A therapist at the Acme College Counseling Center noted a high prevalence of adjustment disorder among incoming
A therapist at the Acme College Counseling Center noted a high prevalence of adjustment disorder among incoming freshmen, with depression being the predominate symptom. The clinicians want to determine the characteristics of those most amenable to therapy over a course of 10 sessions.
Data set: Ch 13 – Exercise 05B.sav
Variable: Treatment_effectiveness
Definition: [Outcome] Did the treatment resolve the adjustment disorder?
Type: Categorical
0 = Treatment ineffective
1 = Treatment effective [←BASIS FOR MODEL]
Variable: Gender
Definition: [Predictor] Gender
Type: Categorical
0 = Female [←REFERENCE]
1 = Male
Variable: Age
Definition: [Predictor] Age
Type: Continuous
Variable: Units
Definition: [Predictor] Number of units the student is enrolled in
Type: Continuous
Variable: Work
Definition: [Predictor] Number of hours of (nonacademic) work per week
Type: Continuous
Variable: Treatment_modality
Definition: [Predictor] Form of treatment
Type: Categorical
0 = Individual [←REFERENCE]
1 = Group
Variable: Home
Definition: [Predictor] Living conditions at home
Type: Categorical
0 = Lives with family [←REFERENCE]
1 = Lives with roommate(s)
2 = Lives alone
a. Write the hypotheses.
b. Run each criterion of the pretest checklist (sample size, normality, multicollinearity) and discuss your findings.
c. Run the logistic regression analysis and document your findings (odds ratios and Sig. [p value], hypotheses resolution).
d. Write an abstract under 200 words detailing a summary of the study, the logistic regression analysis results, hypothesis resolution, and implications of your findings.
Step by Step Answer: