in java please
Given main0 and the Instrument class, define a derived class, StringInstrument, with methods to set and get private fields of the following types: - int to store the number of strings - int to store the number of frets - boolean to store whether the instrument is bowed Ex. If the input is: Druman zildjian 2015 2500 Guitar Gibson 2002 1200 6 19 false the output is: Inatrument Information: Name: Drums Manufacturert zildjian Year built: 2015 Cost: 2500 Insteument intormation: Names Gultar Manufacturert Gibson Year bullt: 2002 Coelt: 1200 Nueber of atrings: 6 Number of fretsi 19 In bowedt false String instrumentName, manufacturerName, stringInstrumentName, stringManufacturer; int yearBuilt, cost, stringYearBuilt, stringCost, numStrings, numFrets; boolean bowed; instrumentName = scnr. nextLine() manufacturerName = scnr, nextLine(); 16171819202122232425262728293031yearBuilt=scnr.nextInt();Scnr.nextLine();cost=scnr.nextInt();scnr.nextLine();stringInstrumentName=scnr.nextLine();stringManufacturer=scnr.nextLine();stringYearBuilt=scnr.nextInt();stringCost=scnr.nextInt();numStrings=scnr.nextInt();numFrets=scnr.nextInt();bowed=scnr.nextBoolean();myInstrument.setName(instrumentName);myInstrument.setManufacturer(manufacturerName);myInstrument.setYearBuilt(yearBuilt);mvInstrument.set(ost(cost): myInstrument.printInfo(); myStringInstrument. setName(stringInstrument Name); myStringInstrument. setManufacturer(stringManufacturer); myStringInstrument. setYearBuilt(stringYearBuilt); myStringInstrument. setCost(stringCost); myStringInstrument. setNum0fStrings(numStrings); I myStringInstrument. setNum0fFrets(numFrets); myStringInstrument. setIsBowed(bowed); myStringInstrument,printInfo(); System.out.println(" Number of strings: " + myStringInstrument.getNumOfStrings( )); System.out.println(" Number of frets: " + myStringInstrument. getNumOffrets()); System,out.println(" Is bowed: " + myStringInstrument.getIsBowed( )); File is marked as read only Current file: - File is marked as read only Current file: - Current file: 1 // TOD0: Define a class: StringInstrument that is derived from the Instrument class 2 public class StringInstrument extends Instrument \{ /I TODO: Declare private fields I/ TODO: Define mutator methods - II setNumOfStrings(), setNumOfFrets(), setIsBowed() 1 I/ TODO: Define accessor methods - II getNumOfStrings(), getNumOffrets(), getIsBowed() \}