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business foundations a changing world
Questions and Answers of
Business Foundations A Changing World
Specify how businesses can promote ethical behavior.
Define business ethics and social responsibility and examine their importance.
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of dropping the Hyp Golf name and rebrand ing her products under the LIJA name?
Why do you think Hipp was advised to avoid the American market? What did she do to e nsure that she would be successful?
What are some of Linda Hipp's strengths as an entre·preneur? Does she have any apparent weaknesses?
Use the Int ernet t o research O'Leary and his companies. Has he added his name t o any new product s?What is t he st at us of his businesses?
Aft er read ing the opening prof ile, would you describe Kevin O'Leary's business practices as ethical?
How d id O 'Leary try t o capitali ze o n t he b rand he was b uild ing on TV? Some of t he product s and companies he is branding are quite different ; for example, wine is very diffe rent from
How does O'Leary's somet imes "villainous" role help him sell himself and product s to consumer s? Would you buy product s just because they were endorsed by a celebrity?
Re-read t he opening quot e in the prof ile at t he beg inning of this chapter. Would you live your life as described in t he quote if you were guaranteed t o be worth millions of dollars in t he fut
Use t he Internet to find some crowdfunding and/or peer-to-peer lending opportunities. Report back to the class the type of opportunities you found, including the amount of money entrepreneurs are
Lending Loop is only allowing business w ho have been operat ing for t wo years to borrow money using their site. Why do you t hink they are not allowing start-ups to regist er and borrow funds?
Is it et hical for lenders to earn as much as 15 percent from a loan t o an entrepreneur w hen bank rates are much lower?
Current ly t here are no peer-to-peer lending laws in Canada. Should t he government create laws to protect investors and entrepreneurs? Why or w hy not?
Do you think the provincial governments ment ioned above should have changed t heir laws to allow for equity-based crowdfunding? Why or why not?
If crowdf unding and peer-t o-peer lending grows, what are some of the advant ages and potential pitfalls to t his source of funds?
Prior to reading this f eat ure, did you know about crowdfunding and peer-to -peer lend ing?
Using Internet resources such as You Tube, review some Dragons' Den episodes. W hat were t he pitches about? Were they successful? What were t he t erms of t he offer? Communicate your f indings to
Did t he investors act et hically?
If you represented PeerFX or Atomic Tea, would you have agreed to the deals proposed by t he Dragons?
Why is EcoScraps' partne rship with garbage haulers so benefic ial?
How has EcoScraps' proprietary process contri buted to its success?
Why did the three entrepreneurs decide to found EcoScraps?
Use t he Internet to see what progress SIBs have made in Canada. What ot her provinces have adopted SIBs? See if you can find what proj ects are being f und ed and share them with your class.
If you were an investor, would you invest money in SIBs? Why or why not?
Should t he government d o more t o encourage social enterprise? W hy or why not?
W hat are some of the advantages and disadvantages of SIBs?
W hat are the pot ent ial benefits of social entrepreneurship in our society?
Do you really want to st art this business more t han anything else?
Do you know individuals who have the talents and expertise you lack?
Do you know the suppliers necessary for your business to succeed?
Do you have enough money to f und the start-up of your business or have access t o it t hrough family or friends?
Do you have enough f inancial backing for t he f irst year of operation?
Do you have a location in mind for your business?
Are other firms in your industrial classification doing well in your geographic area?
Do you have skills in market ing and/or f inance?
Is there a need in your geographic area for the product or service you are intending t o market?
Do you know the mechanics and forms of running a business (tax records, payroll records, income statements, balance sheets)?
Have you had ext ensive experience in the type of business you w ish to start?
Can you communicate effectively and persuade people t o go along wit h your d ream?9, Do others easily underst and your concepts and ideas?
Are you willing to work long hours w ith litt le immediat e compensation?7, Do you like meeting and dealing w ith people?
Are you in good physical health?
Do other people you deal w ith respect and trust you?
Do you like to be in charge and be responsible?
Can you start a project and see it through to completion in spite of a myriad of obstacles? Can you make a decision on a matter and t hen st ick to t he decision even when challenged?
Explain why many large businesses are trying to "think small.?
Evaluate the demographic, technological, and economic trends that are affecting the future of small business.
Describe how you go about starting a small business and what resources are needed.
