Dettol: Marketing Research for Understanding Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extensions Viewing Dettol's high level of customer loyalty and trust, Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd. wanted to exploit its brand equity by extending it into other categories. However, some of the extensions were not successful in the market. The case talks about an empirical study conducted to understand consumer evaluation of different extensions of Dettol. The research obiectives were: 1. Consumer belief about Dettol and how they would relate it to brand extensions. 2. How these beliefs inuence evaluations of brand extensions. 3. Consumer perception t between parent brand and its extensions. 4. Examining how certain role factors of parent brand inuence consumer assessment of extensions. The research design was clone using Aaker and Keller's model to evaluate the consumer attitude towards brand extension. The parameters for the study were: 0 Overall t of parent brand 0 Fit between parent brand and the extension: 0 Complementarity. 0 Su bstitutablity. 0 Transfer of skill. 0 Degree of difculty in designing and making a product in extension category. The study method consisted of: 0 Qualitative study open ended associations for parent and the extensions. 0 Quantitative survey - questions to be rated on 7-point scale. One extension each from Rayban and Colgate were added to the extension product portfolio to reduce bias. Sample: IIMA students (age: 21-26 years, from different parts of India) Result: Dettol Adhesive Bandage and Dettol Floor Cleaner were found to have highest attitude ratings despite having failed in the market. Probable issues in the study: 0 Sample consisted only of students from IIMA who were in their 20s. A diverse sample across the nation, segmented into age groups, community, income level could have provided better insights. 0 There were only 20% female in the sample who were college students. A more representative sample should have included housewives as they have a major say in purchasing home care products. 0 The close relation between Adhesive Bandage and oor cleaner extensions, with the parent brand might have resulted for their high attitude ratings