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According to the authors, when does a company typically invest in test marketing? before the full product introduction at idea generation time before the product

According to the authors, when does a company typically invest in test marketing?

before the full product introduction

at idea generation time

before the product concept

after meeting with a stockholder

after a logistics discussion with suppliers

The stage of new-product development where the product and marketing program are tested in realistic market settings is called_______.

idea generation

concept testing

product concept


test marketing

Once the prototype of Wainwright Industries' new riding lawnmower, made especially for women, passes product tests, the next step is ________.

test marketing

focus group surveys



business analysis

In the ________ stage of new-product development, products undergo rigorous tests to make sure that they perform safely and effectively or that consumers will find value in them.

business analysis

idea generation

concept development and testing

product development

marketing mix

If the product or service passes the business analysis test, it moves into what stage?

concept development

product development

market testing

strategy development

product proposal

New World Releases is conducting a business analysis to determine which of the many new songs available to management should be released. Sales must be estimated before costs can be estimated. Which of the following did your text recommend for forecasting sales?

considering the history of market opinions

conducting surveys of competitors

considering the sales history of similar products and conducting surveys of market opinions

applying the PLC concept

none of the above

Once managers of The Grecian Urn have decided on their product concept and marketing strategy, they can evaluate the business attractiveness of the proposal in the ________ stage of the new-product development process.

business feasibility

feasibility study

business analysis

product acceptance

concept testing

A review of the sales, costs, and profit projections for a new product to find out whether they satisfy the company's objectives is called a ________.

business feasibility plan

market strategy development

business analysis

product acceptance


According to the authors, the marketing strategy for a new product typically includes all of the following except ___________.

identification of the target market

positioning of the new product relative to competing products

promotions and advertising expenditures

information on dealing with defective products

sales goals

The first part of the marketing strategy statement describes the target market; the planned product positioning; and goals for sales, profits, and ________.

market share


secondary market

competition's anticipated reaction

life-cycle duration

A _________ is a detailed description, drawing, or prototype of that idea that can be shown to potential customers.

concept test

product concept

marketing strategy

product development

business analysis

A detailed version of a new idea stated in meaningful customer terms is called a ________.

product idea

product concept

product image

product proposal

product movement

The R-W-W framework asks three questions: Is it real? Can we win? Is it worth doing? Marketers should ask these questions during the ________ stage of the new-product development process.

idea generation

idea screening

concept testing

product development


Your company decides to use external sources for developing new product ideas. Which of the following would be consulted?

company executives and professionals

company records and data

intrapreneurial programs



What are two major sources of new-product ideas?

internal sources and external sources

core-member sources and non-core-member sources

government sources and non-government sources

direct competitor sources and indirect competitor sources

distributor sources and non-distributor sources

The creation of a successful new product depends on a company's understanding of its ________ and its ability to deliver ________ to customers

competitors, distributors, and employees; new styles

customers, brands, products; product images

customers, competitors, and markets; superior value

product, marketing mix, and marketing strategy; functional features

product life cycle, legal responsibilities, and social responsibilities; innovations

Product improvements, product modifications, and original products can all be classified as ________.

pioneer products

new products

product concepts

product ideas

test products

What are the two ways that a company can obtain new products?

line extension and brand management

internal development and merger

new-product development and acquisition

service development and product extension

market mix modification and research and development

________ are industrial products that aid in the buyer's production or operations, including installations and accessory equipment.



Capital items

Specialty items


________ are those products purchased for further processing or for use in conducting a business.

Unsought products

Specialty products

Shopping products

Industrial products


________ are consumer products that the consumer either does not know about or knows about but does not normally think about buying. These products require a lot of advertising, personal selling, and other marketing efforts.

Specialty products

Line extensions

Unsought products

Shopping products

Convenience products

________ are consumer products and services with unique characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort.

Shopping products

Unsought products

Specialty products

Industrial products

Line extensions

________ are products and services bought by final consumers for personal consumption. These include convenience products, shopping products, specialty products, and unsought products.


Consumer products

Line extensions

Industrial products

Straight extensions

Products and services fall into two broad classifications based on the types of consumers that use them. Which of the following is one of these broad classes?

industrial products

specialty products

supplies and services

materials and parts

convenience products

Product planners must design the actual product and also find ways to ________ it in order to create the bundle of benefits that will create the most customer value.






