Having a hard time figuring out the equation? I know it's pretty direct but I'm receiving errors?
11 of 11 14. Now we need to initialize the variables that were created in the step 13. 15. Now we need to create listeners for the buttons. The formula for calculating the monthly payment Payment (interest principal) (1-Math 1 interest, -period); Note: The user will enter in a percentage for theinterest rate so you must take the value entered and divide it by 1200 to convert it to a decimal amount and a monthly interest rate. protected void onCreate Bundle savedInsta ate) onCreate (savedInstal setContentview (R. layout .actavity etxt Principal EditText etxtPrincipal findviewById (R.id. etartInterest) etaktperioda EditText find View Byld (R-id etartPerioda); etakt Principal find ievByld R.id etartPaymen protected void reset Form (View v) etat Principal setText remainder of code protected void calculate Payment IView v) double principal Double paraeDouble etak tPrincipal getText toString double interest Double paraeDouble letxtInterest-getText to String /1200 remainder of code 16. Now we have completed coding. It's time to run the application. 11 of 11 14. Now we need to initialize the variables that were created in the step 13. 15. Now we need to create listeners for the buttons. The formula for calculating the monthly payment Payment (interest principal) (1-Math 1 interest, -period); Note: The user will enter in a percentage for theinterest rate so you must take the value entered and divide it by 1200 to convert it to a decimal amount and a monthly interest rate. protected void onCreate Bundle savedInsta ate) onCreate (savedInstal setContentview (R. layout .actavity etxt Principal EditText etxtPrincipal findviewById (R.id. etartInterest) etaktperioda EditText find View Byld (R-id etartPerioda); etakt Principal find ievByld R.id etartPaymen protected void reset Form (View v) etat Principal setText remainder of code protected void calculate Payment IView v) double principal Double paraeDouble etak tPrincipal getText toString double interest Double paraeDouble letxtInterest-getText to String /1200 remainder of code 16. Now we have completed coding. It's time to run the application