Table 9.7 displays associations among smoking status (S), breathing test results (B), and age (A) for workers
a. Specify a baseline-category logit model with additive factor effects of S and A. This model has deviance G2 = 25.9. Show that df = 4, and explain why this model treats all variables as nominal.
b. Treat B as ordinal and S as ordinal in terms of how recently one was a smoker, with scores {si}. Consider the model
with a1 = 0 and a2 = 1. Show that this assumes a linear effect of S with slope β1 for age < 40 and β1 + β3 for age 40 59. Using {si = i}, β = 0.115, βÌ2 = 0.311, and βÌ3 = 0.663 (SE = 0.164). Interpret the interaction.
c. From part (b), for age 40 59 show that the estimated odds of abnormal rather than borderline breathing for current smokers are 2.18 times those for former smokers and exp(2 Ã 0.778) = 4.74 times those for never smokers. Explain why the squares of these values are estimated odds of abnormal rather than normal breathing.
Table 9.7:
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