Product planners consider products and services on three levels. The most basic level is the ________, which addresses the question, "What is the buyer really buying?"

actual product

augmented product

core customer value



Product is a key element in a company's ________, which may, at one extreme, consist of pure tangible goods or, at the other extreme, pure services.

market offering

brand equity

brand extension


core customer value

A ________ is defined as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.

private brand

service variability



service encounter

The major purpose of test marketing is to provide management with the information needed to make a final decision about ________.

how to develop a market strategy

which market to compete in

whether to launch the new product

how to compete in the market

how long to compete in the market

What is the final step in the new-product development process?

idea generation

product concept

concept testing



__________ refers to inviting broad communities of people (such as customers, employees, independent scientists, and researchers) into the new-product innovation process.

Internal teams

External teams



Market development

__________ refers to the identification of good ideas (and the dropping of poor ones) as soon as possible.


Idea generation

Concept testing

Idea screening

Concept development

________ refers to a detailed version of the new-product idea stated in meaningful consumer terms.

Product generation

The product concept

Product testing

Product commercialization

Product crowdsourcing

Which theory suggests that new products sometimes fail because they are unable to cross the gaps between the different market segments of innovators, early adopters, early majority, and late majority?

idea evaluation theory

diffusion of innovation theory

idea screening theory

life cycle theory

data processing theory

Increasing profits will most likely occur at which stage of the PLC?

product development





Some products that have entered the decline stage have been cycled back to the growth stage through ________.


concept testing

business analysis

innovation management

customer-centered product development

Which of the following is an accurate description of a style?

Styles appear in home, clothing, but seldom in art.

Once a style is invented, it will only last for a few months.

A style has a cycle showing several periods of renewed interest.

Styles tend to attract only a limited following.

Styles are complicated modes of expression.

In which stage of the PLC will promotional expenditures be especially high in an attempt to create consumer awareness?

product development





In which stage of the PLC would promotional expenditures most likely increase as a company attempts to react to increasing competition?

product development





Which stage in the PLC normally lasts longer and poses strong challenges to the marketing managers?






Most products in the marketplace are in the ________ stage of the product life cycle.

Group of answer choices






Which of the following best represents the options a company has when a product is declining?

maintain or harvest the product

harvest or drop the product

maintain, harvest, or drop the product

maintain or pioneer the product

pioneer, harvest, or maintain the product

A manufacturer with a product in the decline stage of the product life cycle might decide to ________ if it has reason to hope that competitors will leave the industry.

harvest the product

maintain the product without change

drop the product

search for replacements

delay planning

________ is one of the marketer's major positioning tools because it has a direct impact on product or service performance; it is therefore closely linked to customer value and satisfaction.


Product quality

Total quality management

Specialty marketing


According to the authors, quality can be defined as __________.

positive post-purchase dissonance

brand equity

freedom from defects

quality assurance

customer-centered thinking

Which of the following internal professional membership organizations monitor product quality?

Society of Public Company

Society of Quality Management

Society of Consumer Assurance

Society of Quality Assurance

Society of Firm Management

A stripped-down model without any extras is the starting point; a company can create a higher-level model by adding ________.



product quality

service variability


A sensational ________ may grab consumers' attention and produce pleasing aesthetics, but it does not necessarily improve a product's performance.




service-profit chain

augmented product

________ involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.


Product line




The ________ requires sellers to provide detailed nutritional information on all prepackaged food products.

Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1966

Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act.

Labeling Act of 1970

Packaging Act of 1970

Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914

Many companies now use the Internet to provide ________.

labeling information

brand equity

support services

packaging advantages

product mixes

The major product line decision involves ________.

line stretching

moving the line upward or downward

product line filling

product line length

product packaging

Berkowitz Piano Company can expand its product line in one of two common ways. Which of the following is one of those ways?

internal marketing

line filling

product mixing

social marketing

line mixing

An alternative to product line stretching is ________, adding more items within the present range of the line.

product mixing

interactive marketing

product line filling


service marketing

When a company lengthens its product line beyond its current range, it is ________.

product line filling

product line stretching

product mixing

increasing product depth

building brand equity

A ________ consists of all the product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale.

product mix

brand line

consumer mix

packaging mix

line extension

Which term best describes the following statement? "Campbell's products are highly uniform in that they perform similar functions for buyers and are available via the same distribution channels."

marketing length

marketing height

product mix consistency

marketing strategic perimeter

marketing mix depth

Service providers must consider four special service characteristics when designing marketing programs. Which is the BEST description?

