The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan and Irene Incisor family from Chapters 1-6. On December 12, Irene purchased the building where

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The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan and Irene Incisor family from Chapters 1-6.

On December 12, Irene purchased the building where her store is located. She paid $240,000 for the building and $100,000 for the land it is located on. Irene's store is the only business in the building.

Ivan owned 1,000 shares of Behemoth Airline stock with a basis of $30 per share. The stock was purchased 6 years ago on June 10. Ivan sells 500 shares of Behemoth stock to his uncle Seth and 500 of the shares to his sister Sara for $5 per share on December 31, 2012.

Assume for purposes of the continuation of this problem and the problem in Chapter 8 that the Incisors do not have $440,000 in private activity bond interest income. As a result, no AMT will be due.


Combine this new information about the Incisor family with the information from Chapters 1-6 and complete a revised 2012 tax return for Ivan and Irene. Be sure to save your data input files since this case will be expanded with more tax information in the next chapter.

The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan
The following additional information is available for the Dr. Ivan

4562 OM B No. 1545-0172 Depreciation and Amortization (Including Information on Listed Property) 2012 eparate instructions. Attach to your tax return sogance 179 Namol shown an re Dusines or activity to which this farm relatea danitying number PartElection To Expense Certain Property Under Section 179 Note: If you have eny listed property, complere Part V before you complete Part L 1 Maximum 2 Total cost of section 179 properypcice (oe 3 Threshold cost of ectio aproperty bedre reduction in lin nation seein 4 Reduction in limitation. Subtract line 3 from line 2 If zero or less, enter-0- 5 Dollar limitation for tax year. Subtract line 4 from line 1. If zero or lass, enter-0- I maried fiing uctions separately, see instructions 7 Listed property. Enter the anount from line 29 8 Total elected cost of section 19 proparty, Add amounts in column (c), Iines 6 and 7. Tentative deduction. Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 8 10 Caryover of disallowad deduction from line 13 of your 2011 Fon 4562 11 Business income limtation. Enber the smaller of business income ot less than zeroj or line 5 (aee instructions)11 12 Section 179 expense deduction. Add ines 9end 10 but do not enter more than line 11 3 Carryover of disalowed deduction to 2013.Addlines 9 and 10 less ine 12 12 Note: Do not use Part I ar Part M below for stad Part I Special Depreclation Allowance and Other Depreciation (Do not include isted property.) (See instructions. 14 Special depreciation allowance for qualified property other than listed property) placed in service during the tax year (see instructions 15 Property subject to section 168)olction 14 15 16 CRS Depreciation (Do not include listed property. (See instructions Part i MA Section A 17 MACRS deductions for asseta placed in service in tax years beginning before 2012 18 If you are electing to group any assets placed in se to one or more general 17 rvice during the tax year in asoot aocounts, chock here Section B-Assets Placed in Service During 2012 Tak Year Using the General Depreciation System ofpropartyin Mathod Depraciation deduction peried 19a 3-yeer property b 5-year property c 7-year property d 10-year proparty e 15-yeer proparty f 20-year property 25-year proparty h Rasidential rental 275 SIL property property 20a Class Ife INonrealdontial real 39 Section C-Assets Placed in Service During 2012 Tax Year Using the Alternative Depreciation System b 12-year c 40-ye Section C-Assets Placed in Service During 2012 Tax Year Using the Alternative Depreciation System 20a Class Ife b 12-year SIL SIL SIL 40 yrs Part IV Summary (See instructions 1 Lted property. Enter amount from line 28 22 Total. Add amounts from line 12, lines 14 through 17, lines 19 and 20 noolumn (g), and ine 21. Enter 21 here and on the appropriate lines of your return. Partnerships and S corporations-see instructions 23 For assets shown above and placed in service during the curent year, enter the portion of the basis attributable to section 263A costs 23 For Panerwowk Redction Act Notice.999 parate instruetione Frm 4562 pny Part V Listed Property (Include automobiles, certain other vehicles, certain computers, and property used for entertainment, recreation, or amusement.) Note: For any vehicle for or deducting lease expense, complete only 24a, 24b, columms (a through (c) of Section A al of Section B, and Section C if