Regular surveys have been administered to customer who have interacted with the company. The surveys are typically
- Regular surveys have been administered to customer who have interacted with the company.
- The surveys are typically three-to-four minute questionnaires covering the overall experience and a number of scaled attributes to identify drivers of customer satisfaction or working with branch or call-center employees.
- Employees expressed apprehensions as to whether the past-state and future-state scales would prove to be comparable and if there would be any impact on the customer recommendation scores associated with employees.
- To understand the potential impact of changing the branch and care-center survey attributes from five- to- seven-point scales, company researchers developed two versions of the customer experience surveys to be administered within this customer panel.
- The results were analyzed and there was near-perfect alignment between top-box scores for the five-point scaled attributes and the top-box scores from the seven-point scaled attributes
1. What is the construct, or constructs, in this research?
2. What level of measurement did they use? Could they have used a different level? Why or why not?
3. How might the researchers have approached the measurement of validity?
4. The researchers hypothesized that the test results would show that the top-box scores from the five-point scales would be spread out over the top-two boxes on the seven-point scale. Why would they make his hypothesis? What did the tests actually show? What does this mean?
5. Go back and look at the types of research that is conducted with the Community Insights Research Panel. Next, review the various types of scales discussed in the chapter. Pick two scales and explain how they could be used with one of the types of research conducted with the Panel.
6. Why were employees worried about converting from a five to a seven-point scale? Under what circumstances would their worries have been justified?
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