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business foundations a changing world
Questions and Answers of
Business Foundations A Changing World
Explain and demonstrate the relationship between supply and demand for Mrs. Acres Homemade Pies.
Is the American economy currently expanding or contracting? Defend your answer with the latest statistics on GDP, inflation, unemployment, and so on. How is the federal government responding?
Why is it important for the government to measure the economy? What kinds of actions might it take to control the economy’s growth?
Discuss the economic changes occurring in Russia and eastern European countries, which once operated as communist economic systems. Why are these changes occurring? What do you think the result will
List and define the various measures governments may use to gauge the state of their economies. If unemployment is high, will the growth of GDP be great or small?
List the four types of competitive environments and provide an example of a product of each environment.
Who are the main participants of business? What are the main activities? What other factors have an impact on the conduct of business in the United States?
Evaluate a small-business owner’s situation and propose a course of action.
Trace the evolution of the American economy and discuss the role of the entrepreneur in the economy.
Describe the role of supply, demand, and competition in a free-enterprise system
Knowing that a large share of Her shey's prof it s support philanthropic causes, would you be more likely to purchase t he company's st ock?
Is Hershey Foods' example of founders willing st ock for philanthropic purposes something that you believe that companies could do t oday? Why or why not?
Do you t hink that Milton Hershey made t he right decision in leaving his foundat ion t he controlling voting interest in t he Hershey Foods Corporat ion?
Do you feel t hat a mentorship program w ill help close the gap?
Describe some ways that companies are trying to promote management positions to female finance employees.
Why do you think there are so few female CFOs?
What are the rewards for Graham in taking a risk in small tech start-ups?
What are the risks involved in creating a business like Y Combinator?
Why has Y Combinator succeeded while many other firms in the financia l industry have failed?
Do you think other household supply companies are beginning to realize how g reen product s can improve t heir f inancial conditions?
W hy might Method decide to pursue greener business activities that are costly in t he short run?
If g reener operations cut company cost s, how w ill this affect current assets and liabilit ies?
Discuss how corporat ions can use equity financing by issuing stock through an investment banker?
Identify some sources of short-term financing (current liabilit ies)?
Describe some common methods of managing current assets.?
Given a choice, would you rather deal wit h a bank or a credit union?
What are the disadvant ages of credit unions over banks?
What are the advantages of credit unions over banks?
How has his educat ion helped Mr. Poloz?
Who was Mark Carney and what position is he in now?
Discuss what prepared Mr. Poloz for his current position as Governor of t he Bank of Canada.
What would you suggest as a way to red uce the debt problems that Brazilian consumers are facing?
Do you feel that it is e thical for banks to charge such high rates for borrowing?
Why are Brazilians having difficulty with borrowing and paying back debt?
Do you feel that the World Bank should make sustainability a priority?
Why is sustainability becoming a major issue for the World Bank?
Describe what the World Bank does. Why is it important?
Do you think it is fair that Web retailers do not have to collect sales taxes?
What reasons do companies provide for opposing the collection of sales taxes?
Why have Internet retailers such as Amazon and eBay been able to avoid coll ecting sales taxes?
How does t echnology play a role in the success of Square?
What are t he expansion opportunities for Square?
Why do you think Jack Dorsey was successf ul as an inventor?
What are some potential disadvantages of adopti ng IFRS in the Canada?
What would be some of the be nefits of adopting Internationa l Financial Re porting Sta ndards (IFRS)in Canada?
Why has it been d ifficult to compare financial st at ements of companies in diffe re nt countrie s?
What could happen if companies arbitrarily adopted sustainabilit y strat egies w ithout assessing t heir impact?
Describe some of t he recommendat ions that accounting organizations have developed regarding sustainability strategies.
W hy should accountants be involved in a company's decision t o incorporat e greener business practices?
W hat are the downsides to restrict ing employee access to social net working sites?
W hat are some possible upsides to utilizing social media as part of an integrated market ing strategy.especially in digital market ing?
W hy do you think results are so mixed on the use of social net working in the workplace?
Dickinson's company represents businesses t hat have been charged w it h harming the environment in Canada's oil sands. Can you be personally ethical if you work for f irms in q uest ionable
Dickinson works for businesses that are heavily reliant on social media and frequently track website usage of consumers. Does this information change your opinion of her, especially g iven her belief
Do you t hink it is essent ial to get to know people's stories, bot h business and personal, to serve them suc·cessf ully in a marketing and communication campaign?Why or why not?
Do you t hink Arlene Dickinson's approach of get t ing t o know people personally is becoming more d ifficult in today's business world?