applicable wich you are using the standard mleage rate Section A-Depreclation and Other Information (Caution: See the Instructovrs for Kirmits for passenger automobiles 24a Do you hawe evidence to support the business/nwestment use clsied?Ys No 24b I "Yes is the evidence written?No (al Type of property t ected section 179 5 Special dapimeciation allowance for qualified listed property placed in service duning the tax year and used more than 50% in & qualified business use (ee instructions25 26 Property used more than 50% in a qualified busness use: 27 Property used 50% or less in a qualified busness use 28 29 Add amounts in column th, ines 25 through27- Ener here and on ine 21, page Add amounts in column O. line 26. Enter here 28 and on ine 7 tin BInformation on Use of Vehicles Complete this section for vehicles used by a sole propnietor,partner, or other "more than 5%wner,"or related person. if you provided vehicles o your emplo answer the questions in Section C to see f you meet an exception to completing thie section for those vehicles. 30 Total businsss/inrestment miles driven during1 he year ldo not include commuting mles) 31 Total commuting mles driven during the year 32 Total other porsonal (noncommuting) miles driver 33 Total milee driven during the year. Add ines 30 through 32 Was the vehicde available for pesonal use during off-duty hours? 34 Yos No Yos No Yes No Yes No Yes NoYes No 5 Was the vehicle used primariy by a more than 5% owner or related person? 06 Is oher vehicle available for personel use? Section C-Questions for Employers Who Provide Vehicles for Use by Their Employees Anawer these questions to determine if you meet an exception to completing Section B for vehicles used by employees who are not more than 5% owners or related persons see instructions) 37 Do you maintain a writien policy statement that prohibits all personal use of vehicles, including commuting. by Yes No your employees? 38 Do you maintain a written policy staterment that prohbits persoral use of vehicles, excapt commuting, by your employees? See the instructions for vehdes u9ed by corporate officers, directors, or 1 % or more owners 39 Do you treat all use of vehicles by emplayees as personal use? 40 Do you provide more than five vehicles to your employees, obtain information from your employees about the use of the vehicles, and retain the Information recelved? 41 Do you moet the requiremants conceming qualitiod automobla demonstration us? Seo instructiona.) Note: i your answer to 37 38, 39,40, or4T is Yes"do not complete Section B for the covered vehicies. 41 Do you meet the requiremente conceming qualifod automobile demonstration uso? Seo Instructions.) Note: W yow answer to 37, 38, 39, 40, or 41 is Yes, do not complete Section B far the covered veticles. Part V1 Amortization Date anarization begira Description of oosts periad or Amortization for tis year 42 Amortization of costs that begins during your 2012 tax year Isee instructions) 43 Amortization of costs that began before your 2012 tax year 4 Total. Add emounts in column (. See the instructions for where to report 43 Fom 4562 0 SCHEDULE C Form 1040) Profit or Loss From Business Sole Proprietorship OMB Na. 1545-0074 11* Sequence No 09 on Dspartnent of the Toasury For information on Schedule C and its instructions, go to www.irs.govischedulee Attach to Form 1040, 1040NR, or 1041; partnerships gunerally wust fie Form 1085 Social security number GSN A Principal business or profession, including product or service see instructions) code frem irstuctiens C Business name. If no separate business name, leave blank. Business address (ncluding suite or room no.) F Accounting methodCash2 AcOther (specfy) G Did you-maenaly partcpate" in the operason of his busines8 during 2011 ? If 0.-see instructions for lint on losses H Ifyou atarted or acquired this buairsas duing 2011, check hare Yes No Did you make any payments in 2011 that would require you to fle Forms) 10997 ee instructions did you or will you le all Part I a Merchant card and third party payments. For 2011, enter-0 b Gross receipts or sales not entered on line 1a (see instructions) e Income reported to you on Form W2 tha "Statutory Empoyeg box an 1b that 1orm was chacked. Caution. Sea instr. beloe comploting this line d Total gross receipts. Add ines 1a through 1c 2 Retume and allaowances plus any other adjustmonts ( instructiona 3 Subtract line 2 from Ine 1d 4 Cost of goods sold om ine 42) 5 Gross profit Subtract line 4 from ine 3 Other Income, Including federal and state gascline or fuel tax credit or refund see instructions) Gross income. Add lires 5 and 6 Part II Enter for business use of your home only on line 30 8 Advertiaing Car and truck expenses (see 19 Pension and proft-sharing