chrome extension./i/bpmcpldpdmajfigpchkicefoigmkfalc/views/app.html Office Eiting for Docs, Sheets & Slides K16XLVOLIGRADERCAPAS Travel Vacations,15 Instructions.doc: Dounload e Edit Format Tools Help a a Plain Text . r On the Cties worksheet, click cell F4 and enter a formala that will subtract the Departure Date (B1) 17 the Retum Date (B2) and then mulkiply the result by the Rental Car per Day value (F3) n the Cities worksheet, click cell E13. Depending on the city, you will either take a shuttle to/from If the city contains Yes, airport or sent a car. Insert an IF function that compares to see if Yes or No is located in the Rental ? Column for a city. If the city contains No, display the value in cell F2. 18 the value in the Rental Car Total (F4). Copy the function from cell E13 and use the Paste On the Cities worksheet, click cell F13. The lodging is based on a multiplier by City Type. Some cities ompares it to the CryCO. tange ( A7 :B10), and returns the COL percentage. Then multiply the result Formulas option to copy the function to the range E14:E18 without removing the border in cell E18 are more expeesive than others. Insert a VLOOKUP function that looks up the City Type (B13). 19 the lookup function by the Total Base Lodging (B5) to get the estimated lodging for the first city. he function from cell F13 and use the Paste Fomulas option to copy the function to the range 14.F18 without removing the border in celI F18 the Citles worksheet, click cell H13 and enter the function that cakculates the total costs for the first the Paste Formulas option to copy the function to the range 20 Copy the tunction in cell 1H13 and use 114 H18 without removing the border in cell H18. 21 the Cities worksheet, select the range E14:H18 and apply Comma Style with zero decimal places. the range E131H13 and apply Accounting Number tormat with zero decimal places. On the Cies worksheet, in cell 12, enter a function that will calculate the average total cost per city. In 22 ell 3, enter a function that will identify the lowest sotal cost. In cell 14 enter a function that will return highest total cost On the Cites worksheet, select Landscape orientaon, et a 1-inch top margin, and center the 23 data horizostally on the page. Current Instruction.docx Office 2016-mysab grader-nstructions chrome extension./i/bpmcpldpdmajfigpchkicefoigmkfalc/views/app.html Office Eiting for Docs, Sheets & Slides K16XLVOLIGRADERCAPAS Travel Vacations,15 Instructions.doc: Dounload e Edit Format Tools Help a a Plain Text . r On the Cties worksheet, click cell F4 and enter a formala that will subtract the Departure Date (B1) 17 the Retum Date (B2) and then mulkiply the result by the Rental Car per Day value (F3) n the Cities worksheet, click cell E13. Depending on the city, you will either take a shuttle to/from If the city contains Yes, airport or sent a car. Insert an IF function that compares to see if Yes or No is located in the Rental ? Column for a city. If the city contains No, display the value in cell F2. 18 the value in the Rental Car Total (F4). Copy the function from cell E13 and use the Paste On the Cities worksheet, click cell F13. The lodging is based on a multiplier by City Type. Some cities ompares it to the CryCO. tange ( A7 :B10), and returns the COL percentage. Then multiply the result Formulas option to copy the function to the range E14:E18 without removing the border in cell E18 are more expeesive than others. Insert a VLOOKUP function that looks up the City Type (B13). 19 the lookup function by the Total Base Lodging (B5) to get the estimated lodging for the first city. he function from cell F13 and use the Paste Fomulas option to copy the function to the range 14.F18 without removing the border in celI F18 the Citles worksheet, click cell H13 and enter the function that cakculates the total costs for the first the Paste Formulas option to copy the function to the range 20 Copy the tunction in cell 1H13 and use 114 H18 without removing the border in cell H18. 21 the Cities worksheet, select the range E14:H18 and apply Comma Style with zero decimal places. the range E131H13 and apply Accounting Number tormat with zero decimal places. On the Cies worksheet, in cell 12, enter a function that will calculate the average total cost per city. In 22 ell 3, enter a function that will identify the lowest sotal cost. In cell 14 enter a function that will return highest total cost On the Cites worksheet, select Landscape orientaon, et a 1-inch top margin, and center the 23 data horizostally on the page. Current Instruction.docx Office 2016-mysab grader-nstructions