Summarize the disadva ntages of small·business ownership, and analyze why many small businesses fail.
Specify the advantages of small-business ownership.
Investigate the importance of small business in the Canadian economy and why certain fields attract small business.
Define e ntrepreneurship and sma ll business?
Use Internet resources to determine if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's stance and record on approving takeovers is any different than Stephen Harper's. Do you think Trudeau will ultimately make any
Some people have argued that the new takeover rules do not go far enough and that foreign takeovers of resource companies should be banned. What would be some of the advantages and disadvantages of
Given that shareholders own the company, if they approve a takeover, should the government have the ability to step in and block the approved takeover?Is this ethical or unethical?
Why do you think Stephen Harper and the Conservati ve government changed their opinion on foreign takeovers and drafted stricter regulations?
What do you think are some of the advantages and disadvantages of foreign takeovers?
Do you t hink Reisman's strategy of shif ting t he mer·chandising mix to include household items, giftware, st ationery, baby gifts, and t oys will be successful? Why or why not?
How do you t hink Indigo w ill do as they face ever·increasing competition from both onl ine stores such as Amazon and traditional retailers like Walmart and Tar·get who are allocating significant
From a consumer perspective, what is the danger of Indigo having a virtual monopoly of retail bookstores in Canada? Should t he Canadian government have stepped in and prevented the t akeover?
What do you think would be some of the advantages and disadvantages of Ind igo t aki ng over Chapt ers from a business perspective?
W hat are some of the risks involved with acq uiring a new company?
W hy do analyst s appear unsure about t he success of t he acq uisit ion?
W hy do you t hink M icrosof t decid ed t o purchase Skype?
Can you think of any other industries where the cooperative form of business ownership would be beneficia I?
What are the advantages for ranchers who belong to the cooperative?
Why did Heartland Foods employ a cooperative form of organization?
Can you think of any drawbacks to the CSA model?
Why are people opting to use CSAs over traditional grocery stores?
What are some of the benefits farmers gain by switching to the CSA model?
Would exercising the shotgun clause negatively impact Aryzta AG's ability to form partnerships in the future? Why or why not?
What alternatives would you suggest to using a shotgun clause?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of a shotgun clause?
If you were ever to join a partnership, would you want to have a shotgun clause?
Do you think the model of giving loans would work for larger loans, or even for ot her kinds of businesses?
What is unique about the way is organized t hat sets it apart from more traditional businesses? has been very successful at extending microlending to entrepreneurs in need. What about has helped make it so successful?
Define and debate the advantages and disadvantages of mergers, acquisitions, and leveraged buyouts.
Describe the corporate form of organization, and cite the advantages and disadvantages of corporations.
Identify three types of partnership, and eval uate the advantages and disadvantages of the partnership form of organization.
Define and examine the advantages and disadvantages of the sole proprietorship form of organization.
What are some of the social and economic barriers P&G is facing in its expansion into India?
How is Procter & Gamble tailoring its prod ucts to meet the needs of Indian consumers?
Why is Procter & Gamble expanding into places such as India and the Phili ppines?
Do partnerships play a role in t he expansion of the charity?
What attribut es led to the brot hers' success as social entrepreneurs?
What factors led to WE's growth?
What are some ways that Starbucks is creating trust with its Chinese stakeholders?
How has CEO Howard Schultz been able to resolve some of the differences between Chinese and American culture?
What are some of the cultural barriers Starbucks e ncountered in its China expansion?
Do you feel t hat it is f air for C hina to receive at tent ion for g reenho use gas emissions w hen Nort h American people's act ivities cause more g reenhouse gas emissions per capit a?
Describe t he clash bet ween C hina's economic sit uat ion and t he environment . W hy is t his such a major concern?
Describe the environment al issues t hat China is facing?
Contrast two basic strategies used in international business.
Summarize the different levels of organizational involveme nt in international trade.
Specify some of the ag reements, alliances.and organizations that may encourage trade ac ross international boundaries.
Investigate some of the economic, lega l-political, social, cultural, and technological barrie rs to inte rnational business.
Explore some of the factors within the international trade e nvironment that influence business.
Face book, Twitter, and Linked In are valuable business tools. List some of the advantages and disadvantages that social media offers to: (1) students looking for a job;(2) businesses that are trying
Who is responsible for privacy on social media sites-the person who posts the information or the person who visits the site?
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