plans 10 Commissions and fees 11 Contract labor (see Instructions1 12 Depletion 13 Depreciation and sectiom 179 a Vahicles machinery, and equipment 20a b Other business property 21 Repairs and maintenanoe 22 Supples (nt ncluded in Part 23 Taxos and licensos 24 Trarel, meals, and enteriainment 22 expense deduction nt ncluded n Part i (see 10 Commissions and fee8 11 Contract labor (see Instructions1 12 Depletion 13 Depreciation and sectiom 179 a Vahicles machinery, and equipment 20a b Other business property 21 Repairs and maintenanoe 22 Supples (nt ncluded in Part 23 Taxos and licensos 24 Trarel, meals, and enteriainment 22 expense deduction nt ncluded n Part i (see 4 Employee benefit programs lotter than on line 1 5 Inurance fother than h15 16 Interest: 25 inies 26 Wages less employment credlts)26 27a Other expenses (nom ine 8 b Oher 27a b Reserved for hture use 28 Total expensos boforo axponsos for businoss use of home. Add inos 8 through 27a 29 Tentative profit or (loss). Subtract line 28 from line Expenses for business use of your home.Atlach Form 8829. Do not report such expenses ebewhere 31 Net profit or Ooss. Subtract line 30 from line 29 If a pronit, enter on both Form 1040, line 12 (or Form 1040, line 13 and on Schedule SE, line 2 If you entarad an amount on line te, sae inatr. Estates and trusts, anter on Form 1041, line 3 Ii a loss, you must go to Ine32 2 If you have a loss, check the box that describes your investment in this activity (see instructions If you checkad 32a, onter the loss on both Form 1040, line 12, jor Form 1040NR, line 13) and on Schedule SE, line you entered an armount on line 1c, see the htructons for line 31. Estates and trusts, enter on Form 1041, line 3 32a All inveatment is at rak 32bSome investment ia not must attach Form 6196. Your loss For Paperwork Reddtion Aet Notice, se your tax retun inctruntions Ct. No. 11334P C IFom 1040) 2011 Page 2 Part IIl Cost of Goods Sold 33 Methodlsl Used to walue closing invantory.Cost b Lowor of oost or marko Othor (attach axplanation) 34 Was there any change in determining quanttles, costs, ar valuations between opening and closing invantory? If "Yes."attach explanaton 35 Inventory beginning of year. If dilarant from leat year's elosing inventory, attach explanation 36 Purohapes loss coot of itoms withdrawn for peraoinal uao 7 Coot of labor. Do not indlude any amounts paid to yourbelf. 8 Materials and supplies Add linee 35 through 38 Inventory t end of year Coal of aold Subiraet line 41 oml t hore and on ine 4 Information on Your Vehicle. Complete this part only if you are claiming car or truck expenses on line 9 and are not required to file Fom 4582 for this business. See the instructions for line 13 to find out if you must file Form 4562 Part IV Information on Your Vehicle. Complete this part only if you are claiming car or truck expenses on line 9 and are not required to file Fom 4582 for this business. See the instructions for line 13 to find out if you must file Form 4562 43 When did you plaoe your vehidle in service for business purposes? month, day, year 44 oree total number of miles you droe your vehicle during 2011, enter the number of mles used your vehicle for Business b Commuting isee instrucons c Other 45 Was your vehicle available for personal use during off-duty hours? 48 Do you far your spouse) have another vehicle wailable for personal ue? 47a Do you have evidanoe to aupport your deduction? Yes N YesN b If "Yes" is the evidenoe witon Other Expenses. List below not or line 4 Total other expenoes, Enter here and on line 27a 4562 OM B No. 1545-0172 Depreciation and Amortization Including Information on Listed Property) 2012 tachment Soquence No. 179 separate Instructions. Attach to your tax return. Dusines or activity to which this farm relatea danitying number PartElection To Expense Certain Property Under Section 179 Note: If you have any lsted praperty, complere Part V before you complere Part L 1 Maximum 2 Total cost of section 179 property 3 Threshold cost of section 179 property betone reduction in limitation (see Instnuctions) 4 Reduction in limitation. Subtract line 3 from ine 2 If zero or less, enter-0 5 Dollar limitation for tax year. Subtract line 4 from line 1. If zero or lass, enter -0. I maried fiing placed in ructions separately, see instructions Decription of ppety Cost siness use ony 7 Listed property. Enter the armount from line 28 8 Total elected cost of section 19 proparty, Add amounts in column (c), Iines 6 and 7. Tentative deduction. Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 8 10 Carryover of disallowed deduction 11 Business income limtation. Enber the smaller of business income ot less than zeroj or line 5 (aee instructions)11 12 Section 179 expense deduction. Add ines 9end 10 but do not enter more than line 11 13 Carryover of disallowed deduction to 2013. Add lines 9 and 10, less ine 12 Note: Do not use Part IN ar Part Im below for fsted ne 13 of your 2011 Fom 4562 Part I Spec cial Depreciation Allowance and Other Depreciation (Do not include isted property.) (See instructions 14 Special depreciation allowance for qualified property other than listed property) placed in service during the tax year (see instructions 14 15 16 15 Property subject to section 168)olction Part Ill MACRS Depreciation (Do not include listed property. See instructions 17 MACRS deductions for asseta placed in service in tax years beginning before 2012 SectionA 17 18 If you are electing to group any assets placed in service during the tax year into one or more general asoot aocounts, chock here Section B-Assets Placed in Service During 2012 Tax Year Using the General Depreciation System ofpropartyn a Cluestication Mathod Deprciation decduction period 19a 3-yeer property b 5-year property c 7-year property d 10-yoar proparty 15-year proparty f 20-year proparty 25-year proparty h Rasldontial rental 25yrs. 275 SIL property INonrealdontial real 39 SIL property INonrealdontial real SIL property Section C-Aosets Plaoed in Service During 2012 Tax Year Using the Alternative Depreciation System SIL SIL SIL 20a Class Ife 12 yre 40 yre b 12-year Part IV Summary See instructions.) 1 Lted property. Enter amount from line 28 22 Total. Add amounts from line 12, lines 14 through 17, lines 19 and 20 noolumn (g), and ine 21. Enter 21 here and on the appropriate lines of your return. Partnerships and S corporations-see instructions 23 For assets shown above and placed in service during the curent year, enter the portion of the basis attributable to section 263A costs 23 For Paperwork Redaction Act Notice. 9ee separate instruetione Frm 4562 pny Part V Listed Property Include automobiles, certain other vehicles, certain computers, and property used for entertainment, recreation, or amusement.) Note: For any vehicle for whwich you are using the standard mveage rate or deducting lease expense, complete only 24a, 24b, columms (a through (c) of Section A al of Section B, and Section C if applicable Section A-Depreclation and Other Information (Caution: See the Instructovrs for Kirmits for passenger automobiles 24aDo youhe ee idencetos port heb si essi est mert cla ed Yes. No 24b l Yes, is the evidence witten? O Yes Type of property t 25 Special dapneciation allowance for qualified listed proporty placad in service during 26 No ected section 179 the tax year and used more than 50% in aqualified business use (see instructions2 Property used more than 50% in a qualified buoness use: 27 28 Add amounts in column th), ines 25 through27-Enter here and on ine 21, page 28 29 Add amounts in coumn line 26. Enter here o your emplo 30 Total businsss/inrestment miles driven during1 and on ine 7 . page 1 Scction B- Information on Use of Vehlicles Compliete this section for vahicles used by a sole proprietor,partner,or other "more than 5% owner, or elated person. If you provided vehicles answer the questions in Section C to e f you meet eption to completing this section for those vahicles. b) Vehicla he year ldo not include commuting mies) 31 Total commuting mles driven during the year 32 Total other personal (noncommuting) miles driver 33 Total miles driven during the year. Add ines 30 through 32 Was the vehicde available for pesonal use during off-duty hours? 34 Yos No Yos No Yes No Yes No Yes NoYes No 5 Was the vehicle used primariy by a more than 5% owner or related person? 36 Is another vehicle available for person use? Section C-Questions for Employers Who Provide Vehicles for Use by Their Employees Anawer these questions to determine if you meet an exception to completing Section B for vehicles used by employeas who are not more than 5% owners or related persons (see instructions) 7 Do you maintain a witen policy statement that prohibits al personal use of vehicles, including commuting. by Yes No 38 Do you maintain a written policy staterment that prohbits persoral use of vehicles, excapt commuting, by your 39 your employees? employees? See the instructions for vehdes u9ed by corporate officers, directors, or 1 % or more owners Do you treat all use of vehicles by emplayees as personal use? Do you provide more than five vehicles to your employees, obtain information from your employees about use of the vehicles, and retain the infomation recelved? 