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Statistical Reasoning For Everyday Life(4th Edition)


Jeffrey Bennett

Free statistical reasoning for everyday life 4th edition jeffrey bennett 1292040211, 9781292040219
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ISBN: 1292040211, 9781292040219

Book publisher: Pearson

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Book Summary: PrefaceSupplementsTo the Student: How to Succeed in Your Statistics CourseApplications Index 1. Speaking of Statistics1.1 What Is/Are Statistics?1.2 Sampling1.3 Types of Statistical Studies1.4 Should You Believe a Statistical Study? Focus on Psychology: Are You Driving "Drunk" on Your Cell Phone? Focus on Public Health: Is Your Lifestyle Healthy? 2. Measurement in Statistics2.1 Data Types and Levels of Measurement2.2 Dealing with Errors2.3 Uses of Percentages in Statistics2.4 Index Numbers Using Technology: Inflation Calculator Focus on Politics: Who Benefited Most from Lower Tax Rates? Focus on Economics: Can a Redefined CPI Help Solve the Budget Crisis? 3. Visual Displays of Data3.1 Frequency Tables Using Technology: Frequency Tables3.2 Picturing Distributions of Data Using Technology: Bar Graphs Using Technology: Pie Charts Using Technology: Line Charts and Histograms3.3 Graphics in the Media Using Technology: Graphs with Multiple Data Sets3.4 A Few Cautions About Graphics Focus on History: Can War Be Described with a Graph? Focus on Environment: Are We Changing Earth's Atmosphere? 4. Describing Data4.1 What Is Average? Using Technology: Mean, Median, and Mode4.2 Shapes of Distributions4.3 Measures of Variation Using Technology: Boxplots Using Technology: Standard Deviation4.4 Statistical Paradoxes Focus on the Stock Market: What's Average About the Dow? Focus on Economics: Are the Rich Getting Richer? 5. A Normal World5.1 What Is Normal?5.2 Properties of the Normal Distribution Using Technology: Standard Scores in Excel Using Technology: Standard Scores and Percentiles5.3 The Central Limit Theorem Focus on Education: What Can We Learn from SAT Trends? Focus on Psychology: Are We Smarter than Our Parents? 6. Probability in Statistics6.1 The Role of Probability in Statistics: Statistical Significance6.2 Basics of Probability6.3 The Law of Large Numbers6.4 Ideas of Risk and Life Expectancy6.5 Combining Probabilities (Supplementary Section) Focus on Social Science: Do Lotteries Harm the Poor? Focus on Law: Is DNA Fingerprinting Reliable? 7. Correlation and Causality7.1 Seeking Correlation Using Technology: Scatterplots and Correlation Coefficients7.2 Interpreting Correlations7.3 Best-Fit Lines and Prediction7.4 The Search for Causality Focus on Education: What Helps Children Learn to Read? Focus on Environment: What Is Causing Global Warming? 8. From Samples to Populations8.1 Sampling Distributions8.2 Estimating Population Means Using Technology: Confidence Interval Estimate of a Population Mean8.3 Estimating Population Proportions Using Technology: Confidence Interval Estimate of a PopulationProportion Focus on History: Where Did Statistics Begin? Focus on Literature: How Many Words Did Shakespeare Know? 9. Hypothesis Testing9.1 Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing9.2 Hypothesis Tests for Population Means Using Technology: Hypothesis Test for a Population Mean9.3 Hypothesis Tests for Population Proportions Using Technology: Hypothesis Test for a Population Proportion Focus on Health and Education: Will Your Education Help You Live Longer? Focus on Agriculture: Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe? 10. t Tests, Two-Way Tables, and ANOVA10.1 t Distribution for Inferences about a Mean Using Technology: The t Distribution10.2 Hypothesis Testing with Two-Way Tables Using Technology: Hypothesis Testing with Two-Way Tables10.3 Analysis of Variance (One-Way Anova) Using Technology: Analysis of Variance Focus on Criminology: Can You Tell a Fraud When You See One? Focus on Education: What Can a Fourth-Grader Do with Statistics? Epilogue: A Perspective on StatisticsAppendix A: z-Score TablesAppendix B: Table of Random NumbersSuggested ReadingsCreditsGlossaryAnswersIndex