For years, General Electric has been the pillar of manufacturing standards and stood as an icon for the American economy. Despite its strong history, CEO woes and a power struggle from within during the past few years have started to unravel the company's control. Jeff immelt, long-time CEO, was respected and revered for his discipline. However, this mentality took its toll and led to declines and complacency. The struggling company wanted change and desperately needed growth; it appointed John Flannery. Shortly after the appointment of Flannery, the new CEO pulled a change of his own as well-firing half of the company's board. This type of move was almost unheard of, and the purge as presented was planning to cut dividends and slash less profitable business lines. The pressure from investors was felt immediately by Flannery, and this move was a desperate attempt to regain some footing and remain atop the industry standard. Fast forward to 2018: after only one year on the job, the boord decided it was done waiting for the turnaround and took drastic action, ousting Flannery and obsorbing $23 biliion in loss from the process. The tumultuous and fost-paced changing tech-dominated economy of the 21st century showcoses the harsh realities in this GE change of power. "The market didn't even give the company the benefit of the doubt that things would work" said ivan Feinseth, chief investmint officer at Tigress Financial Partners. "Flannery's plan hasn't worked." The market fovours tech componies such as Google and Amazon rather than traditional marnufacturers And the new CEO, Lowrence Culp, will hove on Uphill bottle to take over oll of the woes of GE. As the first outsider to take over leodership, he has a lot to prove os Well. His successes at Donaher preceded him and the company's stock has soored since the chonge occurred, olieady showing o positive impact. Required: Apply your knowledge of Power and Politicsin Organisations to explain why flannecy falled as the new CEO of GE