemical properties of different elements arise? How do electrons move through solids? Why do nuclei that occur in nature possess only certain combinations of protons and neutrons? The text presents meaningful problems by topic — supplemented by ample illustrations, applications, and exercises — that address the most intriguing questions of modern physics. Answers to selected problems appear in the appendix. Geared toward science and engineering majors, this volume is also appropriate for independent study by those who have completed a general physics course.
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