40 the 41 Do you moet the requirements conceming qualifod automoblka damonstration use? (Seo instructions.) Note: Wyow answer to 37, 38, 39, 4D or 41is "Yes, do not complete Section B far the covered vehicies. Part V Amortization Date anarization begira Amortinton periad or Amortization for tis year percentage Description of oosts Amarticable amount 42 Amortization of costs that begins during your 2012 tax year Isee instructions) 43 Amortization of costs that began before your 2012 tax year 44 Total. Adid emounts in column (0. See the instructions for wheres to report 43 Fom 4562 0 :1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return 2011" om15sw. ins uwoty- o year begig c humber the 55a) above ountry Filing Status Single Cheak only ane 3 Mamied Sling separatelly. Enter spouse's SSN above 4 Head of householdovith qualtying persoal. (See instructions. Married Sing jointly feven if only one had income the qualilying peron is a shid but not your dependent enter thi chid's rae hine I name haro. Qualifying widower) with dependent child Yourselt. sameone can claim you as a dependent, do not check box 6a If more than four Check here d Total number of exemptions claimed 7 Wages, salanes, tips,etc. Attach Foma) W-2 Ba Taxable interest, Altach Schedule B if required b Tax-exempt interest. Do not include on line 8a Ordnary dividands. Attach Schecule B it required ARach Form(s) W-2 here. Also attaoh Foms 9a b 10 Quaified crvidends Taxable refunds, credits, or offeets of state and local income taxes Aimony received 12 13 was withheld Businees income or Oats) Attach Schedule C C-EZ Capital gain or (os). Atlach Schedule Dif required,It not required, check here13 If you did not oet a W-2, aoo inatructions. 15a 14 Othar gains or oos). Attraoh Foren 4797 IRA distributions b Taxable amount. b Table amount 1Ga Pensions and annuibe1 17 Rental real estate, royaties, partnershipsScorporations, trusts, eto. Attach Sohedule E 18 Farm income er (oss Attach Schedule F Enclose, but do not attach, any payment. Also, Unemployment 19 20a Booial security benelits 20a 21 Cthar income List type and amount 22 Combine the amounts in the far right couren for lines 23 Educator expenses b Taxable amount 21, This is your total iosme | 22 Gross eo-basis govemment officlals, Attach Form 2106or 2106 EZ 24 2 Heath savings account deduction. Attach Form 8889 26 Moing expenses. Arnach Form 3903 27 Deductible pat of s-mpyment ta, Altach Scedule SE 28 Self-emplayed SEP,SIMPLE, and qualified plans 29 Belfemplayed heath insurance deduction 30 Penaly on early withdrawal of savings 27 33 Student loan intereat deduction 34 Tuition and fees. Attach Form 8917 3 Domestic production actities deduction. Atach Form 8903 36 Add lines 23 through 35 34 Tution and fees. Attach Form 8917 35 Domestic production acihities deduction. Atach Form B903 35 36 Add lines 23 through 35 37 Bubbroot lne 36 from line 22. This ls your adwsted gross inoome 34 For Disclosure, Privecy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions Gat. 112200 Fom 1040 pon 20110 Form 1040 (2011 Tax and 38 Amout from Ine37 (adusted gross income 3a ChackYou were born befone January 2, 1947, Bind. Total boes E Spouse was bon befcre January 2,194, Bndchecked3a b If your spouse itemizes on a sepsrate retum or you were a dual-status alen check he3s6 Itemized deductions rom Schedule A) or your siandard deduction (aee let margin Peope whoSubtract line 40 from line 38 onne42 Exemptions. Mutiply $3,700 by the number on ine 6d or 30 or3xable income. Subtract ine 42 from line 41. If ina 42 is man ran ine 41, 45 Atenative minimum tax s instructiona) Attach Form 6251 nstructionsAd lines 44 and 45 Foreign tax credit. Attach Form 1116 required Singe or Married fng 48 Cedit for chid and dependent care expen8 Educstion aredits from Form 8863, Ene 23 Anach Form 2441 48 Marned filng | 30 Aetrement sanngs oontnb tons credit. Attach Form 880 50 1 Child a credit (seo instructions 52 Re8dential energy credt8. Atta Form 5885 Add lines 47 through 53. These are your total oredits 54 55 Subtract line 54 from line 8 If line 54 is more than line 48, enter-0 Other 6 Seff-employmenit tax.Alrach Scheaule SE 57 Unparted social sacurity and Medieare tax from Forme4137b8919 56 Addtonal tax on RAs, other qaited retrerert plane, Attach Form 5329 " requred 59a Household employmont taes from Schoduie H 60 Other taxes. Enter codesfrom instructions 1 Addres 35 through 6 This ls your total tax Payments 2 Federal income tax withheld fram Foma W-2 snd 1000 63 11 estrated payments and trmont appled ton 2010 retum r you hawe a a Earned income eredit (EIci quairying chld attadh Schedule C. 65 Addtional chid tax credit. Attach Fom 8312 bNontarable combal pay elecion 64b 66 American opporbunity credn from Form 8863, ine 14 First-time homebuyer credit from Form 5406, ine 10 68 Amount paid with request for extension to tle 69 Excess social security and fer 1 ARTA tax withhel T0 Gredit for lederal tax on fuels. Attach Form 4135 72 73 