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Marketing(4th Edition)


Richard L. Sandhusen

Free marketing 4th edition richard l. sandhusen 9780764139321, 0764139320
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ISBN: 9780764139321, 0764139320

Book publisher: Barron's Educational Series

Get your hands on the best-selling book Marketing 4th Edition for free. Feed your curiosity and let your imagination soar with the best stories coming out to you without hefty price tags. Browse SolutionInn to discover a treasure trove of fiction and non-fiction books where every page leads the reader to an undiscovered world. Start your literary adventure right away and also enjoy free shipping of these complimentary books to your door.

Book Summary: Professor Richard Sandhusen’s brand-new and important fourth edition of Marketing explains how four digital-age systems have merged into one to change marketing and management practice as much in the past five years as in the previous half century. These systems--decision support, relationship marketing, integrated marketing communication, and balanced scorecard--receive detailed analysis in this extensively updated book, which also gives more comprehensive coverage to all aspects of the global marketplace than other currently-available textbooks on the subject. Here is vital information for students soon entering business in today’s ever more globally competitive world. Marketing presents a realistic hypothetical company as it faces business challenges and opportunities on a day-by-day basis. Although solidly grounded in marketing theory, the book explains marketing strategies within this realistic setting, showing many of the business tactics and decisions students are likely to confront in their own careers. The fictitious company’s domestic and international marketing strategies are explained and analyzed, and real-world examples of successful marketing campaigns by different kinds of companies are also included. Each chapter ends with an overview of essential concepts and match-up exercises that review the text’s material. Here is a popular and accessible new addition to Barron’s respected Business Review Series.