I. General Principles - Project will be done in teams. At most two students can be in a project group. - Each group can perform the project with any website content they prefer. - A progress report has to be filled up and uploaded to moodle. - Any sort of cheating and/or plagiarism will be punished by failure from the course and a report to the disciplinary committee of the University. - BOOTSTRAP is not allowed to be used. - Project concerns Web software development. Outcome should be demonstrated as Web site. - Use external .css file(s) for all of your styles. - All necessary JavaScript functions will be at external .js file(s). - Try to design with good graphical elements. Use styles and pictures/images/etc. - Due date of the project is strict there will be no postponing of the project. Get your projects ready before the due date. Grading: II. Term Project Details You need to prepare a web site for a company which provides online shopping and give details about its services/items. The web site will include the following 4 pages which should be connected with links through navigation menu done using CSS. - Page 1r Home Page of the Company You need to provide general iaformation about a company and its sevices with some attractive images as a home page. - Page 2. items Page - Itlormatien about each items and services of the Company You need to provide detaled description and imuges for eath itema/services. - Page 3 . Owlise Shoppling Form Desien a pape for calniatine the total anourt of moner that the veritor will pay with the selected Aems, and thei grisel. Uoe the beker Ooliee shoping form as a refarence to dewgn it. Note that, the motem should validest earh forms eleent. - Fage a contact us User should be able ta fal the contact form with tir/her nume, ivmame, and addional comments. And, then the system showd rollete eath form element. Online shopoins Frem o. User should be able ss selent multiple products ria "Add to Basiet" butters. Coch tine the user cilck an the bution, a peoduit a I be added so the vien' baiket. o. Use a drop down meno for the property of a seodoct that the visise would the to buy. Whenever the property sf the preduct is changed, "Preduat deserigtion" and "Price" of the preduct have to be vpdated. o. The vitor cen perfon the poyment by ditine on the "Chechout" button after filing up all the needed information that has ta be provided for the Busket. Baket of the vishor contains the following informationc D gayment method vu radio buttonsione poymant optians tan be selected, D. nomue on the Cand wia teat fleld: four text fielda each of with 15 sharacters length, o repire date va two drobdown itwinu: for month and year selectians, respectively, D. CVY of the card vis trat field a text firld with accepting orly 3 number. Total Cost of the selectes itsm thould agpeor with the tetat number of all selected inems: 0. Total: The price for eash product recarding greperties muy vary but you need to multioly the product price with the selected units (Le aspume that J units of "Product 1 with "Property 3" and 2 unifs of "Pveduct 4 " weth "Proparty 1" is selected, then the Total = ferice of Product 1 far Property 3) * 3 - (grice of Prodact 4 for Preserty 1) * 2 . Total cost is the sumnarion of seleched itume' corg and in thould appear after the "Chechout' buttan is dicked, If the total cost is more then $1000, then delivery coat will not be applied; otherwise 10%. delivery cout will be calculuted fotatal cost 0.10 and adokd to the tocal cost. D. After the total cost appears, a confirmaticn message wail be prompted to ask the visitor if s/he accepts the calculated total cost for puyment. In case of acceptance; a thank you missage will be alerted, otherwise application withdraw meusage will be alerted