What are some ways t hat mobile apps are combat·ing greenwashing?
How can mobile apps help consumers t o be more.. green"?
What are some of t he barriers preventing consum·ers from buying green product s?
Do you think it is a worthwhile investment for businesses to monitor and respond to social media d iscussions about their companies? Why or why not?
Do you think organizations should be able to track who visits their websites and their online behaviour?
Given w hat you have learned about Pinterest, Flickr, and lnst agram, which phot o-sharing site would you recommend for a company to use if it were tr ying to appeal t o young women between the ages
Flickr has recent ly added some add itional social networking element s t o its website. Do you think it w ill be able to re-est ablish itself as t he leader in photo sharing?
Do you think Flickr charging for a premium account has hindered it s ability to g row?
W hy do you think Pinterest has replaced Flickr as the number one photo-sharing site?
Companies who participat e in "deal of the day"sites often have to perform services or offer products well below costs. For example, restaurants which offer coupons for $100 worth of food for $50
G iven the increasing number of "deal of the day"coupon sit es, do you think they will lose their effectiveness as an advertising t ool?
G iven that firms are intentionally trying to generate viral campaigns such as creat ing mock ads on April Fool's Day, do you think consumers will event ually grow tired of such campaigns?
Do you t hink advertising with a strong emotional appeal is effect ive?
Do you t hink companies' sales benefit from viral ads such as the ones discussed above and throughout t his chapt er? Why or w hy not?
Identify legal and ethical considerations in d igital media?
Define social networking and illustrate how businesses can use d ifferent types of social networking med ia.
Understand t he characteristics of d igital media and how they differentiate t hese methods from traditional marketing activities?
Define digital media and d igital marketing and recognize their increasing value in strategic planning.
Groupon had to adapt the personal selling component of the promotion mix. Why is it sometimes necessary for businesses to adapt the promotion mix?
Is there a difference in how Groupon markets itself to consumers versus how it markets itself to businesses?If so, describe these differences.
How has Groupon effectively used personal selling, advertising, and public relations to market its products and services?
What will happen to companies and their products if consumers find their green claims to be false?
Are you concerned whether Cascade Farms, owned by General Mills, is making valid organic claims?
Do you think the fur industry is a "green" industry?Why or why not?
Do you feel confident that you can dete rmine if a prod uct is really "green"?
Are you more inc lined to purchase products because they are labelled as "green"? Would you pay more for such products? Why or why not?
Lut ke's business is increasingly at tracting larger compa·nies t hat have highly specialized needs. This raises t he possibility that Shopify could move away from its roots of helping small f irms
Tobias Lut ke decided to charge for his product rat her t han allow companies t o initially access Shopify for free. Most Internet companies normally offer their product for free or on a trial basis
Have you heard of Shopif y? Were you surprised t o learn t hat a Canadian company was powering so many online st ores and websites? Should Shopif y promot e it s brand t o t he average consumer? W hy
W hat are the long -t erm consequences t o t he O lympics if companies produce and sell merchand ise w ithout paying any sponsorship dollar s??
Do you t hink Lulelemon should have produced and sold Cheer Gear? W hy or w hy not?
Do you t hink c ustomers know that their feedback t o employees and on in-store chalkboards is impacting company decisions? Would they appreciat e t his or feel t hat t o some extent their privacy is
W hat are t he pros and cons of using unconventional marketing campaigns?
Think about your school or place of business. How could it create a content marketing campaign that would build its brand. What content could it promote and how would it distribute it to consumers?
Re d Bull's marketing, both traditional and content·based, has become popular with people in their teens and even children. Given some of the controversy surrounding energy drinks, is it ethical for
What do you think are the pros and cons of co nte nt marketing?
You have likely seen either intentionally or unintention·ally some of Red Bull's content marketing. Were you aware that their sponsorships, online presence, and advertising were part of a content
If you were the C EO of a large company, would you invest in t he Olympics? Why or w hy not?
Besides increased sales, w hat other benefits would a firm earn by investing in the Olympic Games?
Think back to the recent O lympic Games-d id any of the companies benefit after the torch went out?
Do you think it was a worthwhile investment to sponsor t he O lympic Games?
Using the Internet, do some market research t o det ermine what companies are selling t he larg·est sof t drinks and cups of coffee. Has t here been any backlash t o these extra-large si zes from
Do you notice when your favourite rest aurant or coffee shop changes t he size of its portions? If so, does it impact your purchasing behaviour? Why or why not?
What are some of t he potent ial advantages and disadvant ages of increasing the size of your products?
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