line 72 is more than line 81, subtract line 61 from line 72. This is the amount you overpaid 73 72 Add lines 62, 63, 048, and 05 through 71. These are your totel payments Refund 74a Amount of ine 73 you want retunded to you. It Form 8888 Is attachod, check hare74a Direat depoei?Roting number d Account number d to your 2012 esimated ta75 76 Amount you owe, Subract line 72 from line 61, For details on how to pay, see instructions76 Estimated tas You Owe77 Third Party Doyau Designee Designe's want to allow another person to disouss this netum with the IFS (sse instructions? Yes. Complate below.No Refund 73 line 72 is more than line 81, subtract line 61 from line 72. This is the amount you overpaid 73 74a Amount of ine 73 you want retunded to you. It Form 8888 Is attachod, check hare74a Dreat depoeir?b Roting number Sanings 75 76 Amount of ina 73 you want applied to your 2012 es mated x75 Amount you owe. Subtract line 72 from line 61. For details on how to pay, see instructi76 You Owe Estimated tax Third Party Doyau Designee Designe's want to allow another person to disouss this netum with the IFS (sse instructions? Yes. Complate below.No gn Here Your sigrabure Dote Your occupation Daydme phone number Keip a copy lor Spose's signature Fa pist tum, both must sign,D Paid Prepare Use Only SCHEDULE A Form 1040) Depertment of he OMB No. 1545-0074 2011 Attach to Form 1040See Instructions for Schedule A (Fonm 1040). Intemnal Pevenue Service Caution. Do not include expenses reimbursed or paid by others 1 Medical and dental expenees (see instructione) 2 Enter amount trom Form 1040, line 38 3 Multiply line 2 by 7.5%(075) 4 Subtract line 3 from line 1. If line 3 is more than line 1, enter Expenses Taxes You Paid 5 State and local (check only one box aIncome taxes, or b General sales taxes 6 Real estate taxes (see instructions) 7 Personal property taxes 8 Other taxes. List type and amount . . . . 9 Add lines5 Interest 10 Home mortgage interest and points epcrted to you an Form 1098 10 You Paid 11Home mortgage interest not reported to you on Form 1098. If paid to the person from whom you bought the home, see inetructions and show that person's name, identitying no., and address Your morigage deduction may be imited (p 12 Points not reported to you on Form 1098. See instructions for special rules 13 Mortgage insurance premiums (see instructions 14 Investment interest Atach Form 4952 if required. (See instucons) 14 15 Add lines 10 15 Gifts to 1 Gis by cash or check. If you made any git of $250 or more, see instructions f you made a 17 Other than by cash or check. If any gift of $250 or more, see git and got a benefit for it, 18 Carryover from prior year see instructions. 19 Add lines 16 instructions. You must attach Form 8283 if over $500 18 19 Theft Losses 20 Cesualty or theft lo Job Expenses 21 Unnaimbursed employee expanses-job travel, union dues, Attach Form 4684 job education, eto, Attach Form 2108 or 2106-EZ if required Deductions 22Tax preparation fees 23 Other expenses-investment, safe deposit box, eta. List type and amount 24 Add lines 21 through 23 25 Enter amount from Form 1040, line 38 25 25 Multiply line 25 by 296 102 27 Subtract Inc 26 from line 24, If line 26 is more than line 24, enter-0 23 24 Add lines 21 through 23 25 Enter amount from Form 1040, line 38 25 25 Multiply line 25 by 296 (02) 27 Subtract Iine 26 from line 24, If line 26 is more than line 24, enter-0 28 Othar-from list in instructions. List type and amount 24 1 26 27 other Miscellaneous Deductions Total Itemized Deductions 30 If you elact to itemiza deductions even though they are less than your standard 28 29 Add the amounts in the far right column for Ines 4 through 28. Also, enter this amount on Form 1040, ine 40 29 deduction, check here Far Paarwark Reduction At Nation. Gaa Farm 10 iatruationG Ca Na 171 SCHEDULE B Form 1040A or 1040) Department of the Treasury OMB 1545-0004 Interest and Ordinary Dividends Attach to Form 1040A or 1040. information about Schedule B Form 1040A 0f 1040, and its istructions is at www.n gonfemt040, 2012 No. 08 irteng Revenue Senice99 Part l mortgage and the buyer used the property as a personal residence, see instuctions on back and list t name of payer. If any interest is from a sellar-financed Amount Interest his interest first. Also, show that buyor's social seourity number and address See instructions instructions for Form 1040A or Form 1040, line Ba Note. If you received Form 099-INT, Form 1009-OID, or statement from a brokerage fim, 2 Add the amounts on line 1 the to tal intorest3 Excludable interest an series EE and I U.S. savings bonds issued after 1969. Attach Form 8815 form 4 Subtract line 3 from line 2. Enter the result here and on Form 1040A, or Form 1040, line 8a Note. If