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Ten Lessons In Introductory Sociology(2nd Edition)


Kenneth A. Gould ,Tammy L. Lewis

Free ten lessons in introductory sociology 2nd edition kenneth a. gould ,tammy l. lewis 0190663863, 978-0190663865
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Book details

ISBN: 0190663863, 978-0190663865

Book publisher: Oxford University Press

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Book Summary: Designed to introduce students to key concepts and methods in sociology and to engage them in critical thinking, Ten Lessons in Introductory Sociology provides a brief and valuable overview to four major questions that guide the discipline:* Why sociology?* What unites us?* What divides us?* How do societies change? Deftly balancing breadth and depth, the book makes the study of sociology accessible, relevant, and meaningful. Contextualizing the most important issues, Ten Lessons helps students discover "the sociological imagination" and what it means to be part of an engaged public discourse.