20x1 2OXO Benchmark Formula 4.61 3.10 3.83 254 221 094 54.66 52.37 1.98 1.60 0.28 5241 98.00 Liquidity Ratios Current Ratio Quick Ratio Acid Test Ratio Days in Accounts Receivable 10 Days Cash on Hand 11 12 Average Payment Period (Daya) 13 14 Revenue, Expense, & Profitability Ratios 18 Operating Margin 19 Non-Operating Revenue 20 Return on Total Assets 21 Return on Not Assets Current Assets Current Lisbon (CashMarketable Securities + Not Receivable) / Current Labs (Cash Market Security/Current Labas Nor Patient Accounts Receivables/ (Net Patient Revenues/365) (Cash. Meble Securities Long-term Investments) / ((Operating Expenses. Depreciation & Amor Experte/365) Current Liabilities/((Operating Expenses. Depreciation Expense)/365) 0.00 52.00 4.5% 7.0% 3.0% Operating income / Total Operating Revenues 50% Non Operating Revenues and Other Income / Total Operating Revenue 4.3% Excess of Revenues over Expenses Total Assets 7.6% Excess of Revenues over Expenses / Net Assets 5.8% 7.5% 8.6% 10.4% Activity Ratios Total Asset Turnover Ratio PS Fred Asset Tumover Ratio 26 Age of Plant 0.54 407 (542) 0.75 203 (9.47) 1.06 Total Operating Revenues / Total Assets 2.51 Total Operating Revenues / Net Plant and Equipment 10:26 Accumulated Depreciation / Depreciation Expono D 11 Capital Structure Ratios Long-Term Debt to Net Assets Not Ansats to Total Assets Tine interest Earned Debt Service Coverage Ratio 21.9% 13.1% 77.4% 827% 14.17 16:21 0.01 47,9% Long-Term Debt/Net Assets 50.0% Net Assets / Total Assets 430 (Excess of Revenues over Expenses interest Expense) / Interest Expense 4.57 (Excess of Revenues over Expenses Interest Expense. Depreciation & Amortization Expense (Interest Expense + Principal Payments) 23 The debt principal payments each year are $5,500,000 5 Lady