service intangibility, service heterogeneity, service inseparability, service variability

service inseparability, service heterogeneity, service intangibility, service variability

service perishability, service heterogeneity, service inseparability, service variability

service heterogeneity, service perishability, service inseparability, service intangibility

service variability, service intangibility, service inseparability, service perishability

Through ________, the service firm trains and motivates its customer-contact employees and supporting service people to work as a team to provide customer satisfaction.

service inseparability

service intangibility

service variability

internal marketing

external marketing

A hickory rocking chair, handmade by an French woodcarver in northern Quebec from locally grown wood, is an example of a(n) ________.

convenience product

shopping product

specialty product


augmented product

Mabel Lu is planning to buy a new washing machine. She notices that they come in numerous price ranges. She wants to make sure she gets the most for her money. This product is a(n) ________ product.






Which of the following is the MOST important for product designers to consider as they develop a product?

which product features can be added to create higher-level models

how the product appears

what the product's technical specifications are

how customers will use and benefit from the product

how the product is packaged to attract spontaneous purchases

Helene Curtis began to market shampoo for normal hair. In an attempt to increase profits and use excess market capacity, Helene Curtis then marketed shampoo for oily hair and colour-treated hair. This is an example of ________.

line filling

social marketing

a shopping product

an unsought product

people marketing

A new approach to idea generation invites broad communities of internal and external people into the new product innovation process. This approach is called ________.


concept development

competitive intelligence

soliciting new users

marketing research

According to the authors, the marketing strategy for a new product typically excludes ________.

identification of the target market

positioning of the new product relative to competing products

promotions and advertising expenditures

information on dealing with defective products

sales goals

In the ________ stage of new-product development, products undergo rigorous tests to make sure that they perform safely and effectively.

business analysis

idea generation

concept development and testing

product development

marketing mix

The ________ is a model that proposes that a "chasm" exists between early adopters of a product and the early majority.

innovation life cycle

technology adoption life cycle

product life cycle

diffusion cycle

marketing life cycle

A company wants to sustain this stage as long as possible.






A manufacturer with a product in the decline stage of the product life cycle might decide to ________ if it has reason to hope that competitors will leave the industry.

harvest the product

maintain the product without change

drop the product

search for replacements

delay planning

Developing a product involves defining the benefits that it will offer. These benefits are communicated and delivered by ________ such as quality, features, and style and design.

private brands

product attributes

consumer products

product mixes

marketing tools

________ is one of the marketer's major positioning tools because it has a direct impact on product or service performance; it is therefore closely linked to customer value and satisfaction.


Product quality

Total quality management

Specialty marketing


In recent years, marketers are concerned about packaging that minimizes environmental, social and economic impacts. They are developing ________ packaging.





long lasting

At the very least, the ________ identifies the product or brand. It might also describe several things about the product and promote the brand.

line extension

social marketing


specialty product


Many companies now use the Internet to provide product ________.

labeling information

brand equity

support services

packaging advantages

product mixes

Berkowitz Piano Company can expand its product line in one of two common ways. Which of the following is one of those ways?

internal marketing

line filling

product mixing

social marketing

line mixing

When a company lengthens its product line beyond its current range, it is ________.

product line filling

product line stretching

product mixing

increasing product depth

building brand equity

A ________ consists of all the product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale.

product mix

brand line

consumer mix

packaging mix

line extension

The ________ of the product mix refers to how closely related the various product lines are in end use, production requirements, distribution channels, or some other way.






________ means that services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled before they are bought.

Service inseparability

Service variability

Service intangibility

Service perishability

Service heterogeneity

Through ________, the service firm trains and motivates its customer-contact employees and supporting service people to work as a team to provide customer satisfaction.

service inseparability

service intangibility

service variability

internal marketing

external marketing

When the Twin Six Cafe provides gourmet menu options to its customers, as well as impeccable service-which even allows customers to hand-select their own cuts of meat- ________ is/are evident.

only an actual product

only an augmented product

only a core benefit

both a core benefit and an actual product

a core benefit, an actual product, and an augmented product

Which of the following is at the core for product designers to consider as they develop a product?

which product features can be added to create higher-level models

how the product appears

what the product's technical specifications are

how customers will use and benefit from the product

how the product is packaged to attract spontaneous purchases

The impossibility of a barber storing haircuts for later sale is an example of which of the following?

service intangibility

service inseparability

service variability

service perishability

provider-customer interaction

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