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construction project management
Questions and Answers of
Construction Project Management
What does the project management methodology specify? Describe the key features and topics addressed by the methodology. Discuss the kinds of tasks and deliverables covered in the methodology.
What are the benefi ts of a project management methodology? What are the disadvantages of an organization not having one?
Does the project manager try to help team members deal with job stress?Explain.
Is this a high-stress or low-stress project? Explain. If high stress, is it taken for granted that that is the way it must be or do people feel steps could be taken to reduce the stress?
Emotional stress is a personal issue, and most people are hesitant to speak about it other than on a general level. Still, you might ask the project manager or other team members about stresses they
Are any formal procedures used, such as RCT or IGPS, to resolve confl icts?
How does the project manager resolve confl ict? Is confrontation used?
How prevalent is confl ict, and what effect does it have on individual and project performance?
At the end of this (or other projects), what does the organization do to disband a team? Are there any procedures for giving recognition or dealing with members’feelings about disbanding?
Ask the project manager if he or she knows about formal team-building and intergroup problem-solving procedures like those described in this book.
How would you characterize the level of teamwork in this project?
What steps are taken to resolve problems involving multiple groups?
What kinds of formal and informal activities are used to increase the cohesiveness of the project team? Can any of these be termed team-building?
What mechanisms are used to link these teams—for example, coordinators, frequent meetings, or close proximity of workers?
Describe the different groups (management teams, project offi ce, functional groups) that comprise the project team in this project.
What do you think are the primary work motivators for people in this project?Discuss the relative importance of salary, career potential, incentives, and participation in decision-making.
What kind of people must the project manager infl uence? Given the theories of this chapter, is the project manager’s leadership style appropriate? Despite the theories, does the style used by the
How would you characterize the leadership style of the project manager in your project? Is it authoritarian, laissez faire (do nothing), or participative? Is the project manager task-oriented,
What are some ways of improving social support among project team members?
What is “social support?” What are the sources of social support? How does social support reduce job stress?
Describe the means by which (a) participative management and (b) role clarifi cation help to reduce work stress.
Describe each of these major sources of stress in project environment: project goals and schedules, work overload, role confl ict and ambiguity, and social/interpersonal relations. Describe your work
Describe intergroup problem-solving. What sources of confl ict does it resolve?
Describe the role clarifi cation technique. What sources of confl ict does it resolve?
What conditions must exist for confrontation to be successful?
Explain how the project manager uses confrontation to resolve confl ict.
Describe fi ve ways of dealing with confl ict.
Explain why some confl ict is natural and benefi cial.
What are the negative consequences of confl ict in projects?
Describe how the sources of confl ict vary with the phases of the project life cycle.
What are the sources of confl ict between parties in the project organization?
What are the sources of confl ict between the user and the contractor? How do contracts lead to confl ict?
What do you think are the reasons why team-building is not used more often?What barriers are there to applying team-building?
Describe some situations that you know of where team-building could be used.
What conditions of management and the team members are necessary for teambuilding interventions to succeed?
Outline the steps in the IGPS process.
Outline the steps in a team-building session for a group that has been working together. Outline the steps for building a new project team.
What is the purpose of team-building? Where is team-building needed?
What is meant by group process issues? What kinds of issues do they include?
What characteristics are common to Vaill’s high-performing systems?
Why is teamwork important in projects? Isn’t it enough that individual workers are highly skilled and motivated?
How is participative management useful for motivating and gaining commitment?
Discuss the differences between the leadership models of Fiedler and Hersey-Blanchard. What do these models say about leadership in the situations faced by project managers?
Describe the contingency approach to leadership. According to this approach, what is the best way to lead?
Explain the difference between task-oriented and relations-oriented leadership styles.
What has been the role of top management in your project? What, in general, is the involvement of top management in projects in this organization?
Is there a manager of projects? A project champion? A sponsor? Describe their responsibilities and infl uence on the project.
What functional managers are involved in this project? Describe their responsibilities in the project, decisions they make unilaterally, and decisions they share with the project manager.
Is there a project offi ce? If not, how are the responsibilities (e.g., for contract administration) handled? If so, who is in the project offi ce (a project engineer, contract administrator, fi eld
How does this project manager fi ll the role: part- or full-time, shared or rotated with other managers, manager of several projects at once? Explain. Does the project manager have enough time to do
From where does this organization get its project managers? Does it have a procedure or seminars for training and selecting project managers? Where did the manager of your project come from?
