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The Spirit Of Python The Slave Master(1st Edition)


Shawn Beaton

Free the spirit of python the slave master 1st edition shawn beaton 1731562276, 978-1731562272
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ISBN: 1731562276, 978-1731562272

Book publisher: Independently published

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Book Summary: The python spirit is often looked upon as a spirit that targets individuals with various afflictions. These afflictions range from depression, religious delusion, or drug addiction. It is true that the python spirit does affect individuals with these maladies, but the python spirit is more concerned with crowds. This is the kind of spirit that can stir up a mob with little warning and cause great destruction and lawlessness. It works through members of the media and religious leaders to whip them up into a frenzy or demoralize them. This spirit is also manipulating the highs and lows of the stock market. The python spirit is more than a fortune telling spirit. It is controlling the collective mood of cities and nations. Through occult powers it is controlling masses with its voice. Many are serving the python spirit and belong to its many slave colonies.In this book I look at the various ways the python spirit is enslaving individuals and large groups of people. The python spirit uses rebellion, witchcraft, drugs, medicine and the prison/correction system and many other methods to enslave mankind. I'll reveal how much influence this spirit has. It is so influential that it has gained a place in President Trump's life! We are living at a critical time when the masses are on the move. These masses are the refugees, protesters, religious groups and armies that are amassing for conflict. Spiritual warfare must be done to break the grip of Python off the masses so that it cannot lead these masses into conflict with one another. Don't worry I haven't forgotten individuals who battle with the spirit of python. I discuss in this book how individuals can break this spirit's grip off their life. I have also included some warfare prayers to get you started on getting free from the python spirit.This book is very challenging to any living in rebellion and is by no means politically correct. It is Biblically correct and is a challenge to the status quo. It is my hope that some deep roots of rebellion are uprooted through this book and that the lives of individuals and nations are changed for the better. I hope that as you read this book you are transformed and become a voice for change. Python has been speaking for too long. Its time for the true Church of Jesus Christ to speak up!