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Partnership Taxation(2017 Edition)
David Whiscombe
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ISBN: 978-1784513320
Book publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Get your hands on the best-selling book Partnership Taxation 2017 Edition for free. Feed your curiosity and let your imagination soar with the best stories coming out to you without hefty price tags. Browse SolutionInn to discover a treasure trove of fiction and non-fiction books where every page leads the reader to an undiscovered world. Start your literary adventure right away and also enjoy free shipping of these complimentary books to your door.
Book Summary: This popular book offers a comprehensive guide to the law and practice relating to the taxation of partnerships in the UK. It contains a wealth of worked examples, and is up-to-date to the Finance Act 2016. It includes numerous worked examples to illustrate the practical effects of the law and extensive cross-references to legislation and case law. Accountants and tax practitioners will find this book essential reading as it covers a range of topics including: Calculating income and gains for partnerships; Dealing with self-assessment claims and returns; Coverage of specific situations - change of accounting date, death or retirement of a partner and incorporation; Examination of the benefits of setting up a limited partnership or a limited liability partnership; Appendices include useful reference material, including up-to-date partnership legislation.
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