line 4 is over $1,500, you must c Amount Part II Ordinary See Instructions 5 List name of payer Form 1040A, or Form 1040, line 9a) Note, If you recelved a Fo a brokerage firm, list the fim's the erinary dividends shown 6 Add the amounts on line 5. Enter the total here and on Fom 1040, line 9a 1040A, or Form Note. If ine 6 is over $1 Must c Part IlI Note, I ine 6 is over $1.500, you must complete Part I You must complete this part if you (a) had over $1,500 of taxable interest or ordinary dividends; (bl had a foreign account; or (c) received a distributian from, ar were a gramtor of, ar a transferor to, a foreign trust Yes No PartIIIa A Foreign Accounts and Trusts See any time duning 2012, did you have a financial interest in or signature authority over a financial account (such a8 a bank account, securities account, or brolkerage account) located in a foreign If "Yes, are you required to file Form TD F 90-22.1 to report that financial interest or signature authority? See Form TD F 90-22.1 and its instructions for fiing requirements and exceptions to those requirements ons on b If you are required to file Fom TO F 90-22.1, anter the name of the foreign country whera tha back) financial account is located 8 During 2012, did you receive a distribution from, or were you the grantor of, or transferor to, a foreign trust? If "Yes,"you may have to fle Form 3520. See instructions on back For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax retum instructions. SCHEDULE D Form 1040) OMB No. 1545-0074 Capital Gains and Losses Attach to Form 1040 or Fonm 1040NR. See Instruotions for Schedule D (Foem 1040. Use Form 8949 to list your transactions for lines 1,2,3, &,s, and 10 Sequence No. 12 Name hown on retum Your soclal security numbar PartI Short-Term Capital Gains and Losses-Assets Held One Year or Less Complete Forrn 8949 before completing line 1, 2, or 3. whole dollars. (e) Salas prioe tromnrAdiustments 1 ine 2, column 2, counn ig 8040, line2 This form may be easier to complete if you round off cents to 1 Short-term totals from all Forms 8949 with box A 2 Short-term totals from all Foms 8949 with box B 3 Short-term totals from all Foms 8949 with box C Formis) 8849 checked in Part I checked in Part I checked in Part 4 Short-term gain from Form 6252 and short-term gain or (loss) from Forms 4684, 6781, and 8824 5 Net short-term gain or )from partnerships, S corporations, estates, and trusts from 6 Short-term capital loes carryover. Enter the amount, if any, from ine 8 of your Capital Loss Carryover 7 Net short-term capital gain or (loss). Combine lines 1 through 6 in column h). If you have any Worksheet in the instructions term capital or losees, go to Part below. Otherwise, go to Part Ill on the back PartILong-Term Capital Gains and Losses-Assets Held More Than One Year Complete Forrm 8049 before completing lina 8, 9, or 10 This form may be easier to complete if you round off cents to Fm ne Saks prics fromost or other alustments 1a h) Gain or whole dol lars. 8 Long-term totals from all Forms 8949 with box A 9 Long-term totals from al Forms 8949 with box B 10 Long-term totals from all Forms 8949 with box C 11 Gain from Form 4797, Part E; long-lerm gain from Forms 2439 and 6252; and long-term gain or loss) checked in Part checked in Part I checked in Part II from Forms 4684, 6781, and 8824 12 Net long-term gain or (loss) from partnerships, S corporations, estates, and trusts from Schedula(s) K-1 12 13 Capital gain distributions. See the instructions 13 14 Long-terrm capital loss carryover. Enter the amount, if any, from line 13 of your Capital Loss Carryover Workshoot in the instructions 14 PartI Long-Term Capital Gains and Losses-Assets Held More Than One Year Complete Forrm 8049 before completing lina 8, 9, or 10 This form may be easier to complete if you round off cents to Fm ne ()Sakes prios fhom n Cost or otherbasisgoin or loas from h) Gain or whole dol lars. column .and 8 Long-tenm totals from all Forms 8949 with box A 9 Long-term totals from al Forms 8949 with box B 10 Long-term totals from all Forms 8949 with box C 11 Gain from Form 4797, Part E; long-lerm gain from Forms 2439 and 6252; and long-term gain or loss) checked in Part checked in Part I checked in Part 1 from Forms 4684, 6781, and 8824 12 Net long-term gain or (0oss) from partnerships, S corporations, estates, and trusts from Schedula(s) K-1 13 Capital gain distributions. See the instructions 12 13 14 Long-terrm capital loss carryover. Enter the amount, if any, from line 13 of your Capital Loss Carryover Workshoot in the instructions 14 15 Net long-term capital gain or (loss). Combine lines 8 through 14 in cokumn . Then go to Part ill on the back 15 For Papensork Reduction Ant Notice, see your taxr return instruntiong Schedule Dform 10401 2011 Page 2 16 Combine lines 7 and 15 and enter the result 16 If line 16 is a gain, enter the amount from line 16 on Form 1040, line 13, or Form 1040NR, line 14. Then go to line 17 below line 22. 1040NA, line 14.Then go to line 22 If line 16 is a loss, skip lnes 17 through 20 below. Then go to lina 21. Also be sure to complate If line 18 is zero, skip lines 17 through 21 below and enter -D- on Form 1040, line 13, or Form 7 Are lines 15 and 16 both gains? Yes, Go to line 18. No. Skip lnes 18 through 21, and go to line 22. 18 Enter the amount, if any, from line 7 of the 28% Rate Gain worksheet te instructions 19 Enter the amount, if any, from line 18 of the Unrecaptured Section 1250 Gain Worksheet in the 19 20 Are lines 18 and 19 both zaro or blank? Yes. Complete Form 1040 through lne 43, or Form 1040NR through line 41. Then complats the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet in the instructions for Form 1040 ine 44 (or in the instructions for Form 1040NR, line 42) Do not complete lines 21 and 22 below No. Complete Form 1040 through line 43, or Form 1040NR trough line 41 . Then complete the Schodule D Tax Worksheet in the instructions. Do not complete lines 21 and 22 below. 21 If line 16 is a loss, enter here and on Form 1040, line 13, or Form 1040NR, line 14, the smaller of 21 The lcss on line 16 or $3,000), or if married filing separately, (S1,500) Note. When figuring which amount is smaler, treat both amounts as positive numbers. 22 Do you have qualified dividends on Form 1040, line 9b, or Form 1040NR, line 10b? Yes. Complete Form 1040 through line 43, or Form 1040NR through line 41. Then complete the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet in the instructions for Form 1040 ine 44 for in the instructions for Form 1040NR, line 42). No. Complete the rest of Form 1040 or Fom 1040NR. Schedale D (Fom 10401 2011 8949Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets MB No. 1545-0074 See Instructions for Schedule D (Form 1040) For more information about Form 8049, soo www.irs.goworm8949 Attach to Schedule D to Est your transaations for lines 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, and 10 2011* No. 12A Departnent of the Tsoaury Namels) shewn on retum Your social security number PartShort-Term Capital Gains and Losses-Assets Held One Year or Less Note: You must check one of the boxes below. Complete a separate Form 8949, page 1, for each box that is checked. Caution. Do not complete column (b) or (g) until you have read the instructions for thoee columns (see the Instructions for Schedule D (Form 1040 Columns (b) and ig) do not apply for most transactions and shold generally be left blank (A Short-tem transactions reported on (B) Short-term transactians reported on Form(C) Short-term transactions for which Form 1099-B with bass to the 1099-B but basis not to the carnot check bDK A or Deecription of property Code, i any De acquired oauiredDatsold Sales price ost or otherbas Adments to 2 Totals. Add the amounts in columne (e) and Also, combine the amounts in column (g). Enter here and include on Schedue D, ine 1 r box A above is checked), line 2 (if box B above is checked), or line 3 ( For Paperwork Redduction Act Notice, 90e your tox rohum instructiong Frm 8949 p Form 8049 2011) Namers shown on reum Do natenter name and soclal security number It shown on other side. ttachment Sequenoe No. 12A e 2 Your soclal security number Part I Long-Term Capital Gains and Losses-Assets Held More Than One Year Note: You must check one of the boxes below. Complete a separate Fom 8949. page 2, for each box that is checked. Ceution. Do not complete column (b) or (g) until you have read the instructions for those columns (see the Instructions for Schedule D (Form 1040 Columns (o) and ig) do not apply for most transactions and should generally be left blank Long-term ransa tons reported on O E Long tem transactions reported on Form C) Long term transactions or which Form 1099-B with basis reported to the IRS 1099-B but basis not reported to the IRS you cannot check box A or B Desaription of Code, Hay,Dale qd Dabaod Galea pricDeat ar other baaiAdustmana to 4 Totals. Add the amounts in columns (e) and Also, combine the amounts in column gl Enter here and include on Schedule D, line 8 (t box A above is checked), line 9 f box B above is checked), or line 10 it box e above is checked 75ox G Fom 011

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1040 of the TreasuryInternal Revenue Service For the year Jan 1Dec 31 2012 or other tax your beginning Your first name and initial Ivan I If a joint returi spouses first name and initial Inciner Irene ... View full answer

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