How big would you say is the project manager’s authority gap? Explain. Does the project manager have any complaints about it?
Describe the project manager’s authority. How much legal authority does the project manager have? Is the project manager’s authority specifi ed in the organization charter?
Describe the project manager’s professional background. Has it helped or hindered his or her ability to be a project manager? (You might pose this question to the project manager.)
Would you describe the project manager’s orientation as being more technical or more managerial? Explain.
In your opinion, is the so-called project manager the real project manager, or is someone else controlling the project? If the latter, what effect does this have on the project manager’s ability to
Describe in one sentence the overall role for the project manager of your project.Now, list his or her specifi c responsibilities.
Where in the organization structure is the project manager? Show this on an organization chart.
In your project, what is the formal title given to the role of project manager?
Who is the project champion, who is the project sponsor, and who are the stakeholders?What infl uence do they have on a project?
Describe the responsibilities of the functional manager, the project leader, and the work-package supervisor in project management and their interfaces with one another.
Describe the project-related responsibilities of top management.
Describe the responsibilities of the manager of projects.
Describe the responsibilities of key members of the project offi ce for a large-scale project.
How are project managers trained on the job? What are the advantages and drawbacks of relying upon on-the-job training as a source for project managers?
Discuss the pros and cons of the various ways of fi lling the role of project manager(e.g., part-time, multiple project managers for one project, one manager for multiple projects, etc.).
Discuss the considerations in selecting a project manager from among each of the following groups: experienced project managers, functional managers, functional specialists.
List the ideal qualifi cations—personal, behavioral, technical—for project managers.How do they differ from the qualifi cations for functional managers? How do these vary depending on the project?
What is the most common source of infl uence used by project manages? How does the project manager use this infl uence to induce functional managers to assign personnel to the project?
What is meant by the “authority gap?”
How does the authority of the typical project manager differ from authority of other managers?
Describe how and in what ways people in organizations, regardless of hierarchical position, infl uence others.
What is legal authority? How does it differ from charismatic authority?
Why is a broad background essential for the project manager? What is a broad background?
Discuss the relative need for both technical and managerial competence in project management.
Describe the responsibilities of a project manager. In what ways are budgeting, scheduling, and controlling considered as integration and coordination responsibilities?
What is meant by “the project manager is an evangelist and entrepreneur?”
What is the project manager’s primary role?
Did the project use a concurrent engineering team? If so, discuss how this concept was applied and tailored to fi t the project.
Are there prime and associate contractors involved? If so, what is the function of the company you are studying (prime contractor, subcontractor, or supplier), and how does it fi t into the structure
How does the project manager integrate functional areas?
Is there a project offi ce? Is there also an offi ce of projects or a program offi ce? In each case:(a) Describe the offi ce and how it is used(b) Describe the members of the project or program offi
Critique the project design. Is it appropriate for the project goal, the parent organization, and the environment?
How was the project structure developed? Has it “evolved” during the project?Who designs or has infl uence on the project structure? What role did the project manager have in its design? Is the
What form of project structure is used in your project? Show the project organization chart; indicate the key roles and the authority and communication links between them.
How does your project fi t into the organization chart of the parent organization?
In your project, how is the parent organization organized—for example, functionally or geographically? Show the organization chart, its overall breakdown, and relationships.
What do you think are some of the major diffi culties in changing from a traditional non-integrated development approach to a concurrent engineering approach?
What parties should or might be included in a concurrent engineering team?What are the contributions of each? How does their inclusion in the team improve (a) the systems development process and (b)
One form of integration contractor is the wedding consultant; another is the consultant who organizes high school reunions. For each of these• List the various groups, organizations, and individual
Describe the role of the prime contractor and integration contractor in large projects.
What is meant by the informal organization? Give some examples. How does it help or hinder the formal organization? How can its benefi cial aspects be infl uenced by the project manager?
What is the project offi ce? Describe its purpose. Who is in the project offi ce?How should members be selected for the project offi ce?
Give some examples of organizations where each of these project forms has been used.
Describe the applications, advantages, and disadvantages for each of the following:Project task force Project team Pure project and project center Matrix.
Describe the responsibility and authority for each of the following:Project expeditor Project coordinator Project leader in a pure project Project leader in a matrix.
What distinguishes project forms from other forms of organization?
What are the advantages of functional organizations? What are the disadvantages?
List the various forms of integration. Give examples of each. Which of these are“lateral” forms of integration?
What are the traditional forms of differentiation? List some companies that presently use each.
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